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Jared Gregory

How Do We Actually Know What Death Is?

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Hello guys, how you all doing today?

I was just watching one of Leo's video's and he was saying people say they do not fear death. The thing is that has always fascinated me about death is that so many people I know in my life hate to talk about death or state " well he/she is gone now there dead, that's it no more". How do we know that! so i would ask this certain person how do you know what death is? have you experienced it through yourself? his reply is well i was at the funeral it was horrible.

So my point is  many people in are lives assume to know  so much about death and what happens when the big D occurs, but how can they know this until it's actually happened. 

 I admit i use to be terrified to think about this topic, but  after reading Eckhart tolle's Power of the Now where he mentions  that energy never dies and we are energy i felt very liberated. I just thought i would share this with you all. 

if you ever had a similar experience when talking to people then please share :)


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Read slaughterhouse five. There is no death as such, even in the physical sense.  Past present and future exist simultaneously.

or even better, try an entheogen and experience ego death. 

Edited by Will Bigger

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This is a really difficult subject. From what I understand so far,  it is that  indeed energy never dies and so transforms in different ways. In this sense, you are immortal. However, your consciousness as you know it now, I believe this is what death is all about: the death of a unique consciousness. Of a unique ...perspective on life. But because our perspective always changes anyway (because you learn,  you talk to different people, you grow and mature) I suppose one could argue that you die every moment and you are born every moment. And how does that differ from death of the physical being? The death you experience when your body functions shut down forever. 

And actually, I'm stuck there lol. I don't know. I need to think about this more.

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you can't know about this with your mind. you have yet to realize the truth of no-death and no-birth. if you touch it, you'll see that it's impossible to die.

you're here right now. is it possible to exist consciously without being able to perceive the fact that you're simply here?

it feels as if we were always here and there's no way out of IT.

unborn Truth

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Death is Awakening from the Dream :) Altogether.


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