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Jay Ray

Does true altruism exists ?

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I have been thinking about this for a while and would love others opinion.

I realize that I want to start helping others in some way, maybe become a sage or volunteer to help those in need. But one big question that haunts me is "why Do I want to do this?" 

A few reason why I would want to help others which could be seen a bit shallow and "selfish" 

  • I want to have a life purpose that "I" can feel fulfilled
  • I want to "be the kind of person that helps others" even though this is ego
  • I want to create good karma for myself and for others
  •  I want to meet new people and get great relationships.
  • I want to inspire others with my actions

When I hear the "your just doing this kind stuff stuff for yourself, you don't really care about others" I am not quite sure how to respond because it feels at least a little bit true. 

any thoughts on this?

Thank you


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No, because the ego is naturally a part of the psyche as a whole, which collectively determines how he reacts to the world. 


Carl Jung's model of the psyche. 

More on the ego in Jung's pov; it might render some interesting stuff


Well as for your personal questions I suggest checking out the Enneagram. Also, just plain journaling to bring more clarity to things. 

Edited by Megan Alecia

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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@Jay Ray I think you should do it, no matter what your reasons are. 

What is really important: Don´t await a gratitude.  

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@Jay Ray In a perfect world, one would love, solely for the sake of love, with no attachment to the outcome.

In a nearly perfect world, one would love, even if for the reason to be loved in return. The good karma will still be returned to you.

At least you are choosing love.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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7 hours ago, Jay Ray said:

When I hear the "your just doing this kind stuff stuff for yourself, you don't really care about others" I am not quite sure how to respond because it feels at least a little bit true.

In passenger planes, they say to put your mask on first before helping others.

Its ok to heal yourself first, then heal others once you're overflowing with love.

Has it occurred to you that by denying helping yourself, you're denying helping your body and mind? A trillion or more cells work day and night, really hard, to ensure you survive and are living. Do such things not deserve your love and attention? Can't you first make sure those cells are ok, then help others after that's fixed?

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