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6 posts in this topic have told us that there is no difference between senses...all senses are identical...can you explain it more???...i cant figur out how feeling love and feeling hatred are identical?

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He, probably, has talked about the absolute level of being where there is nothing but the One. 


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You can have an experience on psychedelics where all your usual senses blend into one meta-sense that is more like consciousness itself, during that state you can see that there really are no different senses (nor are sense organs the source of sensations), it's kind of like synaesthesia. It is experientially very different from a normal state where it seems that your senses are separate.

I am Physically Immortal

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Is red vision the same as green vision? Red and green can be seen as different sensations or the same sensation, it just depends on how you frame it. Is the sound of my voice different from the appearance of me? Yes and no. 

The only reason to divide the world up into (say) vision and sound, is for convenience, it could be divided up differently or not divided at all. It seems that there is a greater commonality between red and green than there is between red and loud, but this is just an illusion. For example red and loud can be located in space, can having more or less intensity etc. 

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Everything held in consciousness is a distinction. Consciousness can hold things as identical or distinct. Your consciousness right now is holding love and hate as distinct. It could also hold them as identical.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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