
You won't see this in mainstream media

102 posts in this topic

11 minutes ago, pedro23 said:

How do you know? 
It was first posted on Reddit and then picked up by a ruSSian journalist?  It stinks of being staged....


The fact that it’s not even the one that I was referring to only suggests that this is happening and how common of a practice this is. Can’t vouch though for the validity of this one though/don’t know where it’s coming from.

9 minutes ago, BlueOak said:

War will bring the worst out in people.

War is definitely a massive output of energy generated by death, pain and suffering. 

Edited by K Ghoul

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@K Ghoul Why don't you post about the Mariupol genocide?  Or are you afraid we will see how "Русский Мир" looks? 

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1 minute ago, pedro23 said:

@K Ghoul Why don't you post about the Mariupol genocide?  Or are you afraid we will see how "Русский Мир" looks? 

Why don’t you post about it instead? Why would I care about what or how “Russian world” looks like or how people see it? Haha 
You have no idea who I am.


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This is just inhuman. I have absolutely no words. Denazification? By who? By the new ruSSian SS brigade?  @K Ghoul and you have the audacity to moan about ruSSophobia and western propaganda and mainstream  while  the army of war criminals slaughter tens of THOUSANDS of civilians?  The irony is that the ruSSians who took pride in defeating Nazional Socialism, adopted their tactics. All hail the new SS Brigades! 

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36 minutes ago, K Ghoul said:

Yea there’s a lot of stuff I can’t post here, like the videos of Ukrainian soldiers capturing Russian soldiers and shooting them in the knees, calling their family mocking and laughing telling them that their son is dismembered laying around somewhere and dogs are eating it etc. 


Lol, WTF? They came to a foreign land, kill the children, rape the women (sometimes in front of their children and husbands), then kill those women, loot, steal, destroy, torture people, shoot civilians on the knees to scare them, shoot civilians to kill, bomb the cities, dismember people..

It’s fascinating to me how hard Russians on this forum try to find anything, any tiny small thing, any lie and propaganda, to keep trashing Ukraine

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Just now, no_name said:

Lol, WTF? They came to a foreign land, kill the children, rape the women (sometimes in front of their children and husbands), then kill those women, loot, steal, destroy, torture people, shoot civilians on the knees to scare them, shoot civilians to kill, bomb the cities, dismember people..

It’s fascinating to me how hard Russians on this forum try to find anything, any tiny small thing, any lie and propaganda, to keep trashing Ukraine

The gift that keeps on giving! 

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Lol, I feel like this thread should be called “you won’t see this in mainstream media, only in Russian media” ???

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4 hours ago, no_name said:

Lol, I feel like this thread should be called “you won’t see this in mainstream media, only in Russian media” ???

Patrick Lancaster is not Russian media.

He has more videos interviewing people from Mariupol etc.

It's not exactly the same picture that you get from the mainstream media.

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22 minutes ago, vladorion said:

Patrick Lancaster is not Russian media.

He has more videos interviewing people from Mariupol etc.

It's not exactly the same picture that you get from the mainstream media.

I was referring to the whole thread.

Seems like the people in the video are clueless about the current situation in Ukraine, like one of the ladies in the video said she has been cut out from TV/internet/etc for a month.. One of the women is complaining about Ukrainian army not helping them, not even giving them bread, without knowing that the city is under Russian occupation and Ukrainian army lost a lot of lives trying to even get to these people. They seem like a nice raw material to be brainwashed by Russia now, perhaps even telling them that Ukraine was the one bombing them. 

Edited by no_name

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6 hours ago, pedro23 said:

They wanted to be "asvabaditeli".  

"asvabaditeli" = “liberators”

I know right? They got what they wanted and probably didn’t even say thank you. Hopefully that woman who got tortured and killed (video is on Patrick Lancaster channel) and got swastika burned onto her stomach was a bit more grateful.


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7 minutes ago, no_name said:

I was referring to the whole thread.

