
Dark Side Of Meditation

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Hello ! So I've been meditating hard core and lately shit is getting weird as fuck man , involuntary movements , barking (yes barking and growling like a mother fucking dog ) , screaming , fucked up thoughts and swinging emotions all involuntary. 

I know that this is what ppl call katharsis (like cleaning all the fucked up shit we have inside our beautiful heads) but yeah lol idk it's kind of cool and I also had another awakening experience yesterday it was a glimpse of awareness , the void , god , or whatever the fuck you wanna call it and it was beautiful!!!!! ? 

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Catharsis helps. If you cathart, if you go through chaotic meditations, you throw all these clouds outside, all these darknesses outside, then mindfulness becomes easier. Right approach is first chaotic meditations and then silent meditations, first active meditations, then passive meditations. You can move into passivity only when all that is there like junk has been thrown out. Anger has been thrown out, greed has been thrown out … layer upon layer, these things are there. But once you have thrown them out, you can easily slip in. There is nothing to hinder.

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Barking? Ahaha, lol :D:D I guess Leo was on to something after all. Next you'll tell me you're seeing praying mantis people :D 

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Imagine having to explain that you just barked like a fucking dog to your girlfriend or someone else if they hear it. Yeah, that would be kinda fucked up ?

You would need a great comeback to get away with that one ??



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I've also gone through wierd shit, though not as extreme as in your case. - I started crying for no apparent reason whatsoever. This happened multiple times and one time I was just lying on the floor screaming and wheaping at the same time. It was quite scary to be frank. But I'm not sure if it was the meditation or just something I've overlooked.

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Guys . This dynamic meditation thing was Osho. The 93 rolls Royce narcissist. The "sex guru". Obviously worked on him to get rid of all his fear and greed .

Come on people,

Don't fall for this crap.

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9 hours ago, PetarKa said:

But I'm not sure if it was the meditation or just something I've overlooked.

It is preparation for meditation. You will be surprised to see how many things start coming to you once you start expressing them. It is not only that your mind expressed them. Your body expresses them. For the first time, you become aware that your body has many repressions to express. If you are a violent man, your hands will be moving as if you are killing someone or beating someone. Many screams will come out. And through the screams, much will be released.

Within three weeks you will be able to express what is within you spontaneously. Then you will feel that something is leaving you and you are being unburdened. Now you can sit silently, doing nothing.

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@Prabhaker yoooo ! That's so true I noticed that I had this knot in my chest and while meditating I noticed and just looked at it that shit started moving down my stomach and left my body after that is when my whole body started doing involuntary movements and screams all that , is like if I had been carrying a bad of sand my whole life 

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