
The untold inefficiency of capitalism

8 posts in this topic

What I rarely hear people talking about that the capitalistic system actually puts people in a predicament that leads to a very low efficiency.

For a human being in this system to actually provide value to society, is made unnecessary hard.

The total amount of energy someone at work actually spends on creating value is relatively low.

What do I mean by this?

Imagine an entrepreneur in this current system. What percentage of the time is focussed on actually improving the lives of clients?

So much time is spend holding up masks, meeting selfish needs, creating appearances, playing games.

Some things in the category:

- Marketing

- A large part of finances

- Social media

- Large parts of communication

- A large part of sales

- And the list could go on, also in many subtle ways that are hard to describe.

If we go even deeper: what are the thoughts of the entrepreneur on an average day? 

Very little time is spent thinking about serving others.


And can we blame the individual?

It is quite a challenge to meet your needs and survive. Being creative is a luxury many can't afford.

There are all these forces put on the individuals that make them occupied with meeting those low-consciousness needs.

Of course in the end the average level of consciousness is in the end creating this whole system... but still.



For example, I work at a company that provides trainings to corporate to leaders from corporate organisations.

We are expanding on a project that is called "Next Generation Leadership".

The intention is to help the leaders of tomorrow to put themselves in the position where they can become conscious creators.

I just came out of a team meeting where we were discussing the main pillars for expanding on the existing product.

Three main subjects came about:

- External relations/sales. Figuring out ways to get in contact with the right people so we can gather clients.

- Branding. Things on the website, good-looking sign-up forms, etc.

- Community: Making sure that people stay in contact after the programme. Yes, also to provide some value to them, but a big undertone is sales related.

In the end, I managed to squeeze in a fourth pillar: content creation. Improving the actual quality and impact of the programme.

It is simply relatively low on the list.


This is quite ironic because the values underlying capitalism are very focussed around providing value. At least that is the story that is told.

But if we would trust each other more, cooperate better, throw in some genuine care as well. There could be systems that are way more efficient. Even if merely pursuing the very values capitalism tries to fulfil. But surely to whilst trying to create the biggest beauty on this earth as we can.


Hmm what stage of development would this analysis be... green/yellow?

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This was in Leo’s blog recently. Daniel Schmachtenberger is a SD Yellow. 

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@Identity i think the best thing we can do individualy is raise our concioussness and help people around us to raise concioussness. This can snowball through time. We can work on ourselfs and it will eventualy show up on the outside.

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@AdamR95 Agreed, that’s the most important part.

Yet consciously shaping these kinds of structures can help to make that easier as well I think.

It’s kind of a chicken or egg problem; unconscious system creates unconscious individuals, unconscious individuals create unconscious systems.

If we tackle the problem on both sides, we can inch our way up quicker.

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I don't agree with you. Those people who aren't constantly looking to improve their product go out of business or get steamrolled by competitors relatively quickly. Amazon is not the biggest company in the world because they are absolutely selfish/unproductive - no, quite the opposite

The thing with amazon, is that it serves super well the customer and themselves, but does the scatter damage for some people/businesses in a environment. So it becomes a win win lose. It would be silly to say they operate in win lose lose cognition, though, as you're trying to strawman them. It's just false. Amazon is not evil, it's good. The problem is that it is not as good as it could be

Edited by Hello from Russia

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@AdamR95 Yes, thats right, it will apear the consciousness making change the human thinking and action, step by step.

Awakening is apearing progressibly.

Global Re-Evolutive Human System Change 



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