
Reality Is Not An Illusion

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Right now, you are 100% seeing all the Truth that could ever be. You think you are not seeing it, but it's impossible to avoid.

You are fully enlightened, and you could never be otherwise.

The simple ordinary awareness that you have of anything that arises either in the 'world' or in 'your mind' is the Truth.

There is nothing more to enlightenment than realizing directly that what is appearing in awareness -- before you take claim of it -- is the Truth.

The ultimate reality is that there is not nor has there ever been a 'you' to take claim of any object/thought of awareness.


The mistake some people make is that they believe: "We are in the matrix. We are trapped and this (reality) is all one big illusion".  

No, this is not an illusion. This is the reality. The illusion is that anybody exists that could percieve it. That is the illusion. Everything that you see here - the universe, you, that hat, that hair, that house, that tree, that man walking over there with his dog - that's the reality, that has always been the reality. That's the only reality that has ever been. The delusion is that anybody is experiencing it.


All I just wrote here is just a transcription of some parts of Norquist's speech found here: 

I don't know why I wanted to write it on paper and share it here but I did.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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On 10/25/2016 at 6:24 AM, WaveInTheOcean said:

Right now, you are 100% seeing all the Truth that could ever be. You think you are not seeing it, but it's impossible to avoid.

No, this is not an illusion. This is the reality. The illusion is that anybody exists that could percieve it. That is the illusion. Everything that you see here - the universe, you, that hat, that hair, that house, that tree, that man walking over there with his dog - that's the reality, that has always been the reality. That's the only reality that has ever been. The delusion is that anybody is experiencing it.

Actually, we can't be sure that matter does exist if it is not observed.

Some say that it does not exist, others says that it exists in an uncertain state, but no one says anymore that MATTER DOES EXIST OBJECTIVELY WHEN IT IS NOT OBSERVED. I mean no one  but those who are not aware of the scientific results from the last half of the last century.

There were two ideas: Einstein's and Bohr's. Einstein died believing that matter exists objectively after a lifetime fight with Bohr. After many years from his dead, physics proved indubitably that matter doesn't have an objective existence. It exists only if and when it is observed. It is not that we cannot know because of technological restrictions.

Search:  Double Split Experiment, Bell inequality, Aspect experiment.


In this light, what can we say about that hat or house you were looking at in your post ? Are they real 100% ? Leo and Co. say that what you see are actually waves in your brain, nothing to do with the actual house. On the other hand, physicist say that the house came into existence only when you decided to look at it.

Sounds like crystal clear, right ? 


Edited by George Paul

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17 hours ago, Makis said:

What Steven Norquist says is true. But the way he says it is not very helpful and many people won't understand it right. So I try to explain further using an analogy to computer operating systems.

Imagine a computer running on windows based on DOS (Disk Operating System). Windows cannot run without starting the DOS first. But when you start the DOS windows automatically starts with it. Imagine windows being a shell or just an extension to the DOS.

Now to draw the analogy to human consciousness imagine that absolute consciousness is the DOS of the human mind. Let's call it COS (Clear Operating System). :) The COS is non-dual and absolute. In the human consciousness of a non-enlightened person when COS is started windows (the dual consciousness operating system upheld by the intellect) is always started with it. The windows operating system has some illusion creating programs running, namely that of separation between subject and object, the program of identity, the program of having a personal life story and so on. The human consciousness in windows is totally in a subject-object-reality. That is how it is working. Windows now always tells itself that it has a personal existence. It tells itself that it is real again and again in every second. Everyday from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep the programs are on autoloop repeating the illusion of living in a subject-object-reality, identity and personal lifestory over and over again. Because this is always compulsively repeated people cannot see that this is not true. The truth is that windows is just a shell or an extension of COS. In the background COS is always running. It cannot be otherwise. Windows can't work without COS. COS is the basis of consciousness. Windows is just an operating system having a lot of programs running telling you otherwise. 

Because windows pretends that it exists independently (separate) it is not working well. It is buggy. So the program has the "feeling" of there being something wrong and therefore of suffering. So people begin to play around in windows trying to fix the problems. They move files from one place to the other, create folders here and there, try to rearrange the files, trying to create some updates and so on. In other words people begin to seek for completion. They try to find it in success, in creating "a perfect life" and so on. But all of this doesn't really work, those people realize sooner or later. On death bed, when they realize that they haven't been able to fix the problems it shows itself in the form of "regrets". 

Then there are more intelligent people trying very professionally to fix the problems. So they begin to study the windows system. This is called personal development. So they think very clever of updates, tuning and other ways to make the system run better. But in the end they too realize that it is just not working. The problems can't be fixed.

The most intelligent people and those who tried everything else start to get on the track of some people who claim to have fixed the windows operating system call "enlightenment". So they begin to search for that. The problem now is, that most of the seekers search for it in the wrong place, at least at the beginning. So they search for it in every file and every folder of windows. In other words they search in the subject-object-reality, they search for it in appearances. They try to find it intellectually. In the end the spiritual seeker realizes in many cases that enlightenment cannot be found in the world of appearances, it cannot be found in objects (subject-object-reality).

But the spiritual seeker who arrived at that recognition has a problem. He is not able to find COS that easy either. This is because windows is always active. And like I said the illusion always gets repeated on autoloop. Worse than that, over the years windows got infected with malware of all kinds (neurosis). These malware programs make it even harder to stop the windows system from running. And last but not necessarily least windows "believes" that existence is not possible without the windows system running. So it tries to prevent it's own shutdown.

Those who are really serious about trying to end this messy situation don't let themselves being distracted. So they try to figure out ways to find COS.

One way is to try to slow down the intellect, without which windows cannot work, as much as possible. One way therefore is to just focus on ones own breath for example.

Another way is to cause a shutdown of the system by practicing "doing nothing". If this is done properly and "hardcore" enough, like doing it for months or years all day, a shutdown is not unlikely.

In the highest spiritual teachings it is tried to "cut through" windows directly and look at COS directly.

There are other ways to "hack the system" so to speak and to come to realize COS.

In many cases using on way or the other or sometimes just by "accident" without trying to find COS in the first place, a breakdown of the system happens and it is realized that in reality there has always been just COS. Windows with all it's programs are just a shell. This what the programs always told itself isn't true. Then it is realized that COS was always there. It never left. This is why some teachers say "you always have been enlightened". "After" enlightenment it is seen that it has never been "something else". It is always there. And it is as simple as looking at your own hands. It is too simple that most people overlook it all the time.

Ok, I have to to stop writing now. Hopefully I didn't cause more confusion than giving helpful information. Cheers everybody.

I like the analogy. Worth the hour reading :x

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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