
The perfect day time pick up line

31 posts in this topic

13 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

Her family might beat you up, or she might say tou harrsed her.

Yes you have to avoid that. But the way to do that is not to hide your intent from her, you have to be socially calibrated and not do anything that she doesn't want.

Make her an accomplice in your game of naughtiness.

Give her a good excuse to spend time with a guy.

Maybe you can organise some sort of social hangout, or study group, what would be a good excuse that she could say to her family?

Edited by flowboy

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I've seen you blame girls for being stupid, I've seen you blame your environment... first you need to move to a different city, then an entire country... you're weaving a web of bullshit for yourself.

Do you really honestly believe that no person where you live is having sex without being married??

Edited by flowboy

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30 minutes ago, flowboy said:

AFAIK, in the most restrictive cultures, there's a subset of rebellious young people who don't care about sanctity of marriage and just wanna get laid. Men and women. I guarantee it.

They have secret gatherings or go to certain bars, somewhere, and do what God forbids.

Just find out where that is and go there

Yes, that is correct.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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1 minute ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Yes, that is correct.


@LSD-Rumi just get connected to that subgroup. Do you have friends you can ask about that?

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@LSD-Rumi Just start hanging out with the more liberal type of people. And avoid anyone that shows any signs of religion. Though, that can be hard if your city is very conservative. But there's Facebook, you can meet people and join their groups there. Check out some of the popular pages that post atheistic memes and stuff like that, and look in the comments. The page might have a dedicated group, or you can message people and ask them. Use a fake account for caution. Don't message the girls directly, they will think you're a troll or a test from some relative or a prank from a friend. Instead, look for a way to join groups of similar interests. Then you will get to know some people that are more open-minded and one thing will lead to another and it will get easier.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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41 minutes ago, flowboy said:

Are you creating a sexual vibe though?

Have you made out with any of these girls or not?

Yeah of course. I am very flirty but in a "friendly" way. You won't believe how much charisma I have.

Btw your attitide is a bit aggressive, try to tone it down :x

How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?”

“In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden’s mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty,” he replied.

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The beauty of a direct, intentful approach is that you quickly screen out girls who will never sleep with you.


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3 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

@LSD-Rumi Just start hanging out with the more liberal type of people. And avoid anyone that shows any signs of religion. Though, that can be hard if your city is very conservative. But there's Facebook, you can meet people and join their groups there. Check out some of the popular pages that post atheistic memes and stuff like that, and look in the comments. The page might have a dedicated group, or you can message people and ask them. Use a fake account for caution. Don't message the girls directly, they will think you're a troll or a test from some relative or a prank from a friend. Instead, look for a way to join groups of similar interests. Then you will get to know some people that are more open-minded and one thing will lead to another and it will get easier.

Cool, or I would just go to a hotel in the dead sea and hit on foreign women ?

Edited by LSD-Rumi

How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?”

“In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden’s mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty,” he replied.

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@LSD-Rumi I guess you could do that, but then you'd likely be skipping the transformation journey, which is the best part. There's so much growth in developing your social skills.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It is possible to do more indirect game by building social circle type of stuff. That's it's own kind of game. Then you gotta set up social activities for these girls and invite them out.

Most couples I have seen actually do this but not in an organized calculated way.

Basically social circle from what I see in online videos, is to organize parties and stuff in order to get laid, but that is not how most guys date.

Usually they know a lot of people by just being social and going to things and in time from that they meet other people and pursue those they like. For example you go to your friend birthday party, meet people and then you pursue one you like. Or you go ice skating with some friends and someone invites a friend and you get to know them. Then you add them in social media and start pursuing them by texting them. After a bit of texting you ask them to meet you 1 on 1.

Usually the volume will be a lot lower but each lead is a lot stronger because you already have a lot of value by just being friend with their friend (from safety pov). Also your friends can DHV you if needed. 

Just to note this is not necessarily a strategy people do to get laid, they just live their life normally and they naturally meet people this way and date ones they like. I notice the return ratio is way higher than pickup (maybe you get 1 date per 3/4 girls you pursue).

That is how I got like 1/3 of all dates in my life haha.

Are you familiar with this? Not necessary you personally but people you may know.

To me this is true social circle not organizing parties to get laid and stuff (to me it seems like another form of pickup).

The biggest drawback I found is that you need to already have some skill for this to work. As a total noob it will not work because you have less volume. However if you have some ok skill then you can capitalize on that volume since it is a lot more prominent.

Edited by Karmadhi

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9 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

@LSD-Rumi I guess you could do that, but then you'd likely be skipping the transformation journey, which is the best part. There's so much growth in developing your social skills.

I am already developed dude. You won't beleived it, even I don't. It is like my charisma went from zero to infinity in a week. Jesus.

How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?”

“In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden’s mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty,” he replied.

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