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Enlightenment is vibrational

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Enlightenment is all about raising our vibration to a positive state of being, it is not about thinking or concepts, it is about concepts and thinking coming from the vibration that is raised, the state of being that is in alignment with who you really are, aka love, peace, ecstacy, flow, ease, wellness. 

A thinking mind can never become enlightened, only a quiet mind can become enlightened, because only a quiet mind can become one with the love, the ease, the peace, the wellness, that is who it really is. Thinking from fear or worry or anger or trying to understand, or any shit like that, will never wake me up. 

It is not the information or the thought or the perception, it is the vibrational frequency from which the information or the thought is coming from. A noisy and distressed mind can never understand what really is going on. It can never become awakened. 

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The vibration of Love is the vibration of infinity.

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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@Vibroverse This is why if you truly want to peruse the path of enlightenment, you must honor the body. The physical, energetic, causal and astral. To raise your vibration is a practice and a life long journey.

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Enlightenment is not about frequency, vibration, body, mind, or emotion. So this can be very misleading for whomever "seeks" enlightenment. That is not to say, that Enlightenment does not affect those. Deep awakening will affect everything, and may transform the mind deeply. But every change in the relative due to awakening is only a side effect, and not the awakening itself

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@Batman Yeah just eat cheetos and ice cream. Fuck the body.You'll be woke as fuck in no time.

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