Seems like the people in the video are clueless about the current situation in Ukraine, like one of the ladies in the video said she has been cut out from TV/internet/etc for a month.. One of the women is complaining about Ukrainian army not helping them, not even giving them bread, without knowing that the city is under Russian occupation and Ukrainian army lost a lot of lives trying to even get to these people. They seem like a nice raw material to be brainwashed by Russia now, perhaps even telling them that Ukraine was the one bombing them. 

Lol, people of Mariupol tell you how it is, yet you choose to believe what you're told on your TV.

Sure, they may be clueless about the current situation in Ukraine, yet they are the ones who were in Mariupol this whole time. I'm pretty sure they can tell a Russian soldier from a Ukrainian. 

Only parts of the city are now under Russian control, and only recently. Most of the time it was controlled by the armed forces of Ukraine.

Mariupol is Azov's base. That's one of the reasons why Russians are having such a hard time taking control of it.

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23 minutes ago, no_name said:

I was referring to the whole thread.


And I am referring you to this website: https://azov.org.ua/karyera/

When you reach 18, join Azov, they’ll give you a weapon and you can start contributing meaningfully to the glory of your nation. Please check in with us here from time to time and keep us updated on how many Russians you have captured and/or killed. 


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6 minutes ago, vladorion said:

Lol, people of Mariupol tell you how it is, yet you choose to believe what you're told on your TV.

Sure, they may be clueless about the current situation in Ukraine, yet they are the ones who were in Mariupol this whole time. I'm pretty sure they can tell a Russian soldier from a Ukrainian. 

Only parts of the city are now under Russian control, and only recently. Most of the time it was controlled by the armed forces of Ukraine.

Mariupol is Azov's base. That's one of the reasons why Russians are having such a hard time taking control of it.

They have been in a basement for 1 month without cell phone/internet lol, they say so themselves in the video that they don’t know anything about the current situation. 

What does telling a Russian soldier apart from Ukrainian solider has to do with anything? If anything they must have been in the part of the city under Russia’s control, they said themselves they only saw Russian soldiers. 

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8 minutes ago, K Ghoul said:

And I am referring you to this website: https://azov.org.ua/karyera/

When you reach 18, join Azov, they’ll give you a weapon and you can start contributing meaningfully to the glory of your nation. Please check in with us here from time to time and keep us updated on how many Russians you have captured and/or killed. 


And I am referring you to see a mental health specialist, you are obsessed with shitting on Ukraine and looks like you spend your whole time on this forum here trying to spread Russian propaganda, being aggressive and attacking people. 


Edited by no_name

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4 minutes ago, no_name said:

They have been in a basement for 1 month without cell phone/internet lol, they say so themselves in the video that they don’t know anything about the current situation. 

What does telling a Russian soldier apart from Ukrainian solider has to do with anything? If anything they must have been in the part of the city under Russia’s control, they said themselves they only saw Russian soldiers. 

So you suppose people from Mariupol should get information about what's happening around them from the internet?

What does telling a Russian soldier apart from Ukrainian solider has to do with anything? It has to do with everything. I get an impression you barely watched the video.

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"Since the beginning of the war on February 24, one journalist has been killed on average per week in Ukraine. The responsibility for these deaths fell on Russian troops, but we know that the chance that these professionals were killed by Ukrainians, not Russians, is very high."

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On 3/20/2022 at 11:35 AM, BlueOak said:

Russia scares Eastern Europe, so they join NATO for safety. By pulling back diplomatically they caused what they don't want. By becoming an autocrat the democracies fear you, there is a history there.

Like most people, countries or societies cause what they don't want. Its not exclusive to Russia or Putin. They see something like an unwinnable war so they go and make sure it happens for example. NATO doesn't want China and Russia to ally so they do the things that make it happen. Europe wants to stop India becoming more easternized so their actions cause it, fear.

Fear often causes what you don't want to happen, to manifest.

I disagree with you on ONE point. You said OFTEN, the truth is if you operate from fear....IT ALWAYS MANIFESTS!!!

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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