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I can't control the voices in my head, so I guess...

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... although the idea of a real thing called the "ego" dies, there will still be voices in your head. Thinking will never die because it makes something out of nothing. This is heaven because it becomes anything you want, but can also be nothing at all. 

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27 minutes ago, iboughtleosbooklist said:

Thinking will never die because it makes something out of nothing.

"Thinking" is a thought. When "thought" dies, "thought" dies. 

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In a way the ego is the believing of the thoughts that there is a voices and an in and a your head, but no mind is a most a literal pointer what can’t be thunk. A literal blissful perfect peace. Literal as in if you put an electrode skull cap on there would be no activity or waves on the screen. You would be literally seeing that nothing is happening.

There is no thought or thinking which is a substitute for meditation.



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stop talking with yourself throughout the day, it originates from that.

it's not natural to talk with yourself, that's why we often see crazy people in the street mumbling with themselves constantly. 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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