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The Dark Side Of Spirituality Rebel Wisdom Vid

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Just watched this - incredibly interesting and really hit the nail on the head regarding New Age narcissism and its ties to the right wing.

Loved Alex's analogy of the Qanon phenomenon being like a brain cancer of the human collective.

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Watched this a while back. Great stuff. It's definitely a widespread phenomenon in the New Age movement - I had first hand exposure to many of these ideas while living at a spiritual community in Costa Rica this past winter. 

I wrote an essay this week about conspiracy theories and my own personal take on the issue. Curious what y'all think:


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I’ve noticed there is a weird tiny trend of there being a small amount of people super into ayahuasca, plant medicine and the sort of modern new age trends that is also super into qanon. I basically just don’t vibe with new age in general. I don’t mind new age environments and meeting hippie girls or being green but I wouldn’t characterize myself as new age. I don’t think it’s a good idea to make spirituality some ginormous part of your personality. It is kinda cringe.

Edited by Lyubov

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3 hours ago, tuckerwphotography said:

Watched this a while back. Great stuff. It's definitely a widespread phenomenon in the New Age movement - I had first hand exposure to many of these ideas while living at a spiritual community in Costa Rica this past winter. 

I wrote an essay this week about conspiracy theories and my own personal take on the issue. Curious what y'all think:


I read your article, very interesting story but its great that you went through that journey and you feel lighter and happier now. 

What happened at the spiritual community though, i didnt see anything about that?


10 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

I’ve noticed there is a weird tiny trend of there being a small amount of people super into ayahuasca, plant medicine and the sort of modern new age trends that is also super into qanon. I basically just don’t vibe with new age in general. I don’t mind new age environments and meeting hippie girls or being green but I wouldn’t characterize myself as new age. I don’t think it’s a good idea to make spirituality some ginormous part of your personality. It is kinda cringe.

Yeah its a real trend, Rebel Wisdom called it 'conspirituality'. ive never vibed with the new age devotees either, there seems to be a lot of almost religious, fundamentalist beliefs in it as well as a lot of ego especially when their whole identity is based around it. But there are some positives and if they can just drop some of the beliefs theyll probably see things slightly different. 

Rebel Wisdom actually talk about this phenomenon, have a search on youtube for it  

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4 hours ago, Consept said:

I read your article, very interesting story but its great that you went through that journey and you feel lighter and happier now. 

What happened at the spiritual community though, i didnt see anything about that?

@Consept Thanks for reading! Was just saying that I witnessed a lot of conspirituality stuff at the community I was at, but I didn't directly speak to this in the essay though it influenced my decision to write it in the first place. 

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7 hours ago, tuckerwphotography said:

@Consept Thanks for reading! Was just saying that I witnessed a lot of conspirituality stuff at the community I was at, but I didn't directly speak to this in the essay though it influenced my decision to write it in the first place. 

No problem, it was a good read ?

Would be interesting to get your insights on the experiences you had with conspirituality, I think it's one of those things that's there but not really discussed 

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7 hours ago, Consept said:

No problem, it was a good read ?

Would be interesting to get your insights on the experiences you had with conspirituality, I think it's one of those things that's there but not really discussed 

@Consept There's a whole podcast that was started talking about the topic. Here's an episode with Jamie Wheal:

The guys that run the podcast are mostly Stage Orange/Green, so they lack a nuanced perspective IMO. But Jamie is great.

Here's a video of him talking about "how to spot a cult": 


And another video about conspirituality from Rebel Wisdom:


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@Consept In terms of my personal experience, basically I noticed the trend is most dominant in people leaving Stage Orange and moving into Green, feeling disillusioned with everything they previously believed. There's a lot of anger, resentment, confusion and disbelief. They're looking for a new "story" or narrative or worldview they can attach themselves to, and often instead of doing the deep challenging inner work that involves being in the mystery and sitting in the unknown, they cling to whatever story arises that explains why they feel the way they feel.

For example, that there's an evil cabal of elites harming them. IMO, it's fundamentally a victim mentality that fuels the fire of anger and allows it to be projected outward instead of investigated inward, and as we know, anger is often a cover for grief. So instead of feeling that deep painful grief we turn to rage and project it onto others. It creates a duality of good and evil, right and wrong, awakened and asleep, enlightened ones and sheeples, high vibe and low vibe. It's a strange irony that in the quest for Oneness so much separation can be created.  

Often psychedelics can help magnify the conspiracy theories, for example, having alien encounters during DMT/Ayahuasca which adds "evidence" that that aliens must be working with Bill Gates to implant microchips in our brains. I had one friend who told me after an Aya ceremony that the medicine told her COVID was an inside job. She is studying to be a doctor and generally is not a conspiracy theory person. Now, perhaps COVID is an inside job, and I believe she had the experience she's claiming she had, but still, it shows how quickly these things can spread because all it takes is her posting that on social media to have all these other people point and say, "See, more proof that COVID is a government conspiracy here to control our bodies!" Things just warp and take on a life of their own. 

Lastly, because many in the New Age world are so isolated from mainstream society, it creates a bubble that perpetuates the same narratives and prevents outside voices from offering different perspectives. Same shit that's happening with Q-Anon, Trump supporters, etc. We all living in our little bubbles. 

One more thing, I suspect many New Agers deep in conspiracies are projecting childhood wounds and a distrust of authorities onto "the system." Many in the spiritual world haven't done the deep inner healing/trauma work that one might think they've done, or perhaps they're in the process of working through those old wounds, and so as they arise it becomes easy to project them outward instead of deconstructing them internally. Classic 101 psychology stuff. 

Hope this helps. Happy to answer any questions about it as it's a topic I've been studying a lot. I also have shifted my perspective on some stuff. For example, I use to laugh at the concept of aliens controlling the human agenda, but now I see how that could in theory be plausible in the astral/4D/subtle realm. If God is infinity, in theory everything is possible, but because I have absolutely no evidence to support or disprove this theory, it becomes something I just don't really pay attention to. Why put so much effort on a hypothetical that, at my stage of consciousness, is completely outside of my control? I'd rather focus on that which I as Tucker in this human incarnation can improve, change, etc. And mostly that starts with myself, hence why I wrote the "I Am The Conspiracy" essay that I did. 

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The latest Vsauce video actually quite surprised me, because it gets to the core of this issue. Isolated reasoning will inevitably lead to problems, because reasoning is evolved to be a social process. We live in a time in which everyone can basically isolate their reasoning and form really dysfunctional world views as a result.

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16 hours ago, Scholar said:


The latest Vsauce video actually quite surprised me, because it gets to the core of this issue. Isolated reasoning will inevitably lead to problems, because reasoning is evolved to be a social process. We live in a time in which everyone can basically isolate their reasoning and form really dysfunctional world views as a result.

@Scholar What a fascinating video! The idea of Lottocracy is very compelling though I'd love to see experimental studies of it being done on a more local level. Perhaps this has been tried in other parts of the world? Hard to imagine how those conversations would go given the vastly different memetic narratives that are out there right now. Is our population even mature enough to all sit down and make meaning together without it turning into a food fight? Very interesting! Thanks for sharing :)

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