Johnny Galt

What qualities would be required to be a leader of a nation?

6 posts in this topic

In the world of today, what qualities would be required to be a, president or a prime minister, of your own country? (I'm Canadian). I'd love to hear people's thoughts on this

If you were to pick just one to three qualities, what would they be, and make your case for them. My intent with this, is not to argue, but rather to see how many new useful perspectives we could bring together into a circle. Lets call it the circle game. This is phase one. 

I'll go first

One quality that I would expect in a PM for Canada, would be that they have a vision. With this I am referring to two points:  (1) clarity, clear vision (2) foresight

Considering the state of Canada, amongst many qualities, in order to lead us forward, they would have to have a good vision

With the (2), consider that one would be working to get bills passed and with that comes long term implications. With that comes impacts that ripple into the future and far beyond ones place in power, and so a clear vision, AND with a vision for the future, this would be needed.


Edit: In consideration of a few comments, I'll suggest this to make things interesting...

and so maybe the idea of having a system where one who leads the whole, a whole country, maybe this is a ridiculous system?  

How about, instead of a Prime Minister or a President, we have a Facilitator? facilitating between (1) wise circlres (nationally/internationally) AND (2) individuals with the skillset and knowledge, and pulled from all parties, and (3) the people; all in all, we'll call it the, Monad Party.


Edited by Johnny Galt

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and so maybe the idea of having a system where one who leads the whole, a whole country, maybe this is a ridiculous system?  

How about, instead of a Prime Minister or a President, we have a Facilitator? facilitating between (1) wise circlres (nationally/internationally) AND (2) individuals with the skillset and knowledge, and pulled from all parties, and (3) the people; all in all, we'll call it the, Monad Party.



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To be able to make people agree with you in large numbers. 

To be able to make them salute you and obey you and trust you wholeheartedly with full devotion. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Google the prime minister of Finland, also Estonia. Beautiful women. They don’t strike me as particularly ruthless or tough either. I think depending on the development of a country determines what leader arise. A tough guy like Putin would not be elected in a country like Finland where they value more social empathy and holistic wellbeing for all. The less developed a country is the more ruthless the leader. Countries like Finland are some of the most psychologically and holistically developed countries in the world. I’m not talking solely material/economics here but that is one factor. 

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1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

Google the prime minister of Finland, also Estonia. Beautiful women. They don’t strike me as particularly ruthless or tough either. I think depending on the development of a country determines what leader arise. A tough guy like Putin would not be elected in a country like Finland where they value more social empathy and holistic wellbeing for all. The less developed a country is the more ruthless the leader. Countries like Finland are some of the most psychologically and holistically developed countries in the world. I’m not talking solely material/economics here but that is one factor. 

They have been able to construct such a society due to in part because of their special status during the Cold War, and the acceuntation on democratization, welfare, public services, education and linking up with liberal democracies across W. Europe. Ukraine should take note perhaps at a possible future Finlandization policy with Russia as well, might not be bad as well to try to steer the country in that direction more in the future with big help and support from that to actually start coming from the West, instead of this up until now bellicose and antagonistic rhetoric helping the most their defense industry, weapons manufacturers and arms salesman, if they care about it so much towards such a de elopement, that is if Russia  agrees to hand them back all the territory back they have taken from them and sign some contract and trade deal not disincentivesing and cooperating with Ukraine for energy supplies to Europe, not being a competitor seeking to kick them out of that energy market for Europe, with that move their energy exports and supplies to Europe and the world from their vast reserves in their territory, and for Ukraine to pledge a special neutral status to Russia with no further development of NATO  or CSTO there , maybe just limited peacekeeping troops presence in some areas due to this agressive war, but they pledge to a neutral status and Russia pledges in return, honour all their previous guarantees and new ones being struck as the result of this crisis, not expand westward militarily and invade them, if this deal is violated NATO military presence in Ukraine is in effect asap. 

This compromise policy between the two major stakeholders in this whole ordeal Washington and Moscow, but it will also show to the world that NATO is not a without blame factor in this and it might start to reform to actually value and honour more its actual keeping countries safe and protected from each other so they can peacefully trade and expand their economies with each other policy without the ability to infringe upon the development of a and sovereignity of a military of another country through it's sometimes reckless over extension and expansion in the guise of only ensuring one countries sovereignity is protected while not taking into account the sovereignity and ability of military reach and development of another. 

Edited by Fleetinglife

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