
NYT Opinion: We’re Edging Closer to Civil War

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53 minutes ago, Yarco said:

Call me crazy, but in my worldview it feels like the opposite of what the NYT article is saying.

For me it's the "Black people, immigrants, Muslims, Jews, L.G.B.T.Q. people and, yes, women, particularly liberal ones" that are in charge, and the tech companies helping to push their agenda.

If you question whether there are more than 2 genders, or anything about LGBT or trans people, stuff that would've just been accepted by the majority of people 20 years ago, you get deplatformed from all social media, people try to get you doxxed and  fired from your jobs.

These groups oppress white people, especially their kids, basically telling them that they're evil and their ancestors are all evil colonialists. Even not getting involved isn't good enough any more. Your radical friends will tell you "silence is violence" if you don't get involved and change your social media to a BLM profile pic.

Every major company changes their profile pictures on Twitter/Instagram/etc to rainbow stuff during pride month. All the schools, hospitals, etc in my city fly a Pride flag year-round. US embassies around the world have Pride flags. Companies are now encouraged to do more diversity hiring, basically anti-white practices where less qualified people can get hired simply because they're a minority.

I am part of the "racist white patriarchy" and I definitely don't feel in charge, or capable of subjugating anyone.

Maybe in America things are drastically different. Here in Canada even our conservative party is about as left-leaning now as Democrats in the US, with most of the others more like leftists/socialists. I voted for the only "real" right party in our last Federal election, basically a fringe group that popped up within the past 2 election cycles, and they only got 5% of the vote and 0 seats in Parliament. The racist right-wing people aren't coming for you any time soon, we're literally powerless atm.

Canada hasn't been listed as a backsliding democracy, for one.

If the idea of a coup attempt taking place in Canada sounds ludicrous, then you enjoy a level of social and political stability that's no longer taken for granted in the 'States.

The lived reality of the political landscape here involves everyone outside of the far Right trying to forestall the collapse of democracy over the next four to ten years.

So yeah, things are quite bit worse here than in Canada.

Edited by DocWatts

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I certainly feel a general state of unease, like I’m walking on eggshells around anyone with a conservative mindset. The midterm election chances are looking pretty grim for Democrats, and I shudder to think what the reaction would be if they do better than expected. Republicans are already mad about 2020 just as a baseline. What if it gets worse?

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15 hours ago, Vrubel said:

First of all, your logic is mute because Argentina itself is mostly of European descent ("white settler" to use a boogie term). The Falklands are British for the simple reason it's Inhabitat by British people, (The Islands actually never had natives). On top of that Britain has the proven capability for responsible government and defense. Something Argentina can not guarantee to put it mildly. 

So Love or hate her but Thatcher was completely justified in defending her land and people.


I get your point, lack of critical thinking can lead to dark places. Still, I would say focus more on your own mind. Seek understanding and beauty. Prioritize that over ideological crusading. 

I get it now, just watch your word use. Overusing hyperbolic terms will make you come across as an alarmist nutcase, be more nuanced instead. 


Don't be so pedantic over the use of a conceptual term. It's perfectly understandable to say "Europe" in reference to Western Europe in a political context.


Eastern Europeans are not that insecure. They don't consider themselves some sorry oppressed minority. Russians and Ukrainians themselves refer to "Europe" as meaning Western Europe. There is just absolutely no issue here.

I get your points and approximately where you are coming from at arriving at them, I think it's mute and unproductive at this point to continue arguing over these pedantics.

Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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On 12/15/2021 at 4:01 PM, Girzo said:

Russia is super-poor for European standards. It is even poorer than Poland per capita. Considering most of their wealth comes from gas and other natural resources, and not i dustry and services, that makes them even poorer, more akin to Saudi Arabia, than Germany. They are poor per capita and even then that money is unevenly distributed. Building institutions and infrastructure takes time, Russia doesn't have roads in many place while Austria can afford to renew their asphalt every 4 years. It's crazy, I haven't seen a pothole in Austria once when I been there. Stupid amounts of wealth, Russia not even close. Russia also has low-density of population in most regions, it's basically Moscow, and the rest of the country is an abandoned 3rd world country. I am exagerrating, but Russia has a lot of work to do.

Ah Okay, I see why. Thank you for your response. Actually, I just rewatched Leo vid on "How Society Evolves - Introducing The World Values Survey" and basically explained what you just said up above. I also already added more info. about this on my thread "Why do Russia and China still have authoritarian political systems?" Thanks again.

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