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The day I stop writing is the day I am dead

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I feel like this is the music of my life. 


I get such pure consciousness vibes from this song. 

Every tune, every piano key. The emotion is so original and raw 

This is the most beautiful song in the universe. 


This is how you relax






I just ordered 3 cups of coffee. One cappuccino, one espresso and one latte. 


The didn't add sugar in it. Damn. 


Plus they mixed it all up. I don't know which one is which. 


Now don't laugh at me. I love making stone jewelry. 




Last night was like a hurricane here. All winds and storms and shit. And then power outage for 6 hours straight. 

I was just holding a torch. 

All the sounds of the stormy winds and thunder and lightning 

Ooooooooooooh, aaaaaaaaaaaaaah

I was kinda scared. 


My God, it was dark and windy. 

Crazy haa. 






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Steps to self esteem

If someone doesn't like you, don't blame yourself for it. Not your fault. 

It's their lack of acceptance. 

It's their flaw. It's their Incapability 

I don't have to feel bad for being who I am. 

If they can't make you feel loved or accepted, it's not you at fault or being bad in any way. 

Stop Guilting yourself. 


The forum members are so cool and nice. Forget the bullshit that happened.

Some of them can be my friends. 

I need to take the positive aspects. 

There is always some positive leftover to pick up from. 





I want to try a love radiance kind of a meditation practice.. 



Sometime back I wrote these words 


*don't play God, if you can't love everyone*

And there are changes happening to my personality since last week. Huge changes 

One is freedom. 

Second is letting go. 


Third is I am no longer holding onto or caring about what people think. Let them think what they think. 

If they think bad about me let them think bad about me no problem because in the end moral judgment is moral judgement and God doesn't care about moral judgement God cares about the greater good of everyone. 



Because when Preety fell in love, she fell in love a bit madly. 


I can hear the coucal again



How to deal with offense. 


Let's see this 

How to deal with someone offending you on the forum. 

I really need to work on this problem.. 

Sometimes I see someone writing some racist stuff or writing something offensive. 

How to not get triggered. 

  • Just let it go 
  • Forgive the person 
  • People are not perfect 
  • Most are ignorant of race and culture and not sensitive enough to others feelings 
  • Their ego gets defensive when confronted with the offensive stuff they say. 
  • They don't change 
  • It only creates more chaos 
  • It's not good for anyone 
  • Try to forgive and let go 
  • Understand where they come from 
  • Maybe deep down they are good people but sometimes they can be allowed to have their dick moments. 
  • Yesterday I picked a fight with someone on the forum because I felt offended by a comment on sexist stuff written.. When I see some sexist stuff I get a bit triggered 
  • I need to work on it. 



So the best way is to let go. 


But I'll look for other ways too


If someone wants to hate you, for whatever reason, like culture, race, sexuality or because they simply don't like you, give them love 

Beat hate with kindness 


Just be friendly with understanding people on the forum. Because they are non threatening. 

I know that I'm an introvert and I know that I have intimacy issues. So on top of all of that I find it even more frustrating to have to socialize with judgemental people who spew out sexist nonsense. 

I'm trying to learn tricks because this is going to be a problem on the forum and also on the internet in the future. There will be trolls everywhere trying to target vulnerable minorities. 

The space of the internet is going to change rapidly so 

Now what to do about feeling unwelcome or hurt. 



There is no peace in fighting. There is peace only loving. 



I want to use sexual energy to get the motivation I need in life. 

I'll call it tantric energy. 



Mm words

I've said for a long time that it's not enough to just survive something, right? That's not the point of life. You've got to thrive, you've got to feel happy. If you do something against your heart.... But I think that what that does internally is probably really damaging.





Edited by Preety_India

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The brain always keeps getting new information and then sets itself in order and again achieves stability or plateau. Ok? 


A little bit of interruptions, spaciness and disconnections will happen before a final version is reached. These are features not bugs. 

But you see, even bugs are important, because how else would you know what's a flaw. 

So you got to turn these flaws into opportunities for growth. 

So in the prototype let everything flow freely. Let nothing be subject to scrutiny. Make as many mistakes as you can. Then correct and drain out the flaws. Notice that what you consider as a flaw could be a source of a gem, a source of a great opportunity to turn the tide in your favor. This flaw was eventually useful in the greater scheme of things. So you see, you'll need to focus not an event or a flaw or a constituent but on the process. 

Too often we are focused on things. Sorting the good and the bad. Separating the wheat from the chaff. 

