
Heavy Metal Chelation and Amalgam fillings

54 posts in this topic

Hi All, 

Apologies I got very busy after sending that post, really appreciate everyone's thoughts, I've requested to Join the facebook group and I'm moving city in a couple of months fortunately to a place where there is one registered "SMART" dentist so I'll visit them once I'm there to get another set of xrays and get any remaining amalgam removed before starting chelation.

Thanks again!

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On 09/07/2022 at 4:26 AM, Mvpjouney said:

Hi All, 

Apologies I got very busy after sending that post, really appreciate everyone's thoughts, I've requested to Join the facebook group and I'm moving city in a couple of months fortunately to a place where there is one registered "SMART" dentist so I'll visit them once I'm there to get another set of xrays and get any remaining amalgam removed before starting chelation.

Thanks again!

Good luck on your journey! You'll be amalgam-free in no time.

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3 hours ago, Vision said:


What are your thoughts on buying pre-made water kefir? 

i do it from time to time but the gut benefits are nowhere close to fresh water kefir

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18 hours ago, mmKay said:

i do it from time to time but the gut benefits are nowhere close to fresh water kefir

How long does it take you to make the water kefir? It looks like a lot of effort, getting the ingredients and appliances, etc. 

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2 hours ago, Vision said:

How long does it take you to make the water kefir? It looks like a lot of effort, getting the ingredients and appliances, etc. 

Its a bit of to work to learn the procedure and them its minimal effort, like 5 / 10 min every 2/ 3 days. 

Normal water kefir fermentation takes 48/72 hours depending on the climate and for second fermentation its another 12/48 hours depending on temperature. It's an enjoyable and rewarding process once you learn it and requires minimum effort. 

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5 hours ago, mmKay said:

Its a bit of to work to learn the procedure and them its minimal effort, like 5 / 10 min every 2/ 3 days. 

Normal water kefir fermentation takes 48/72 hours depending on the climate and for second fermentation its another 12/48 hours depending on temperature. It's an enjoyable and rewarding process once you learn it and requires minimum effort. 

@mmKay Thanks. How much does it cost you? On a weekly or monthly basis?

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4 hours ago, Vision said:

@mmKay Thanks. How much does it cost you? On a weekly or monthly basis?

Very cheap for the return on investment. 30€ to buy around 100 grams of high quality grains. Once got that, you just need to buy sugar ( i buy organic) , mineral water and optional fruit for second ferment (recommended). The kefir grains multiply pretty much forever as you feed them sugar. Ive gifted grains to some friends and they started their own culture which is pretty cool. And if they stop multiplying for whatever reason, as long as they keep turning sugar water into kefir water you can keep using them. Ive heard of people having the same grains for a decade. Some other stuff you may need are a quality glass jar , a strainer, some glass bottles... Etc. 

Edited by mmKay

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9 hours ago, mmKay said:

30€ to buy around 100 grams of high quality grains.


How long do 100 grams last you? 

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7 hours ago, Vision said:


How long do 100 grams last you? 

Re-read the answer. I told you they multiply forever as you take good care of them ( feed them consistently, no extreme temperatures... )  from 100 g grains I got 1.5 kg before screwing it up and a fly got in there so I had to throw it out. 

Edited by mmKay

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15 minutes ago, mmKay said:

feed them consistently, no extreme temperatures

I mean how long does it last until you need to refeed them with sugar? How often do you need to refeed it? Weekly? Monthly?

I'm just trying to get an idea of what it would take to maintain it. 

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8 minutes ago, Vision said:

I mean how long does it last until you need to refeed them with sugar? How often do you need to refeed it? Weekly? Monthly?

I'm just trying to get an idea of what it would take to maintain it. 

watch the two videos I shared on the topic before . Writing about all of it even though the process is simple is kind of exhausting.



You should have little questions on the basic process after watching this.


all you ever need there

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