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The beatles were right 'all you need is love'

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People that cause acts of violence ie war, terroism, shootings,  bullying, mistreating people, peadophilesa and sex offenders etc Some people lack empathy for some reason it could be  autism or a mood disorder/ personality disrder, or psychosis, psychopathy or ti could be a bad childhood, abuse, neglect, bullying, l, this leaves people feel on the outside looking in that they dont belong, when you feel like u dont belong, that your not loved and u have to survival all on your own with noone to go through it.Making friends, and attracting  a partner , fine place in society, all requires letting yourself be vulnerable , sharing stuff u might be ashamed of with us, talking through it and healing . You fall in  love, to fall means to surrender and let go of control. I feel that people that really lack empathy are not untreatable they love, society should be re-organise itself around love. Start with yourself, then u can try and radiate out to others and try to heal them . YOUR LOVED REGARDLESS by the universe. Even  if u are an incel guy on the forum that feels like people dont like him and he'll never have friends or a girlfriend. Forget the past, forget past social mistakes or rejections or people being mean to youthat just mean they "hated themselves and were lashing out at you), Love yourself for being insecure or needy or hating a woman because u felt like crap. Accept ti and move on, go out and talk to people , connect, join a spiritual group,, its ok if you get it wrong i BELIEVE IN YOU

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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They are running off of ego programs that are like computer viruses infecting their well-being. You're not going to be able to save them unless they want to be saved. If it's their time it will come naturally to them. Otherwise have compassion for them and let them live their lives and make their mistakes.

I believe in you, too :-)

Edited by sholomar

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On 2/16/2023 at 9:36 AM, Chives99 said:

People that cause acts of violence ie war, terroism, shootings,  bullying, mistreating people, peadophilesa and sex offenders etc Some people lack empathy for some reason it could be  autism or a mood disorder/ personality disrder, or psychosis, psychopathy or ti could be a bad childhood, abuse, neglect, bullying, l, this leaves people feel on the outside looking in that they dont belong, when you feel like u dont belong, that your not loved and u have to survival all on your own with noone to go through it.Making friends, and attracting  a partner , fine place in society, all requires letting yourself be vulnerable , sharing stuff u might be ashamed of with us, talking through it and healing . You fall in  love, to fall means to surrender and let go of control. I feel that people that really lack empathy are not untreatable they love, society should be re-organise itself around love. Start with yourself, then u can try and radiate out to others and try to heal them . YOUR LOVED REGARDLESS by the universe. Even  if u are an incel guy on the forum that feels like people dont like him and he'll never have friends or a girlfriend. Forget the past, forget past social mistakes or rejections or people being mean to youthat just mean they "hated themselves and were lashing out at you), Love yourself for being insecure or needy or hating a woman because u felt like crap. Accept ti and move on, go out and talk to people , connect, join a spiritual group,, its ok if you get it wrong i BELIEVE IN YOU

   Based on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life and lived experiences so far, and other lines of development in various domains of life, and ideologies indoctrinated from birth and upbringing, what you or another person loves, and what your in group and their out group loves, have different degrees and types. Just because you or some other person has radical levels of cognition, morality, values, states of being, and life experiences does not mean they lack love, it means their love they have internally for themselves, and the love they can express outwardly varies. Just because some radicals who have stage purple-red values does not mean they have no love or extreme lack of love, they still have love, but differently in degree and type from you and your culture. Love is mostly relative.

   Yes, there's Absolute love, ultimately, and GOD is completely impartial to all human dealings of love. However, among humans, love is highly weaponized and corrupted by human biases and preferences.

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I believe in my fellow human

and I hope they have faith in me

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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All meaningless really. It's not the way the world is.

You might as well say "all we need is for people to be different to how they are".

Humanity and Society are difficult problems to crack.

Life is never that simple.

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