Yet we don't realize that it's not grain but the milling that we need to focus on. Maybe the final outcome is going to be bizarre yet beautiful. Who knows. There are always those final finishing touches phase, where you have enough scope for improvement, remove all those flaws in that stage and you have a pretty good prototype or FV(final version) 

Something like this 




This theory of mine is in the budding stages. I still don't know what I'm writing and what it exactly means. But it will crystallize to something when the right situation comes along. 

We aren't playing Olympics here. Just saying. 


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Along the same lines as the previous post 










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But I want to focus on upgrading my inner software. 

I want to outdo myself and I will do it 

There are 2 things in my mind right now. 

I'm a stage orange opportunist mixed with Green Hippie Deluxe. 

One is asking myself 

What exactly am I achieving from this action? 

And then seeing if those answers are justified for pursuing those actions and matching those answers with my higher goals like Match The Column






Created this match the column haphazard table for clarifying my idea.. 


Second is looking for the hidden opportunity cost. 

When you are doing something, let's say anything, there is always a gain, but there's also ( always) a loss which escapes our notice. This game of opportunity and loss is playing behind the curtains. When you lift the curtains that's when you realize what's happening. 

This requires some deep perceptive thinking.

My game is ruthless. My Game is - be one step ahead











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50 Journal Prompts for Self Discovery

1. What does your dream life look like? Describe it in detail.

2. What does your ideal day look like?

3. Where do you see yourself in 6 months? A year? 5 years? 10 years?

4. What do you know to be true today that I didn’t know a year ago?

5. In this moment, what are four things you’re grateful for?

6. What limiting beliefs do you have that’s keeping you from reaching your dream life?

7. What distractions are hindering your productivity? How can you reduce them?

8. What actions can you take today to simplify your life?

9. When do I feel most in tune with myself?

10. If you could talk to anyone dead or alive, it would be….. because ….

11. Write down your top 10 goals to complete by the end of the year.

12. Who do you look up to the most? Why?

13. If someone else described you, what do you think they’d say? Why?

14. What does happiness mean to you?

15. How have you changed in the last 5 years? What’s the biggest lesson you learned?

16. If today was your last day, what would you do?

17. If you could give advice to your younger self, what would you say?

18. How do you spend your Sundays? And how can you improve your Sunday routine for a more productive week ahead?

19. What do you need more of in your life?

20. If you could have any three things in the world, what would they be?

21. Describe in great detail what 5 years from now looks like. Where do you live? What’s your job?

22. What are 10 things you love about yourself? Why?

23. What are you most grateful for in your life? List at least 10 things.

24. What activities sets your soul on fire? (If you aren’t sure, then think back to your childhood. What did you love to do as a kid?)

25. How can you feel more fulfilled in your life?

26. If you couldn’t fail, what would you do?

27. What do I need more of in my life? Less of?

28. What are my best qualities?

29. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

30. What’s your dream job?

31. Who do you look up to the most? Why?

32. Write down the type of person you wish you could be. Create an avatar. What’s their personality? Where do they work and live? How do they react to difficult situations? Think about ways you can bridge the gap between who you are now and the avatar you created.

33. If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

34. Write down 5 positive affirmations about yourself. Repeat them daily.

35. What’s your favorite memory?

36. How did your darkest moments shape you into who you are today?

37. If you could live in any other time period what would it be? And what would you be doing?

38. When do you feel the most at peace?

39. Set a 2 minute timer and write down whatever comes to your mind.

40. What can you do today to move you closer to your goals?

41. What type of person do you want to be known as?

42. What do you value most in life?

43. What’s one toxic thing (or person) in your life you need to let go of?

44. What fears hold you back from living your best life?

45. Draw a picture in your journal of something that makes you happy.

46. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do, but was too scared?

47. How can you take better care of yourself?

48. What self-care practices will you try today?

49. At the end of life, what would you want to be remembered by?

50. What makes you feel alive? And when was the last time you felt that way?


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I have to try harder to work on my self esteem and everything else 


So much as happened in the last 3 years since 2018 January my life took such a tumble for the worse. 

It was such a long time. 

I was still kinda okay in 2017 December. Not that bad. 

But things really went south with the relationship with my ex. 

2017 wasn't good either and 2016 December was when I suffered liver damage.. 

. Time goes by so fast. So much could have changed. 

I could have reversed all the damage, all the pain, hurt, loss but where was the time. 2015 was such a bad year. Frequent tensions. 

I just was too naive back then.. 

It took so much from me. I believed so much. I trusted so much. I was so naive. 

I felt so dumped and unloved and used up by the end of it. 

And then it didn't stop there. 

2017 was both bad and good. 

I just didn't know better. I was still young. Then when I started my first journal in February 2018.

I hadn't known back then that the next 2 years would take such a toll on me, physically and mentally. 

