
Science Can't Be Imaginary!

48 posts in this topic

On 12/1/2020 at 11:00 AM, Mesopotamian said:

I was sitting on my sofa eating some snacks, and listening to part 3 of Leo's questioning of Science, and it all were going great and fun, while Leo roasting science and scientists, until he reaches the part where he says "All science is imaginary" I jumped out my sofa screaming "Fuck you sir, SCIENCE IS REAL!"

And I came to write my experience, oh boy, it really hurts my mind, it hurts a lot to just hear anyone says science is imaginary, and yes I haven't done a scientific experiment in the lab, but it hurts, it hurts really bad. I have strong urge to deny that statement just because it hurts to start contemplating it.

Nevertheless, I feel lucky to be able to receive this gift of shared idea and I think that to know is better than ignorance, at least this idea is real or is it?

Calling Social Constructs imaginary is a vast oversimplification in my view, due to the influence they have on Society being very, very real.

Also 'Imaginary' brings connotations that whatever its attached to having No Truth, rather than it being a partial or contextual Truth.

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On 12/1/2020 at 5:52 PM, Preety_India said:

Science is not real. And any amount of information can't convince you of this. It's only self reflection and awakening and some slappening that gets you to such awakening. 


This "science isn't real" mindset is nonsense. If "science isn't real", then you're not using a computer to communicate on the internet.

If "science isn't real", then you're just hallucinating this forum.

Oh wait! Everything is a hallucination! Right?

Sure, but then we need to identify what level of reality we are discussing.

Are we talking about the level of Absolute Infinity Non-Duality God-Mode Boundless Consciousness Dream-State? Okay, sure, then science isn't real and everything is a hallucination and nothing matters.

Are we talking about humanity? Then, yes, science is very real. Science created the internet. Science is one of the reasons we're not still in caves drawing on rocks with blood.

It's easy to say "science isn't real" when you're sitting on your couch not really doing any science. It's easy to take for granted all the hard work that scientists / engineers put into building the world wide web so that you could say it isn't real on a forum.

C'mon, now. Let's grow up.

=]  <3

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5 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

Calling Social Constructs imaginary is a vast oversimplification in my view, due to the influence they have on Society being very, very real.

Also 'Imaginary' brings connotations that whatever its attached to having No Truth, rather than it being a partial or contextual Truth.


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Just now, juvoci said:

This "science isn't real" mindset is nonsense. If "science isn't real", then you're not using a computer to communicate on the internet.

If "science isn't real", then you're just hallucinating this forum.

Oh wait! Everything is a hallucination! Right?

Sure, but then we need to identify what level of reality we are discussing.

Are we talking about the level of Absolute Infinity Non-Duality God-Mode Boundless Consciousness Dream-State? Okay, sure, then science isn't real and everything is a hallucination and nothing matters.

Are we talking about humanity? Then, yes, science is very real. Science created the internet. Science is one of the reasons we're not still in caves drawing on rocks with blood.

It's easy to say "science isn't real" when you're sitting on your couch not really doing any science. It's easy to take for granted all the hard work that scientists / engineers put into building the world wide web so that you could say it isn't real on a forum.

C'mon, now. Let's grow up.

=]  <3

Saying science isn't real is a counterposition to snap people out of their unreality, because most people really don't understand or see it. 1 + (-1) = 0. 

It would be ludicrous and unnecessary to write an essay of addendums and clarifications to clarify you're talking about context of absolute vs relative, you can let that be implicit. Seems a bit amateurish. Your insistence on fleshing out all these things can be genuine concern, but your snarkiness seems like you're being defensive of something. 

I don't grasp or know if science beings imaginary, but I don't think you do either. I get the sense that you think you know, but it's purely conceptual and is something you've compartmentalised into the realm of the hypothetical and far away. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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On 12/1/2020 at 8:16 PM, Leo Gura said:

Has nothing to do with awakening.

Quantum Physics is very relevant to awakening, in my view.

This is something I've found to be true in my own introspection: Everything physical is a metaphysical metaphor.

What does this mean? It means that the physical world is constantly sending us metaphysical truths through physical metaphors. Quantum Physics is one of these truths. The mainstream principles of Quantum Mechanics — such as particles being in two places at once, reality being both a wave and a particle simultaneously, the nature of reality changing depending on who's looking at it and from what perspective and through what instrument — are all beautiful physical metaphors for the metaphysical truths of existence.

But this goes beyond Quantum Physics. Like the adage, which I've repeated many times since it came to me, says: Everything physical is a metaphysical metaphor. "Everything" meaning, literally everywhere you look, everything you study, is speaking the truth of existence to you, if only you'll hear it.

=]  <3

Edited by juvoci

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Hm. What about these

Real = solid, locked or "static" imagination.
Real = Imaginary slice in imagination.

Real = state in imagination.
Imagination = The substance of the real.

Reality is whatever you are addicted/locked imagining.

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17 hours ago, Yog said:

Hm. What about these

Real = solid, locked or "static" imagination.
Real = Imaginary slice in imagination.

Real = state in imagination.
Imagination = The substance of the real.

Reality is whatever you are addicted/locked imagining.

Yessss! This is what I'm talking about.

Science isn't real OR unreal. Science is real AND unreal, just like everything else. This anti-science agenda is getting too hung up on one side of the equation, on one side of the duality.

There are times when science isn't real, and there are times when science is real. It just depends on your momentary direct experience of reality.

Thank you @Yog

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On 12/2/2020 at 4:56 AM, Leo Gura said:

Atoms, Earth, forces, mass, matter, energy, space, time, the Big Bang, evolution, birth, death -- all purely imaginary. As real as unicorns.

It happens in the sense that people hold some ideas in their minds and use these ideas to manipulate reality. Similar to religion.

If you want to really get it, take a psychedelic.

science has nothing to do with consciousness. science deals with mechanics. science isn't about consciousness, science is about mechanics. science might believe there are different state of consciousness. but science go through consciousness with a mechanics approach not Sprituality or enlightenment way, and doesn't say they are illusion. they are a dream. if science want to study dream, it study dream. it doesn't say that, they are illusions, like mystic and Sprituality does, science doesn't say binary numbers are illusion, science study, measure, calculate them. the mechanics of science will never change to enternity, science will expand, increasing consciousness through evolution.

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