
My Experience Dry Fasting For Increased Consciousness

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Hello, I have not read much here about dry fasting and always thought until recently of fasting as being no food but including drinking water. I have watched many videos from the "meditation steps" YouTube channel. It is a YouTube channel on Tantra Yoga meditation and practices. One of the things they recommend is doing a dry fast two times per month. The directions are to eat a light dinner the night before the fast then go the whole next day without eating or drinking anything. You wait until at least sunrise the day after your fasting day to break the fast with around 1 liter of very salty water with lemon. The water will be expelled from your stomach very quickly and clean out your colon and you will be on the toilet after around 20 min to 1 hour releasing it. Today I am in the middle of my 3rd dry fast and I wanted to share my experience so far. I have also been meditating 2x per day for the last 6-7 weeks I think as recommended in that YouTube channel. (averaging around 1.5 hours per day I would guess)

During my first dry fast I worked overtime at my work. I was a bit concerned about getting a migraine from being dehydrated but I ended up feeling quite good. I was very conscious of how I was breathing making sure each breath was though my nose, deep and slow to conserve water. Emotionally I felt good on the day of the fast.  I meditated 2x that day and the night time meditation was a bit better than usual.  The next day I broke the fast with the salt water. Not much of the water went through my intestines as I expected. I am guessing most of it of got stuck or there was not enough salt and it got absorbed into my body. The day I broke the fast I felt more tired than usual. drinking water never felt so good though. 

The second dry fast, the biggest difference was that my night time meditation was much more concentrated. It was like I took a small dose of 5MEO DMT. I was able to focus and contemplate leagues above my regular sober meditation and contemplation. The next morning when I drank the 1 litre of water it was all expelled and I felt like I was really cleaned out well inside. 

This is the 3rd time today. I took the day off work today and it is the first time not working during a dry fast. I took a long nap mid day and did not even do my morning meditation. After around 6pm I sat in meditation for 1.5 hours taking a break to go to the washroom after an hour or so. I started out feeling pretty normal but quickly got very focused. I remember thinking about how I could die at any moment and It makes sense to give my full attention to this meditation. The fasting really helped me see that I am mortal. I started meditating then went into contemplation without realizing it after becoming very focused. I kept trying to experience the difference between thoughts and the experience of my sight and body sensations. I realized that in trying to know the present experience, I compare it with my memory and concepts. The problem with this is that memory and concepts are qualitatively different than the present experience of my sight and touch perceptions. It does not make sense to think you know experience by comparing it with a model of it. Understanding something as a model does not give you any knowing of it. The only way to know the present experience is to become it. 

Anyways, I just wanted to write this to give myself a break before getting back to meditating. Please share your thoughts or experience on water or dry fasting and it's effect on your meditation, contemplation or consciousness. If people are interested I might give an update after a few more dry fasts. 

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@Jordan Very interesting. Thank you for sharing Jordan. 

I haven't experimented with dry fasting yet. I will look into it more. 

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Fasted for 12 days. Didn't see much spiritual benefit.

You will get much more benefit from eating a normal healthy diet and doing a strict 10-day meditation retreat.

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47 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Fasted for 12 days. Didn't see much spiritual benefit.

You will get much more benefit from eating a normal healthy diet and doing a strict 10-day meditation retreat.

I tried water fasting for 1 day, 2 days, 2.5 days, 3.5 days and noticed no benefits and felt unwell afterwards. Dry fasting has seemed to have a different effect for me but there may be other factors I am not considering. I would really love to do a strict 10 day meditation retreat. I have not set my life up to be able to do 10 days strictly. I will have to get on that

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ive done a 6 day dry fast and once i finished i was releasing so much emotion it was so beautiful like i would listen to music and just ball my eyes out so much for the first couple of days. But i have since learned allot from Matt black burn and Morley robins why you dont want to be fasting at all mainly because of the current situation the earth is in with pollution and shitty agriculture it goes on and on like really fasting is addictive and thats why people are going for it.  

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


You will get much more benefit from eating a normal healthy diet

@Leo Gura

leo i recently watched your weightloss video and read your about page and it said you reached 11% bodyfat. Are you still at 11% leo? If not do you mind telling us what you are now?

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I haven't measured by body fat percentage in a long time, but I'm in the 10-12% range lately if I had to eyeball it. My struggle lately is bulking up since my diet is extremely restricted.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

but I'm in the 10-12% range lately

Wow! Maintaining that level of bf for so many years is really inspiring leo

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2 minutes ago, 8gates said:

Wow! Maintaining that level of bf for so many years is really inspiring leo

It shouldn't be inspiring at all. If you eat healthy you will maintain that BF with no effort and no exercise.

Stop eating junk. It's that simple.

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14 minutes ago, Aleister Crowleyy said:

Do you think it's due to your pre-existing medical conditions?


I've been in ketosis for months by not eating any carbs.

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31 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


I've been in ketosis for months by not eating any carbs.

Do you think ketosis it offers any cognitive/ health benefits?

How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?”

“In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden’s mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty,” he replied.

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29 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

Do you think ketosis it offers any cognitive/ health benefits?

I certainly feel and function much better when I don't consume any carbs. It's quite shocking how significant it is.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I certainly feel and function much better when I don't consume any carbs. It's quite shocking how significant it is.

Do you recommend doing it for already healthy people? Some people claim it is healthier than normal state.

How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?”

“In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden’s mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty,” he replied.

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2 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

Do you recommend doing it for already healthy people? Some people claim it is healthier than normal state.

It is bad cholesterol-wise. So I don't recommend it.

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I used to do keto for like a year and it kinda messed with my digestion and gave me a leaky gut. I load up on carbs every evening now and I feel much better, but there really is no universal solution for diet, just experiment a bit and see what works for you.

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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Fasting is useful for ridding the body of undesirable thought-forms such as cancerous growths, physical wounds, and the like. As well as a plethora of mental disturbances that plague the human species. But in terms of altering your consciousness in an entheogenic capacity, on it's own I'd say this body complex discipline is incredibly lackluster. Especially when you consider how much more effective even something fairly impotent like 50 mics of LSD is in comparison. And also, there are other means of ridding the body of undesirable thought forms that don't involve body complex disciplinary practice.

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2 hours ago, JuliusCaesar said:

Fasting is useful for ridding the body of undesirable thought-forms such as cancerous growths, physical wounds, and the like. As well as a plethora of mental disturbances that plague the human species. But in terms of altering your consciousness in an entheogenic capacity, on it's own I'd say this body complex discipline is incredibly lackluster. Especially when you consider how much more effective even something fairly impotent like 50 mics of LSD is in comparison. And also, there are other means of ridding the body of undesirable thought forms that don't involve body complex disciplinary practice.

If you want to alter your consciousness it seems so far with my limited experience, combining 1 day dry fasting with an extra long evening meditation sit is worth trying out. 

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13 hours ago, Aleister Crowleyy said:

How do you manage tgw cravings for eating more food?

At this point I'm basically unable to eat other foods so the choice is easy and cravings minimal. If I could digest those others goods then cravings certainly become stronger.

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