The relationship was a huge Rollercoaster. It felt like eternal pain. I never knew what to expect any minute. 



But I kinda worn out with all these relationships. 

I'm too exhausted from past experiences. It's almost like I want to be left alone 

I just want to feel okay. I carry a lot of past baggage that I need to start shedding. 

If I married right now and had a daughter, my only advice to her would be not have any baggage in life and cut out all the crap in the name of love or whatever. It drains you. Life is short. I would have told her to live free on her own, enjoy life and be healthy and just have a healthy relationship or none. 

It's so difficult to be a woman. You have so much on your plate. You have to get married, have a husband, have kids, do a job, manage social aspects and also look prim and proper through all sorts of stressors and challenges. 

You're already doing your best as a woman and you're told to push harder till every ounce is taken out of you. 

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21st Century is the Way

BlogPosts 1

Collected from previous posts on this page. 

The following things to focus on 

  • Upgrading my inner software prototype 
  • Let the brain receive new information and set itself in order. This is growth 
  • Don't just survive, thrive 
  • Asking myself - what exactly am I achieving 
  • Match the Column with Your Highest Value Goals 
  • Look for the hidden opportunity cost HOC (determine what you could have done in the same time that was fruitful 
  • Visualization techniques 
  • Shed past baggage 
  • Invest in self care 
  • Get out of your own way 
  • Practice letting go (what cannot be controlled and doesn't need to be controlled 
  • Let go of Survival and Existential Fear 
  • Using Sexual Energy or Tantric Energy as Motivation or Daily Drive 




I will call these mini insight posts 

21st century is the way blogposts. 


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Some hippity dippity words 

❤️Sense of security


❤️feeling of abundance 


I never underestimate words. Words are the biggest motivators 

Whatever is... good or bad is a part of the universe, part of consciousness. 

Do not be afraid. All experiences good or bad are within it. 

See how the universe is communicating to you. 

So let's say if you get hurt, this is an indication from the universe for you to become the greater self of your self and let go the hurt. This feeling and experience of hurt is also a part of the universe. In return the universe is giving clues on how to deal with it. Instead of focusing on the hurt itself, focus on healing, focus on the message of the universe. The universe is saying to defect or internalize this hurt. 

This theory or insight that I came up with is based on the line 

What comes from the dust ends in the dust. 

Whatever starts in the universe ends in the universe. 


The universe wants you to experience abundance all the time even while you are feeling hurt. The universe seeks your best interest it wants your growth, it wants you to thrive and grow and flourish. 

But the toxic parts of life are always around. These can't be deleted no matter how much you want them gone. Bad circumstances and events will persist. Bad things and toxic things will happen. That's what the universe wants to say. That these bad things are also a part of it. But the universe doesn't want you to be impacted by these bad parts. Rather the universe wants you to experience abundance even while you are dealing with these parts. The universe wants to love you while you are struggling and battling your battles

One of the persistent cause of hurt is the feeling of Helplessness, not being able to control how you are getting hurt, almost causing an existential Insecurity. The feeling of not having everything secured constantly perpetuates the fear. The pressing need to change things and the acute frustration of actually not being able to achieve a total utopia. 

But calm down..... Things are not in your control. They are happening by Synchronicity, all by the forces of chaos and karma. 

(right now I can see thunder and lightning outside my window.) 

So the universe is constantly relaying you messages and you're not listening. You're busy with your distractions. 

Listen to the universe. 

You might want to know how the universe responds when you are having a rough time. When you are hurt by someone 

By not resisting or intensely fighting the bad or wallowing in it or letting yourself be totally impacted by the rough time or bad thing or person. 

By finding your way to abundance even through these rough times. The universe wants you to slither out of it towards the fountain of love and abundance in the universe. 

This is where tantric sex is used 

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Further on the theory of the universe. 

Everything is only guiding you to do well.

Nothing in the universe is ever in vain. Because the universe is open to the language of the Atmaan. 

The mini Atmaan is the individual soul. 

The Atmaan is the conscious awareness. The totality of the whole is the Brahman or the Super consciousness.. This includes everything 

The universe operates on the karma or processes of the Atmaan. 

It will work how the Atmaan dictates it. 

But good and bad things can't be controlled by the Atmaan. I'll call this process the niti. This is how it is and nothing can change it. 

However the Atmaan can always move in the proper direction. In the direction of goodness. 


We have to be in Resonance with the messages from the universe. This happens when you keep the heart and the crown chakra open to the universe to hear the messages distinct and clear 

Remember the only plan of the devil is distraction and sabotage. And the devil does a good job at it. 

When you are moving and working in Resonance with the messages of the universe after hearing them, I will call this process Kai. 

