
An amazing insight on saliva I’ve never heard before! (Do not condone)

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I was sitting in my friends apartment and told her to watch me. She had an extract I wasn’t sure of the strentgth, but I felt my body stretch and then suck up like a vacuum into a black hole. I then experienced infinity, but then I felt almost as if I went into something that wasn’t nothing or everything, I can’t explain it with words. I went to what I would describe as world that you can’t comprehend with beings. But it wasn’t anything you could even imagine here. It was like imagining nothing. I tried to get something out of it so I asked one of them “how do I make revolutionary discoveries in my own word?”. And the being told me in its own communication that made me think to myself “If you want to know what no one else knows, look where no one else looks.” It was so obvious but I’ve never heard it spoken before, kind of like gravity. 

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That's a good one

"God is not a conclusion, it is a sudden revelation. When you see a rose it is not that you go through a logical solipsism, 'This is a rose, and roses are beautiful, so this must be beautiful.' The moment you see it, the head stops spinning thoughts. On the contrary, your heart starts beating faster. It is something totally different from the idea of truth." -Osho

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@johnlocke18 would've been nice if he just told you where to look for lol.


9 hours ago, johnlocke18 said:

I went to what I would describe as world that you can’t comprehend with beings. But it wasn’t anything you could even imagine here. It was like imagining nothing.

Can you expand on this? I know language most likely fails you here but I'm pretty good at comprehending what someone tries to explain after a trip that makes little to no sense. Do you mean you went to "somewhere" completely different from here as in nothing like you've ever seen before or could even imagine? Like something so different that it just does not compute? And by this I don't mean like 4 legged kangaroo beings in a pink planet, no, I mean literally "like you've never and could never see before". Because this is what I imagine infinity is like. Infinite novel things (and more). Like if you think about it, things in the Universe (or just earth) make sense to us because they're supposed to. Concepts, physicality, thoughts... whatever we can boil down our existence to. But who's to say there's not infinite many other-ness that we can't get to and would never comprehend because there's nothing to comprehend as it's not bound to this 3D material realm at all.

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@michaelcycle00 All of those ideas went out the window even infinity. Ik it’s hard to comprehend. How can anything be outside of infinity? Which is true but still. I literally can’t describe it in words. 

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@Osaid The thing is, if you really think about it The being helped me realize how all great realizations throughout history were made, like gravity. Ik it sounds obvious, but I think I came across something very valuable and practical. In my opinion, most insights people come across don’t really have much to do with our day to day life or help. I don’t think anyones ever actually described HOW to realize things without saying “you just do.”

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I really think I realized something remarkable, and hope I’m the one that keeps the credit for it lol. 

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12 minutes ago, johnlocke18 said:

The thing is, if you really think about it The being helped me realize how all great realizations throughout history were made, like gravity. Ik it sounds obvious, but I think I came across something very valuable and practical. In my opinion, most insights people come across don’t really have much to do with our day to day life or help. I don’t think anyones ever actually described HOW to realize things without saying “you just do.”

It is a very direct and practical pointer. It goes to the root of how new realizations are made. It is simple and it does a good job of conveying lots of complexity in one sentence. You could probably contemplate this one sentence and reach multiple branches of realizations just from doing that.

These psychedelic entities are apparently really good at giving succinct pointers like this. Terence McKenna had one tell him "If you don't have a plan, you become part of someone else's plan."

"God is not a conclusion, it is a sudden revelation. When you see a rose it is not that you go through a logical solipsism, 'This is a rose, and roses are beautiful, so this must be beautiful.' The moment you see it, the head stops spinning thoughts. On the contrary, your heart starts beating faster. It is something totally different from the idea of truth." -Osho

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This is a reminiscent of a JD Rockefeller quote that goes like this "If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success." The masses always follow whatever intrepid rulers there are in society, and uphold traditions. So this kind of advise is rarely ever implemented by humans.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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@JuliusCaesar No, I said in order to realize something no one has before, you have to look where no one has, which is a profound insight. Realizing something like gravity from looking where no else looks, has nothing to do with choosing our own path to success, that’s completely misconstruing what I said and making it look like I’m just repeating something that’s been said thousands of times. 

Edited by johnlocke18

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@JuliusCaesar  You know how newton didn’t invent gravity, but he realized it? Well this being basically revealed to me how to realize things like that, which is to look where no one else looks. So no, I’m not just saying choose your own path in life. I don’t want this misinterpretation to mitigate how profound this realization was. 

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14 hours ago, johnlocke18 said:

Realizing something like gravity from looking where no else looks, has nothing to do with choosing our own path to success

Rockefeller tells us to do what no one else is doing. And you say to search where no one else is searching. There's great similarity between the two.


14 hours ago, johnlocke18 said:

that’s completely misconstruing what I said and making it look like I’m just repeating something that’s been said thousands of times.

I didn't intend to somehow denigrate your experience. I was merely pointing out an obvious similarity between your words and Rockefeller's.


14 hours ago, johnlocke18 said:

I’m not just saying choose your own path in life.

That also isn't what Rockefeller was saying either. He was saying that the status quo of accepted sucess is nothing in comparison to the possibilities outside of it. And in any event, my logic that most humans won't follow yours or Rockefeller's advise applies. Most humans tend to operate only within the limitations imposed upon them by society. That applies to everything in the human experience(which can be limited by status quo), not just sucess or discovery.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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@johnlocke18 I get it but you were still describing a good chunk of it that's related to what I asked. 

Also, is that the only thing the entity told you? "Look where no one else is looking", or are you purposely withholding info? Because truly, there's like a thousand places one could look for where no one else is. Unless it's simply a "look within instead of without" thing. And yeah, I've read the "look where no one else is looking" advice or 'realization' (call it what you want) before, plenty of times. Taking the credit about such a thing shouldn't be important to you at all. Go deeper. 

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@michaelcycle00 Don’t try to shut me down just for being happy where I’m at. You’re just assuming you know what I experienced and telling me to go deeper. Get off the high horse. I’ve meditated since 2012, stayed in a monastery at one point, and done loads of psychedelics, and still don’t go around preaching to people like I’m above them. 

Edited by johnlocke18

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@michaelcycle00 @michaelcycle00 That’s like telling someone that worked hard at bodybuilding for years that they’re just taking credit for what their muscles are doing. It’s just shutting me down for being proud of where I’m at, and insulting someone out of insecurity of where you’re at. Don’t tell me to go deeper when you don’t know where I’m at. 

Edited by johnlocke18

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