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I'm trying to grow spiritually so I discovered that the only thing I need from women is ultimately sex. I don't need to get love from women or to be taken care of because I'm successfully doing it myself. On the other hand I have this need for sex, but I don't want to objectify women, but I would be a hypocrite if I say that I need something more than that. For this reason I don't want to approach girls pretending as though I'm interested in discovering their personality when in reality I'm not. 

The only option left is prostitutes, but are there any other options? 

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You're not objectifying women. You're objectifying sex. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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29 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

You're not objectifying women. You're objectifying sex. 

Maybe I should stop pursuing it completely because as soon as I have a sex with a girl I lose most of my interest that wasn't real in the first place I just lie to myself in order to get sex. 

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Given that money isn't a problem. There are a lot of men who live that way. I worked with someone who was single and spend half of his salary on prostitutes.

Personally I have feelings of hostility towards the prostitution institution because of the suffering it's causing for women, most of women in there are from a socioeconomically low background and they do that because they had no other opportunities in their lives, many of them are mentaly ill because of bad upbringing, and drug addicts from young ages. 

If you want to do a conscience choice, I'm not sure that prostitution is more conscience than manipulating women that you don't care about into sleep with you.

If you want to really grow spirituality, try to see women as equal human beings, there will be your real growth, in the things that you resist the most.

Women are humans with feelings, desires, unique personalities, dreams, flaws and virtues. If you can't accept it and see the beauty in it, love it and appriciate it but only to objectify women and see only how they can satisfy your selfish needs, it means that you have a long path ahead, spiritualy. There is a correlation between a man's level of consciousness and the way he sees women and sex. 



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If you only want sex you have a reason to be honest. You can approach girls in nightclubs and try to get what you want. If they ask you you can explicitly state that you only want sex. If you feel that you have to burn through that karma, then you organism is expressing you its needs. Listen to it. When you blow off steam you can focus on other needs.

@Lila9 I don't think the OP trully underestimates women, he just has to go through an evolutionary stage that all men go through. I passed through it in my early puberty. A stage where I only saw the body of a woman. But don't forget that this is a developmental need that keeps the human race going. If men didn't need sex there wouldn't be any babies. Also, since he is honest, he is not doing any harm that would occur if he were dishonest about his true intentions and lured a woman into sex with the promise of a relationship. 

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1 hour ago, Lila9 said:


Women are humans with feelings, desires, unique personalities, dreams, flaws and virtues. If you can't accept it and see the beauty in it, love it and appriciate it but only to objectify women and see only how they can satisfy your selfish needs, it means that you have a long path ahead, spiritualy. There is a correlation between a man's level of consciousness and the way he sees women and sex. 


I like women in general and of course you're right, they are not here to satisfy men's needs because they have their own life to live. Correlation between a man's level of consciousness and how he perceive sex is indeed exists. At the highest level it's a complete transcendence of sexual desire or its sublimation. That's my ultimate goal. I've had plenty of  healthy and unhealthy relationships and what I noticed is that when I'm single I tend overestimate women and relationships but once I'm in relationships I become bored very quickly and the only thing that keeps me in relationships for a while is sex. But with time I'm getting bored with having sex with the same women and my mind starts to wonder around. I start to fantasize about other women which leads me to nowhere at the end. It's a constant chase that doesn't seem to have neither an end nor satisfaction. The only solution is to go against sexual instinct and of course it's difficult. 

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1 hour ago, Jannes said:

You can buy a sex doll. 

Hmm ? Actually it might be a good idea. Are they expensive? 

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