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Source of Thoughts

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The source of thoughts must exist otherwise there would be no thoughts.

The thought "there are no thoughts" is a thought that proves that there are thoughts. 

Only the source of thoughts can think.

Am I the source of thoughts?

The source of thoughts is asking if it is the source of thoughts.

The answer is of course yes.


Only I made this thought. 

In this statement the source of thoughts is using the word "I" to refer to itself.

Edited by WokeBloke

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@WokeBloke The "I" that you're referring to that is the thinker of thoughts is the same "I" that's making your hair grow, firing the electrical impulses in the brain and pumping blood around your body!

Thinking happens, just like seeing and hearing happens. Where's the "I" that's making you see and hear?

A big trap with this journey (and one that I fell into myself) was theorising and speculating about Truth rather than discovering Truth. You will only discover this through doing the exercises/meditation/self enquiry etc. 


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'Thought' is just 'thought'. There is no 'thought'.

It's a self-sustaining illusion and only possible because you believe in 'thought'. 

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6 hours ago, WokeBloke said:

Only the source of thoughts can think.

Can you control thought? If you can you would easily be able to stop thinking.

Also can you control what thought appears?

7 hours ago, WokeBloke said:

Am I the source of thoughts?

That is a thought.

7 hours ago, WokeBloke said:

The source of thoughts is asking if it is the source of thoughts.

The answer is of course yes.

No that was only a thought but not the source of thoughts.

7 hours ago, WokeBloke said:

Only I made this thought. 

That's a thought. ?

7 hours ago, WokeBloke said:

In this statement the source of thoughts is using the word "I" to refer to itself.

The source of thoughts can be recognized between thoughts but it doesn't speak or use words. Words come from thought.

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Find the source of thinking via daily meditation, it's one source ?

The freedom lies in ability to let thinking go ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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