Jaka Pirs Hanzic

Resources on Magic?

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Carljungdepthpsychology (wordpress)

Terms like holon/monad/noosphere...interesting frameworks of thought/discoveries

I don't know what those are called... not entirely science but more like in the vein of spiral dynamics

Edited by Megan Alecia

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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4 hours ago, Fran11 said:

Ar first the sense of being the Object will be subtle, but hold on to it and with practice you'll completely detach from the body. 

Thanks a lot man! I just spent 2 hours into this practise after read your post, 

It was strugle first, my sense of self did a lot switchings back and forth between imaginary beings and the body perceptions, and was resisting, but after some time i could keep it in the imagination much easier really while still retaining weaker consciousness in the body.

Still definitely not perfect at all and not on any good level, but opened my eyes to see the huge potential of this practice. 

I can imagine now that how a good, well practiced magician can just close his eyes and be whatever hi imagines instantly or project his consciousness wherever hi wants. I have a lot of passion in astral projection but i don't really like all those indirect techniques which involves you sleep for some time and wake up and sleep again to maybe eventually have some success in it, not really like these techniques at all, I'd really prefer work on my imagination muscle for as long as it takes, to the perfection point, and directly project my consciousness whenever and wherever i want instantly! :) What do you think about this? How much time do you think it takes?



Edited by m0hsen

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@Fran11 also let me know your thoughts about the imaginary hand which you project to feel the shape, volume or texture of objects, what's the ultimate use of this? Do you also regularly practice this? i can feel the objects with imaginary hand but i don't know ultimately what you can do with it other than just feel object's texture? I can imagine the possibility's but i wanna know your thoughts! :)

Edited by m0hsen

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1 hour ago, m0hsen said:

after some time i could keep it in the imagination much easier really while still retaining weaker consciousness in the body.

Nice! I'm glad you've had some success already :)

1 hour ago, m0hsen said:

I can imagine now that how a good, well practiced magician can just close his eyes and be whatever hi imagines instantly or project his consciousness wherever hi wants. I have a lot of passion in astral projection but i don't really like all those indirect techniques which involves you sleep for some time and wake up and sleep again to maybe eventually have some success in it, not really like these techniques at all, I'd really prefer work on my imagination muscle for as long as it takes, to the perfection point, and directly project my consciousness whenever and wherever i want instantly! :) What do you think about this? How much time do you think it takes?

Couldn't tell you how long it takes becouse I'm not there yet. You won't be able to Astral Travel with a direct technique before mastering Consciousness Transference first, that's for sure. 

The Initiation into Hermetics book I mentioned covers Astral Travel. Also check out Rawn Clark's "A Bardon Companion" which describes the excersises in more detail. 

1 hour ago, m0hsen said:

@Fran11 also let me know your thoughts about the imaginary hand which you project to feel the shape, volume or texture of objects, what's the ultimate use of this? Do you also regularly practice this? i can feel the objects with imaginary hand but i don't know ultimately what you can do with it other than just feel object's texture? I can imagine the possibility's but i wanna know your thoughts! :)

You don't need to use a hand to feel objects. I do that too sometimes but not usually.

Texture, heat, weight, etc. can be directly percieved without association with any body part. Imagine some textures in isolation and see for yourself.

Whenever I put my attention on some object / group of objects I automatically feel their texture, I even feel sounds, that's Synesthesia. The same happens whenever I Imagine an object.

About the uses of the Imaginary Hand: Supposedly once a Magician has mastered Astral Travel, he can just send his hands/eyes/whatever instead of his whole body. But that's too far from my current level.

Edited by Fran11

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1 hour ago, Fran11 said:

Nice! I'm glad you've had some success already :)

Thanks man, well I actually never dedicated a long time to just sit and practice visualization (which I will definitely do) , but sculpting  and 3d modeling is my career which I'm practicing  for almost 10 years plus some traditional pencil drawing, that automatically seems to improved my imagination muscle drastically. basically I dedicated huge amount of time for observation in the past years to be able to do realistic human models as a modeler. 

1 hour ago, Fran11 said:

You won't be able to Astral Travel with a direct technique before mastering Consciousness Transference first, that's for sure. 

ahh I didn't know that, well the thing is I cannot really control the energy body, whenever it detached from the physical body it either goes up or down or some dark tunnels in past or just rotates around itself and this lasts not long maybe a few minutes before going back to the body.

today I just had some success moving the energetic hands after 3 times of detachment from the physical body in the third time, but standing and walking around and seeing the physical body like some people do is something I'm far away from.

1 hour ago, Fran11 said:

The Initiation into Hermetics book I mentioned covers Astral Travel. Also check out Rawn Clark's "A Bardon Companion" which describes the excersises in more detail. 

Thanks man I'll definitely check out those books! :)

1 hour ago, Fran11 said:

About the uses of the Imaginary Hand: Supposedly once a Magician has mastered Astral Travel, he can just send his hands/eyes/whatever instead of his whole body. But that's too far from my current level.

I've heart about physical body teleportation also just using imagination, which is unbelievable how imagination power is almost everything.

Edited by m0hsen

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11 hours ago, Fran11 said:

I'll just give you some general tips and then you can ask me to expand on Music if you want :)

please expand on Music? 

Thank you ?

softly into the Abyss...

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1 hour ago, Intraplanetary said:

please expand on Music? 

Thank you ?

Your wish is my command :D

Here go some exercises:

- First imagine isolated pitches. Make sure that they sound concrete and defined, not ghosty or faint. And that you can hold them as much as you want without involuntarily changing them. For example: Play C3 on your instrument and then recall it on your mind for 5 minutes. Do this with high and low pitches.

- Imagine the same pitch on different instruments. For example: C3 on piano, guitar, violin, different singing voices, etc). This will teach you to separate the timbre from the pitch. It's also useful to practice the opposite, making a pitch higher and lower without changing its timbre.

- Imagine ascending and descending intervals. The easiest way is using songs which contain that interval and which you remember, then isolate it on your mind and imagine it on different pitches.

- Imagine harmonic intervals. Start by just two notes and then move on to triads (major, minor, diminished, augmented, suspended), tetrads, etc. Remember practicing with high and low pitches!

- Using the first and the fourth excersise you can develop a pseudo-perfect pitch by memorizing each note in association with all of its perfect octaves. For example: Memorize C3 and then use your harmonic Imagination to associate it with C2, C4, C5, etc.

Hope its helpful!

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Magic is the intentional use of energy to cause an effect in the physical universe 

This is a good thread on the subject

The BALG forum has even more on this.

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15 hours ago, Fran11 said:

Hope its helpful!

awesome! thank u very much ?????

softly into the Abyss...

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38 minutes ago, Dumuzzi said:

Magic is the intentional use of energy to cause an effect in the physical universe 

This is a good thread on the subject

The BALG forum has even more on this.

That's super info you've shared right here! gonna check it out. Thank u

softly into the Abyss...

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2 hours ago, Intraplanetary said:

awesome! thank u very much ?????

Hey ????? copyrighted. I claim all rights. 

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