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Suicide Among Creatives

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Wow so I was curious about the link between creativity and suicide.

"A logistic regression analysis of data from 21 states finds that artists have 270% higher risk of suicide than nonartists. However, after controlling for gender and sociodemographic variables, this risk level is reduced to 125%."

"In the case of unipolar or major depression, the population rate is about 5% but the rate among artists and writers in the various studies between 15% and 50%. Both these conditions are strongly associated with suicide and, most disturbingly, artists are 18 times more likely to suicide than the general population." the case of unipolar,suicide than the general population.

It makes sense when you think about how most jobs require the person to be somewhat stable, not get bored too easily of doing the same thing over and over all day everyday, sometimes requires people interactions, following codes/methods that are already sent in stone, etc.  Jobs are linked to survival.  Creative jobs either pay low, are super competitive, and/or super risky.

Creatives look at "regular" jobs at don't think there is any way they can last.  But they look at their creative work and don't think they can make a living off of it.

We kinda need more funding for creatives instead of where there seems to be a monopoly on creative work where a few make millions and most are barely scraping by.

I guess they/(we) may end up having to medicate themselves a lot of the time if they are not able to be creative in the way their brain wants them to - either legally or illegally.

I think pursuing spirituality may be a temporary helpful outlet for a creative person until it starts to feel futile and then they may feel insane/crazy again.  Same goes with studying politics/current events/religion.  It is okay to subdue the creative's craziness with exploring ideas but when the futility of truth/understanding/verification hits in, the craziness comes back and the "medication" of the exploration wears off and doesn't work anymore and they need a new medication.

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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We medicate ourselves with our job, our relationships, food, tv, music, the news, books, ideas, dreams, school, drugs, meditation, sleep, exercise, religion, politics, war, crushes, porn, video games, art, competition, growth, etc.

The thing is is that we are on a plane that is going to crash.  Death.

We can't mitigate the plane - it is going to crash no matter what.

That restless anxiety is aware that the death is coming.  Think about it - when you are on a plane and you feel the turbulence - it feels crazy and you feel hopeless.

But yes we can come up with notions like, we are all one, or this is a dream, or its all in your head, or just be calm, or just one step at a time.

Well if every moment we were aware of the death, we would be crazy, which some of us are.

I guess even if it is all a dream, the temporariness of the situation can feel wild - - but I guess that is all the more reason to come to peace with death and temporariness and just enjoy the ride in the best way we can.

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I wish I could find permanence in art or creation, but it is the opposite. Its temporary.

For artists or creative people we have to find that elsewhere, maybe other people, a familiar place to create, a pet, or a comfortable chair :D 


*Maybe the creative process is our permanence.

Edited by BlueOak

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If  you're actually a creative... what do you even make...? Or do?...

Calling yourself a creative to fix add is not fixing add....¬¬

Edited by Loba

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The western culture is at the stage orange peak. There's no real appreciation to art at this stage.

Only to profits. They don't want you to be an artist, a philosopher, a sage, a mystic (or whatever you are) but an employee, giving all your beautiful years, numbing your creativity, emotions, spirit, talent, joy for ridiculous price only to make them richer than they already are.

If you're rebelling against it, you're completely "useless" as a human being, because you aren't useful to them.

No wonder why so many artists (and non artists) suffer from mental illness.

There are people that art is a necessity for them, more than to others. Their sanity depends on creation. For them, If they aren't able to create safely, gracefully, without finishing as homelesses, then they see no point in living a life.


Life of suppression, life of depression, life that you're aren't allowed to be who your are is a complete hell.


But there is a hope for change, one day it will be different. 

If I could send a message to all depressed artists in the world, I would say:

Never give up, believe in your value, do what fulfils you because this is exactly what you supposed to do.







Edited by Random witch

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On 8/3/2022 at 3:11 AM, Random witch said:

If you're rebelling against it, you're completely "useless" as a human being, because you aren't useful to them.

No wonder why so many artists (and non artists) suffer from mental illness.

There are people that art is a necessity for them, more than to others. Their sanity depends on creation. For them, If they aren't able to create safely, gracefully, without finishing as homelesses, then they see no point in living a life.


Life of suppression, life of depression, life that you're aren't allowed to be who your are is a complete hell.

Iove how you put in to words. Resonate. Directly, I love your mind.

Did you consider yourself as creative? And what did you do if your idea is not practical to doing financially? 

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On 3/9/2022 at 8:26 PM, Manusia said:

Did you consider yourself as creative? 

I don't see myself as more creative than the average person, I also don't do artistic stuff. But I've met people who are highly creative and I've noticed their struggles which made me to empathize with them. I enjoy philosophy as an hobby and passion but it's not practical, so I can relate to artists from this perspective. 

On 3/9/2022 at 8:26 PM, Manusia said:

And what did you do if your idea is not practical to doing financially? 

Unfortunately I don't have a solution. I think it depends on the individuals.

On 3/9/2022 at 8:26 PM, Manusia said:

Iove how you put in to words. Resonate. Directly, I love your mind.

Thank you! I've just received the coolest compliment ever?

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