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My Concentration Sucks?

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Please share some practices, methods to raise concentration. Although I am in mid 20's . My concentration level sucks. I have watched T.V my whole life. Now it is biting me in the ass. Anything even minor improvement in anything thing spirituality, worldly success requires tremendous levels of concentration. 

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I'm the same mate. Have horrible concentration, it makes it quite hard. Like in lectures my default is to zone out and I really have to try to concentrate.


For me, what dramatically helps is stopping as many things as possible that create stimulation (dopamine hits). Cut porn and masturbation, social media, moderate TV and video games. Also establish:

-Eating healthy


-Try mandatory book reading for half an hour a day 

-Play mind training games like Lumosity 

-Meditate your ass off


Do all these things and you'll be set. 

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I've been doing concetration meditation for ~1,5 year, 30 minutes on average a day. It has taken my concentration skills to the next level. How to do it? Sit down, close your eyes and commit to focusing on the breath, don't let the attention wander. If you manage to do 30 minutes without a single mind wandering you will see what I'm taling about and the benefits will be obvious. I can now concentrate on the things I'm learning for hours.

Concentration is like a muscle, train it and it will become strong.

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I used to hate meditation because all the techniques I knew were related to concentration. Letting go of thoughts, counting the breath etc. With the Do Nothing, I don't concentrate on anything, and my concentration has gotten so sharp like a razor; focused like the sun on a magnifying class.

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What everyone has said above is very valuable.  The tricky thing with trying to improve concentration is that... it takes patience.  You are not suddenly going to BURST into having a great concentration strength.  It's like a muscle - it needs training, nutrition, and time to grow.

So, similarly to exercise, you may benefit from some kind of motivational record to help see how you're growing.  I'm not quite sure how you would do this for concentration (the equivalent for exercise would be weigh-ins, photos, etc.), but perhaps find a routine by which you want to improve your concentration (meditation, reading, whatever) and every day just write a one- or two-line description of how long you lasted, and how you found it.  You'll probably find, after a few weeks, that you've improved without realising.

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