The Monk

Enlightenment Items?

9 posts in this topic

Hi guys, I recently was searching amazon for a bracelet that I wanted to buy, and later came across items to aid with enlightenment, which were a variety of items within the jewellery section. And ranged from things such as, enlightenment pendants to necklaces. 


Do things like this actually work or are they just a scam in order to make profits for businesses? And do you know anything that boosts the speed at which enlightenment can come, (besides meditation):D ; I'm referring to an item of sorts. Or do these things just exist in movies and fairy tales?

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28 minutes ago, Aamir King said:

Hi guys, I recently was searching amazon for a bracelet that I wanted to buy, and later came across items to aid with enlightenment, which were a variety of items within the jewellery section. And ranged from things such as, enlightenment pendants to necklaces. 


Do things like this actually work or are they just a scam in order to make profits for businesses? And do you know anything that boosts the speed at which enlightenment can come, (besides meditation):D ; I'm referring to an item of sorts. Or do these things just exist in movies and fairy tales?

Crystals seem to actually bring affect to some people so I would discount it just yet to be honest. It might be just a placebo though but as you open your mind stuff like this can help some on the enlightened path.

Koi fresco talks about having a picture of a guru in his wallet so whenever he buys something he remembers to not get caught in materialism and see what his focus is on. It can stop people being silly with spending. 

Like I said before jewelry and bracelets can have an effect although whether it is a placebo or these crystal jewelry are mystical in nature I can't say. I'm not going to be like the rest of the people who will say all this shit is crazy since I can't say. 

My advice is work on the things that have a lot of evidence of actually helping people on the path like psychedelics which have scientific benefits and can open mind to new ideas. 

If your closed minded too drugs that's probably why you haven't mentioned this but they are non addictive, natural (usually) and actual aren't recreational like alcohol and can really enhance growth.

One thing I will also say is that if your unsure about something don't buy it. You don't need our validation to get them. Do you think they help you on the journey? Try and find out since you know best. What is true to you? 

Also in my perspective these aren't usually scams but general people who actually believe this stuff works. I would call it a scam unless they know it's bullshit and still sell it anyway for cash. Generally these jewelry sellers are from a new age background and think these methods can work well.

Listen to your intuition. We have too many rationalists in the world haha so it's time to look past valuing it over what world says. If you want it get it.

Keep in mind though that I personally don't think they are useful for me at the moment since it's still a external object and finding things that help you search within is key. I do have some crystals though and they are nice to have :)

Hope this helps.

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"Items to aid with enlightenment"... sounds like a joke, at least to me. 

[insert quote here]

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@Aamir King There are no "things" in reality. Reality is just one big blurry field, where energy is distributed. From one way of looking at it (I would call that our perspective), energy is distributed unevenly, where there is higher concentration of energy, there are things you perceive as solid. Where there is lower concentration of energy, you feel like it is empty space or just air. Now, "enlightenment items", does sound ridiculous doesn't it? =D
"Nothing in this room means anything." - our good ol pal Eckie Tolie. There is no value in anything. Everything is completely pointless and purposeless. And that is the most beautiful pointlessness you can't imagine.

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99% of them are scams, yes. Total hogwash. Expect for this one bracelet. When it normally takes 1,000 hours of self-inquiry to have an enlightenment experience, while wearing this special bracelet you can do it in just 200. 800 hours of time saved! You see, it's very thin and looks very similar to the human skin so when you wear it and look at your wrist during contemplation, your mind will get confused as to whether it's a part of your body or not. That will open up your mind and make it 500% more likely to get into a state of not-knowing, which allows enlightenment to occur. If you contact me within 24 hours, you only have to send me 149 bucks on paypal (Enlightement's totally worth it!) and also give me your address so I know where to ship it;)

Lol jk :D:D:D:D:D 

Edited by Markus

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the best enlightenment items I've found in my experience are lsd, mushrooms, weed and ayahuasca hahah. also, retreats and hardships.

"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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You can always get into sacred geometry and learn universal function, vibratory frequencies and how energy works.

Study Nikola Tesla and Buddhist, Taoist, Yogic teachings,

Understanding Crystals, Pyramid and Spherical functions, Purple plates and Orgonite.

Whatever helps raise the vibration or harmonizes energies will help you paint a clearer, more vibrant picture in your journey.

Also remember the body is your Temple, and everything is consciousness so what you consume externally and internally will ultimately be the outcome of what you experience and attract. Now people that claim this is all mumbo jumbo simply do not understand universal function and how these things work so just ignore them and do what feels right.

Follow your heart and intuition, it doesn't hurt to believe in something, this life is all you have for now. Its better to believe and live life to the fullest then to close yourself off in a structured limited reality and mindset. Nothing grows there.

In a nutshell surround yourself with energies, people, items that help raise and harmonize your vibration.

The higher you vibrate, the clearer life's picture becomes.

Edited by pluto


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On 16/11/2016 at 8:46 AM, Aamir King said:

do you know anything that boosts the speed at which enlightenment can come

Dropping the idea that enlightenment is achievable. 

Enlightenment is a concept

You are a concept

What do they have in common? They're thoughts. 

The only important thing is this moment, "enlightenment" is when "you're" aware of that. 

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@Aamir King Considering that "enlightenment" is about dropping "attachments" the answer should be clear :D
However placebos might have there affects.

Edited by Bob84

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