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Principium Nexus

Scheme Of Duality And Oneness

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Some people understand the concept of non-duality really well but others might find this useful to get a more visual understanding.

The duality were most of us are familiar with is the concept of body and mind (physical and mental). To the left is how people normally percieve the self, body and mind feel as separate and are often in conflict with eachother. When we are born we have zero understanding of this world and are the closest to percieving the world as oneness (I). The older we become the more labels we put onto things and this grows our dualistic idea of the world.

In some cases the sense of body and mind becomes so separated that the sense of self begins to fade and no connection is felt with their surroundings (III). This can become a real problem resulting in grasping onto anything often resulting in psychopathic behaviour (people who absolutely have no empathy for their surroundings).

People who are actualizing themselves, create big picture understanding and have a strong sense of empathy create the feeling of a larger responsebility and when successful mind and body begin to move as one (II). This shows a decrease in ego, large sense of self in everything around them and eventually become more balanced since they know how things fit togther and are open to accept anything they can work on.

Trying to attain oneness is the road to becoming one with the present moment and bringing nirvana to the present. Whereas as extreme box-thinking (black & white) will only separate you more from the world and the things around you leading to samsara.

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There are so many maps and imo much better maps than this one.

Edited by Toby

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@Toby  I made this one because it's simple and direct. It might not offer detailed insight but this is basically the core and anything that adds a layer of complexity makes a more obscure. Feel free to add one that explains it better :)

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I have pyramido/trianglephobia. I have this strange distant memory of falling head first at huge speed towards the top of a pyramid. It was like a "Ok so you are not that body, are you.... Ok, so let's see whether you will or will not piss your pants in this scenario" type of situation. 

The Gods areevil :D 

Edited by Dodoster


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Nice diagram man, I appreciate the work you did there.

However, if you would allow me to share, I'd like to add that there are more options available in life than duality and oneness.

There is multi-dimensionality, where you still have a self or a core, but it is not separate from everything else, it is inter-connected, with over-lap, mixing and merging with everything else, while still being distinct and holding contrast with the energy of connective tension. From the bounds of that core comes forth a field that expands and grows to encompass more and more within the bubble of that field, while still being reliant and attuned to the particular chemistry and foundational integrity of that core.

So with that said, you're drawing would change and rather than merging into a single circle, you would instead add more and more over-lapping circles around the core so your diagram number 3 looks more like a flower petal. Then I would also add a larger dotted circle that expands and exudes from the flower petal which would symbolize the ephemeral field of influence which would itself interconnect and over-lap with other fields, which they themselves are grounded by and connected to more solid flower cores of other living things.

When expanded out with multiple tiers, the flower petal diagram would kind of look like this, with the pinkish pollen representing the field of influence.


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@Salaam  I like you concept! It reminds me of the flower of life practically unfolding from it's core right? Each additional ring of circles is still part of the original but take own their own unique shape which is build from the previous form. You are saying that space-time is unfolding in all dimensions at the same time right instead of one direction at a time (dualistic motion).

I do think however that the large is build from the small, even your flower petal has a non-dual begining and unfolds multi-dimensional where as each dimension is dualistically created. Your concept probably unites the idea of both non-duality and duality as a multi-dimensional enfolding process ;)

Do I make sense here?

Edit: Maybe looks something like this? Each expansion of duality is actually done multi-dimensional. But the basic building block of multi-dimensional expansion still is the duality, that originates from the "source" or non-duality. The flower of life is the best example I can think of.


PS: Look up vajra pendant, the symbol is seen as the nexus or beginning of reality ;)

Edited by Principium Nexus

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