Peace and Love

Spiritual Enfoldment Book - The Path To Enlightenment

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Hi Family!  I just wanted to share this book I found that I think you might be interested in reading about enlightenment.  Especially if you are interested/believe in akashic records, astral travel, past lives, other life on other planets, angels, spirit guides, the power of thought, Life Force Energy, etc (It also talks about those things).  @Leo Gura   It may not make a lot of sense to you right now unless you really have a grasp on this stuff and have studied it. If you are not far along on the spiritual path this stuff will seem "completely out there" and "bogus".  As you know enlightened and highly personally developed people can come off as wack jobs to normal every day people that don't understand.

I'll copy a few parts that I like. :)

Book:  Spiritual Enfoldment 3  (There is four in the  entire book series) By White Eagle

"Follow the One, avoid the many, be true to your inner light, and the mysteries of the invisible worlds will be revealed to you in the degree that you are ready and will use the knowledge thus attained in selfless service."

pg 12
Once a man or woman longs for wisdom, not out of curiosity, or to satisfy a greedy mind, or for his or her own satisfaction, but rather that he or she may serve, then they set their feet upon a path which leads ultimately to enlightenment. When a soul this great longing and searching finds his or her path, then teaching and guidance come from the invisible.   Having found his or her path the soul should remain true to it, be true to the inner light.  We suggest: follow the one, avoid the many, be true to your inner light: and the mysteries of the invisible worlds will be revealed to you in the degree that you are ready and will use the knowledge thus attained in selfless service, but you should obey the guidance of your heart.

The Mystery Schools (read prior for further info) of the past served a great purpose in revealing the eternal life of the spirit.  They showed men and women their origin and destiny, where they came from, why they were on earth and what was their goal.  But there came a time when human kind became deeply immersed in physical matter; men and women lost their use of the "third eye" which reveals the spiritual worlds.  Deterioration set in and there was a misuse of power--due perhaps to young priests becoming too eager and admitting students unable to stand up to the testing.  Yet none of this was outside the divine plan, for men and women had to develop both physically and mentally.  They had to become "earthed", their wills had to be developed to become strong.

And so the masters of wisdom withdrew, and departed into the secret places of the earth, where they still dwell.  Yet, from time to time, from the Temples of the Ancient Wisdom a teacher comes forth who presents truth once more to humanity.  Particularly is this so at the beginning of any new age, as humanity moves forward into a new way of life and thought.  At such times there comes a reinstatement of ancient and eternal wisdom, in a form suitable to that new age, and to help humanity though the difficult transition from one age to another.

Chapter 3 -  The "I" and the "Not I"
pg 28
The real you, the soul which is stirring, awakening, searching, has asked that you may be tested, that all manner of difficulties should fall across your path.  In the trials that beset you, always remember that your higher consciousness has asked for the light, is seeking initiation.

pg 31
But you cannot stand aside from the real self, the "I", the son-daughter of God, the light.  There is within you the real "I", the Will, the divine spark, which should control the whole self, but usually souls allow themselves to be bound and ruled by the "not I" and all the chaos around them.

We suggest that you spend some time each day trying to recognize and quietly lay aside the various outer layers, the physical, astral, mental and emotional, until you find this real "I", the eternal self.

On the one hand are all the worries, the fears, the angers, the foolishness, the desires-- all these are the "not I".  On the other "I" stands poised, polarized, still....the spirit, the light within.

Give the "I" every opportunity in this daily meditation to become stronger, a polarized light...and understand the "I" that you identify in meditation is the real you-- a God in embyro.  It will never lead you off the path, never lead you astray.

The sorrows, the responsibilities, the anxieties which you think are yours, do not belong to you at all.  You are that shining self, that light, that essence of being that you find in the hours of meditation.  All your will to do good lies with the "I".  I will to do good, to do God's work, to put egotism aside, to deny the claims of the "not I". But the Christ light, burning within, willing you to do what is good in the sight of God and putting aside all egotism, also reveals the same light to others.

When you are ready on your path to enlightenment, you will read on.  :)

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@unknownworld - When you read the book you will see it is a non-dualiastic perspective. This is an older book, which was written a long time ago and it's just worded differently, and may appear a little confusing to read because it's different terminology.  The real "I" that's stated here is one in the same as non-duality.  It has the same definition as there being no identity.

When the book refers to the "not I" it is talking about the illusionary nature, the fake self. The fears, anger, roles, egotism, everything.

I hope that makes a little more sense. :)

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@Peace and Love so the title of the book is Spiritual Enfoldment by White Eagle?  Just want to make sure I get it right.  By the way, thank you for this wonderful reference.  I read the excerpts, and they ring true with my first hand experience on this path.  If I need something done that the 'not I' can't do, I just ask the Universe, (the I), to do it for me.  The Universe has never let me down, and I never will.  ;). Namaste!

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@Ramu There are 4 separate books in the series.  But the one I was referencing from about enlightenment, and the book that specifically focuses on enlightenment is Spiritual Enfoldment 3 by White Eagle.  There are older versions of the book that have different book covers, but the content is still the same as far as I know.










Edited by Peace and Love
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Spiritual Enfoldment 1 -

Chapter 1  pg 11

The fundamental purpose of man's life is that he may find truth, truth which will be unveiled to him by his own inner self.  As we search for this truth that lies buried deep within, the barriers erected by the outer-self will vanish and we shall become free, free to hold communication with those we love in the beyond; free to contact the cosmic rays of life-force and healing; free to use them in the service of our brother man; free to become en rapport with those beings ho minister to humanity from the spirit.

Chapter 3 - Communication between two worlds
pg 38

We have heard much talk about about psychic matters and proofs of an after-life obtainable through psychic evidence, with great emphasis laid on the scientific viewpoint, rather suggesting thereby that the spiritual viewpoint is not scientific.  This idea we would correct, and make clear that there is nothing unscientific in spiritual law. Spiritual law is eternally true, while the pronouncements of science change almost yearly, so that what is considered true today will be dismissed and forgotten tomorrow.  With spiritual law there is no change other than continual unfoldment and growth.  More and more truth becomes revealed to a man as his inner self grows in awareness, but the law remains constant.

Spiritual science is the true science, both on earth and in the higher worlds.  When a man becomes aware of, practices and lives these cosmic and spiritual laws he is truly a man of science.

pg 43
All of you have the ability to receive impressions and true communications from beings in other worlds; all of you are mediums in that you can be receptive to  the spirit; but the quality of the message received will depend upon the quality of your own soul consciousness.

pg 48
Each human spirit is a God in embryo; and humanity as a whole is a concourse of tiny God-cells, all linked with God in at-one-ment. Each retains the power to isolate or separate itself from it's fellows, but not from God.

Man's innermost self is of the essence of God. Man is formed in the image of God, in his likeness.  When man fully realizes this transcendent truth, all that is based and worldly will be dispelled.

pg 50
When you selfless desire to be used to inspire, to heal, to guide and bless humanity, you are bound to absorb into your aura the beneficial light of the spirit.


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