
Urge to scream

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when I am around people, I feel a tingling sensation and energy in my body. After a few seconds my pelvis tenses up and after a few minutes the whole body up to my neck and throat are tense. When I try to relax the tensed up body, the energy rises up to my throat and wants to manifest as a scream. Issue is: I can't scream around people. 

I have done meditation and therapy for years and any technique in my repertoire doesn’t help to calm the energy. The only thing that really helps is to scream. Of course I have thought about any option of screaming in another room or into something that absorbs the noise. Not practicable for my current situation. I’d like to solve it at the root.

Could be a chakra related issue, since I feel that the energy is coming from the pelvis. I am also reading about the brain and inflammation to reduce anxiety. Already taking L-Tryptophan and Gaba. What do you think could help?

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Usually when you feel like creaming it is sign of survival mechanism for emotions that you don't know how to face. You could try to be more subtle with yourself to see what is going on. Yelling is like all-inning in poker and if that is your go-to move you're going into troubles. You might win in short-term, but in long-term you're left with no money or knowlegde how to play the game. My approach for your problem would be to note how you really feel when you're about to yell and then contemplate that later when you have calmed yourself. Tell me if what I said makes sense.

With love -joNi- ♥️?

Who told you that "others" are real?

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Could try some trauma release exercises


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Highly speculative on my part... but I suspect there's something sort of like an internal version of Tourette's Syndrome that probably exists, but largely goes undiagnosed since it's not outwardly disruptive, as long as you can manage the urge and not act upon it. Maybe it's even already a part of some condition like OCD and I'm not aware of it.

I'd consider it along the same vein as "call of the void", where a large number of people feel the need to hold themselves back like they might jump when they're in high locations. Or feeling like you have to hold your arm down when walking past a fire alarm in case you compulsively decide to pull it without thinking.

No idea how to overcome it unfortunately.

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