So when you are in Kai, you are moving in the direction the universe has opened for you. 

Does the universe want us to walk in the direction bad for us 

The answer is never. The universe understands what your Atmaan wants. 

Kai, one with the universe 










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I'm also going to adopt a strict cleaning routine.. 


I want to use homemade cleaning products. Like soaps made at home. 





I want to make some natural soaps with my own ideas 



I'll getting some books on how to make stuff at home. 

Soaps, cleaning bars, mists, sprays, perfumes, oils soap bars, balms and tonics.. 








I want to make some spray mists out of natural herbs and spray them on my face when I need a quick cleanup. 





I want to use garlic and herbs in all the cleaning bars.. I know it won't smell good but these are great natural cleaning materials 



Also some crystals rubbed on skin. Scrubbing their cleaning energy. 


I love this.












I miss him. 



Wish we were kissing. 



Wanna kiss him. Been in a romantic mood since last 2 days and missing him too. 


When I need his kiss. 



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Body mists or fragrance mists 


















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Just spray spray spray





I like this cute soap handcrafted 


Edited by Preety_India

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And some makeup stuff. 
















































Edited by Preety_India

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I love mauve and brownish and nude colors more. They suit me better.. 

I even like cherry and darker colors like plum. A bit of brown and plum and burgundy. 

Sugar plum fairy from Wet n wild collection. 

Even in nail polishes I like the more mauve colors.. 











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Kai principle 

Kai is all about connecting to the universe. 

The universe always wants growth and abundance. And when you follow the Kai principle, you move in the direction of peace, love and abundance. 

I named this principle Kai because I wanted to keep it very short. 




Once you have Kai flowing, you have momentum 

I need a symbol of Kai 



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I have come up with a few names. 

To describe all of my insights, philosophies, systems of living, and concepts. 

These will be represented by names, images and symbols. 


Some of the names 




Represented by 













jujenthurp. Using horoscope 



Zezet - concept discussed in 2019

Represented by beads or closed circle 




Drury Snakeroot 




















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Images used to describe the above concepts 


By cactus or succulents 







It's represented either by a lion or a bunch of daisies.









4... jujenthurp

By a set of cards 




Represented by beads necklaces



6.....Drury Snakeroot

















Edited by Preety_India

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I remember creating my own religion, the Swan religion back in late 2018 - early 2019. 

And in my old journal Priti journal I have described certain concepts that look very old to me now but I can bring them back. Of course I'm going to follow them. 

So here are the concepts imported from the Swan  journal. 

Religion De Swan

 Grace.. Cross

❤ Grace Swan..  C pendant 

❤ Zezet.  Chain of beads.  

❤Delphi.. Lotus bud.  

❤ Viini.. 


I'll include these in my previous posts on concepts. 

I'll include Swan religion under Zezet. 

Zezet will also include Grace Christianity and Grace Swan.. 

Grace Christianity was a version of Christianity I had created based on inputs from Justin Peters. 

I saw a lot of problems with mainstream Christianity in 2018 while writing the journal. So I had proposed some changes to Christianity to fine tune it further and thus I created Grace Christianity. 

I integrated some concepts of Grace Christianity into Swan and called it the upgraded version of Swan and labeled it Grace Swan.. 

All of these will be under Zezet. 


Viini  deals with the individual's struggles with spirituality 

Delphi is all about productivity. Similar to Shion. 


The last is Bohemia which means including the good of all systems, cultures and religions and traditions, and creating a ever evolving blend. 





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Different spheres   6 spheres

Total 4 spheres to follow 

Religion.... Worship of God.  Dealing with the divine. 

Paganism. Knowledge.  The quest for knowledge.  Logic and simplicity.  Knowledge that is beneficial for life.  

Spirituality and philosophy  - dealing with the mental emotional spiritual realm of life.  Religion can be a part of it.  It's usually a collection of different spiritual practices meant to achieve a better spiritual health and live a spiritually oriented life, to have spiritual guidance.  It's a lifestyle.  It's directed towards living a more spiritual life.  There are many forms and practices.  Different schools of thought and different lifestyles or ways of life.  

Wiccan - magic, sex, love,  secret knowledge and beauty, aesthetics, way of life,  "ability to bring about " or "ability to influence "... Different forms of Wicca. 


Paganic materialism - the realm of reality and the world.  The bad part of paganism like status wealth 

Occultism and witchcraft - necromancy...  Supernatural... Paranormal... don't follow this sphere. Sometimes I feel witchcraft is necessary in this world to get rid of evil and terrorism and people who cause harm to good people.  



7 cloves 



Sage life 




Grace Swan 












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