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Live Life Liam

I Wish Everybody A Wonderful Christmas And A Happy New Year!

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I know its not Christmas yet but I just wanted to give a message to you guys in case anyone is feeling depressed, down or lonely during this holiday period.

*I hope doing a video like this is okay on here since I'm not trying to spam or do dishonest self promotion but just wanting to give you all a message for Christmas and the new year*

Edited by Live Life Liam

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5 hours ago, Live Life Liam said:

I know its not Christmas yet but I just wanted to give a message to you guys in case anyone is feeling depressed, down or lonely during this holiday period.

Christ’s message is rejoice and be merry. But that is not the message of Christianity. Christianity’s message is: be sad, long faces, look miserable; the more miserable you look, the more saintly you are. Sometimes I really feel for poor Jesus. He has fallen in such wrong company, and I wonder how he is managing in paradise with all these Christian saints, so sad, so dull.

He was not a dull man, he was not a sad man — he could not be. The word ‘christ’ is exactly synonymous with buddha. He was an enlightened person. He rejoiced in life, in the small things of life. He rejoiced in eating, drinking, friendship. He loved companionship, he loved the whole life.

But Christians down the ages have painted him as very sad. They have painted him always on the cross, as if for thirty-three years he was always on the cross.

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Christmas is actually Pagan.  To celebrate the 'Return of the Sun' as in the Winter Solstice.  It was adopted by Christianity (4th century or thereabouts)  to try and meld together (or destroy) with Paganism.  Pagans enjoyed a bit of a knees up in Mid-Winter, drinking, carolling and celebrating, the Powers that be in Christianity decided to adopt it, because they couldn't stamp it out.  Think about bringing a tree into your house, a bit odd really :)....You are bringing in the 'Green Man' and it is Evergreen ( never a deciduous tree) as a sign of eternal life.   I still love Christmas or the Winter Solstice...any excuse for Fun and Joy :D.  Thank you @Live Life Liam

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Pagans enjoyed a bit of a knees up in Mid-Winter.

So do I! I go on holidays (vacation) just after xmas. Sunshine is good for skin and health if you live where I do too and seasonal affective disorder is real too.

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And a festivus for the rest-of-us! 


U da man Liam 

Edited by Arman

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