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Creating For The Sake Of Creation

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I have a vision of a video game I want to create. I don't know if it's possible or realistic, but I really enjoy thinking about it so I'm going to explore it in this journal. 

I'll post any insights, inspiring music, anything related to the development of the idea, and anything that I think is fun to think about related to the idea.

I love military history and war. I want to create an ultra RTS game that combines elements from different genres, and will allow you to be a true conqueror like Napolean.

I am not worried about being realistic, practical, or anything like that. I just want to explore the ideas that I believe are awesome and fun. The guiding light for this entire journal and project is what I love and what I want to create.


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Hey Rap. I've done that with my own life. Like I am in real game and I want my character to win. 

Judo mode. With belts like leveling up system. 


Edited by Zeroguy

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1 minute ago, Zeroguy said:

Hey Rap. I've done that with my own life. Like I am in real game and I want my character to win. 

Judo mode. With belts like leveling up system. 

Nice. Maybe one day I'll be a real conqueror haha.

But for now I am happy to think about creating a master piece of a video game

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I want RTS elements like age of empires. I want to be able to control large armies and engage in campaigns of conquest, defence, etc.

I want there to be many ways to interact with other empires/players without just combat. I want trade, diplomacy, PVE Battles vs invading AI's, city/defense building, equipping/customizing your troops, and many more features I have yet to think of. 

There's so much I want to say, I am not sure how to best proceed. I think I will just think of really fun features/elements of the game and write about them as they come. 

It won't necessarily be coherent or in order, but I think the more I write, the more insights will come and a bigger picture will begin to form

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Imagine being able to put on a vr head set and see the battle unfold in real time in front of your eyes. And imagine being able to give orders to your troops and command the battle with voice commands and specially designed features that allow for specialized control over your army for tactics.

"I want 40 horseman flanking left! I want 100 infantry to charge the center!" All while the battle unfolds in front of your eyes

Image having specially designed vr gaming equipment designed for the game. So people can wield swords, shields, bow/arrow.

I also want to invent a better tool than simply mouse and keyboard. There is likely a better design for something that allows better interconnection with the game. I don't know what this is, but the mouse and keyboard is limited in it's connectivity.

I do believe that it's possible to gain insight into technological development as I am coming up with ideas. So even though it may seem impossible now, you never know what fresh insights will come

Edited by Raptorsin7

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25 minutes ago, Zeroguy said:

Hey Rap. I've done that with my own life. Like I am in real game and I want my character to win. 

Judo mode. With belts like leveling up system. 


Wow cool video thanks man

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I recently spoke to someone about learning to do astral projection. I wonder if I can astral project to a universe where my game is already whole and complete, and then I can experience it in real time in astral projection, and then bring those insights back to this reality. I wonder if that's possible

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I love awesome soundtracks. That would be a huge part of the game. An incredible, beautiful, inspiring, magical soundtrack.

Imagine hearing this music play through the game as you prepare to defend your capital in an epic siege, or after you emerge victorious on the field of honor.

I'll post a bunch of epic soundtracks I love that would inspire the score for my game.


Edited by Raptorsin7

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I had a conversation with someone from the forum about game design, and I now believe all my ideas are completely realistic and possible. That's awesome. One of my biggest concerns was that this just not realistic given where technology is at, but now I see that it's not true, and that everything is here and available to make the game of my dreams.

It's still early, and there are other parts of my life that I want to get in order before I pursue this idea, but it's becoming more real and possible everyday

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I've gone stale with new ideas. I don't know how to create inspiration and get better insight into what I want to create.

I'm even struggling to just to get a vision of the kind of game I want, even if I remove my constraints. Hmm.

I guess this is part of the creative process, and I still want to create a game, but I just wish i had a more clear vision and it was easier to get a picture of what I really want.

There are so many conflicting parts of my mind on this idea. Idk what way to approach to it. Very frustrating

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Just now, lxlichael said:

@Raptorsin7 how about a brainstorming session?

New stimuli. New transformation of stimuli. New lenses to look at the same thing you previously struggled to see anew.

You got this.

Thanks man.

Do you think it's important to write down what I'm thinking during brain storming sessions?

I feel like I am spending some time throughout the day just hoping insights or ideas come to me, or I'll try to think about a portion of the game I want to create, but I always hit a wall

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15 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Hey, your idea looks a lot like Napoleon: Total War? Do you plan on having campaign map? Or will there be only battles, with some limited diplomacy? Be carefull, do not make a clone of this game?

