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Are thoughts all suffering or can they be a source of joy?

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Sure we can have nice thoughts, lovely thoughts, erotic thoughts, … but I feel like they are often just the release of negative thoughts. For example if I think about a great relationship idk if that thought itself brings me joy or if the release of the negative thoughts that pressure me to get into a relationship just feels good. (“It feels so good when the pain weakens") 

This would decide if you should numb your thoughts or try to transform them to positive ones if your goal is maximum happiness. 

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Blood can carry oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body as well as carry toxins and disease to it. Thoughts are merely the mind-body's way of communicating something to our awareness and it can either nourish or poison our consciousness.

We have no control over the pumping of thoughts as we have no control over the pumping of blood. Ceasing the reaction in our being to thoughts which distract that may pass through the mind takes away the attention that empowers them to be an obstacle to well being so leads to liberation.

Edited by SOUL

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14 hours ago, JoeVolcano said:

Damn now I can't stop thinking about it... :S


Did you do ketamine ?

Edited by Jannes

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I believe they can be a source of joy, owing primarily to my belief in the IFS model


There is no failure, only feedback

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As Buddha says, everything is suffering. life is mud and thoughts are mud. without suffering, you would be dead, you would be god. but this does not mean that suffering is a bad thing. it is simply the necessary ingredient to separate you from god and be you. it's wonderful to be you. Just don't let the suffering be too high, only in the perfect level to be you closer god as is possible 

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On 8/11/2022 at 2:28 PM, Jannes said:

This would decide if you should numb your thoughts or try to transform them to positive ones if your goal is maximum happiness. 

It's both.  Releasing old negative thoughts and replacing them with new positive ones.  You can't transform a negative into a positive.

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