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Methods for Effective & Deep learning

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Lets say I watch (practical) video : "How to harness your intuition" Or let's say "How to be an attractive man" or something like that 

Is it enough to watch it and then take notes. Because often I forget it & forget to apply it. 

Is it better to then go and continually listen to other teachers / perspective on the same topic, even if they're saying the same thing, just to deepen my understanding or drill in the message more. 

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Whatever excites you the most man. Relinquish some of that seriousness and 'I mean business' and instead just enjoy your journey, because it sounds like your on a some sort of wave :)

Do both. Do all of that. You've got all the time in world matey 

What's best is what works best for you. What allows you keep going!


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Online, there are tests to see what your learning type is (auditory, visual, kinesthetic, etc.)

Knowing this helps me. I am an auditory learner and I need not take notes for the most part. I just listen carefully and if it’s juicy, I listen again and maybe again.

Maybe you are different though. Perhaps you’ll need to draw out visualizations or make hands on exercises. 

Nonetheless I think one of those online tests would be good to concrete your dominant learning style and figure out some personal learning styles. Take a couple maybe. 

Edited by mw711

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You only learn through two things;


Forgetting curve dictates:
You forget 50% in 1 hour
70% in 1 day
90% in 1 week

So yeah, you're going to want to go over things again and connect them to other things so as to tie things together and create a bigger and bigger brain semantic tree

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