Hey, my idea definitely has elements from total war but I would want to create something very different. But the idea of campaigning, controlling large armies, and the importance of tactics and strategy would all be crucial elements.

I am not sure about a campaign yet. I might just do a PVE mode that incorporates campaign elements and story aspects, or I'll do a standalone campaign idk. At this point I am focused on visioning fun and engaging game play elements.

I want a fun diplomacy aspect to the game as well. I want the battles to mean something so if you win or lose it has effects on your civilization as a whole. I was thinking of having stuff like treaties, land exchanges, alliances, trade partnerships, etc for diplomatic elements of the game. But the focus would be the combat for sure.

19 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

That VR headset, and interacting with your army throught voice idea sounds pretty cool. Maybe in the future, when the AI will be more advanced, army will be inteligent enough to be able to understand any kind of order.

I think the future is now. If I can get a strong enough vision I think either I will find a way to invent the necessary technology, or someone will have already created it i am just not aware of it yet.

19 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

As of now, the options are still pretty limited, you can only interact with compact units, you cannot order a number of men from one unit to go somewhere else, away from the unit. That idea alone, could revolutionize the genre, and make your game popular.

My main focus would be creating a fun and amazing game experience. If I can do this right I better have multiple features that revolutionize the genre. What I want to do will never have been done before

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Core aspects:

1. Siege Combat

2. Campaigning into enemy lands and conquering new land like Napoleon.

3. Diplomatic interactions between players like treaties, trading, alliances, joint operations, annexation of civilizations, etc

4. The ability to control your army in a fun and engaging way. And maybe the ability to control a central character with unique abilities.

5. An excellent soundtrack

6. The ability to switch from multiple pov's. So one pov would be an overview of the entire map, one pov would be an rts style view where you have more control over your cities and units in command, and one pov would be a first person or vr view where you can literally see the world and fight and interact from this perspective. I want all views to be active in real time

7. I want excellent AI enemies with their own tactics, personality, and strategy. I want friends to be able to team up and be challenged by the AI enemies in the game, but also have the option to fight amongst themselves.

8. I want the games to last many hours, which may require multiple play throughs to finish a single match. Maybe up to 20-30 hours of gametime for a single game. 

9. I want incredible graphics and design. I will not compromise on quality, I want this to be a masterpiece.


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Multiple POV's within a game:

I want players to able to command their armies and civilizations from multiple perspectives.

So I want the ability to see the whole map from a zoomed about perspective, players can get a total view of the map. I imagine having multiple zones or kingdoms on a map, so imagine a map of Westeros or middle earth. This would allow players to manage their vast empire, and make macro decisions on how they want things to run. 

So stuff like taxation, resource management, trade proposals, annexation and other aggressive demands, etc. All of this can be managed from a very zoomed out, top down view of the world. 


I like the civ map for this top down view. This way you really feel like you're managing and controlling your empire. 

I would also want a more zoomed in RTS style view of the map. This would be seamless and directly connected to the top down view. This way you could manage individual cities and territories to maximize your empire. 

In this RTS view you would have a more direct view of how your cities are being run, how your citizens actually function in your empire, how to construct your cities and defenses in your boarders.

Also in this RTS view you can see how your army is deployed on a map, so you can make some strategic decisions on how to control your units in battle.

I would want some combo of age empires, company of heroes, and total war for this aspect of the map and pov.


The final pov would be almost a first person view or potentially a vr view.

This way you could really experience or cities and your kingdom from a close up pov. 

You could also have really fun and engaging combat with a first person view like this, and the battles can be viewed from close up, and there can be specific combat mechanics and animations that lend themselves to this close up view.

So for this view I have multiple games in mind that encapsulate this idea. Conquerors blade, banner lord, and assasins creed (specifically because I like parts of AC combat)



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Imagine an RTS combined with a MOBA. My friend has this idea. 


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Man I am so stuck.

I'm actually getting interesting insights and synchronicities around the game. One of my friends just brought up a similar game idea he's had for 10 years. And I just watched a really cool gameplay video for a cool MOBA siege game

But I just don't have a clear sense of what would be a fun game to make.

I want to make a game. But I don't know how to think about it.

I want to think of a brilliant and fun game idea. I think I'll keep trying to just sit down and come up with ideas, maybe that will work

Edited by Raptorsin7

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Learn from Leo. Noticed pattern? The same. 

Save your time. 

Edited by Zeroguy

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4 hours ago, Zeroguy said:

Learn from Leo. Noticed pattern? The same. 

Save your time. 

What should I learn from Leo?


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