
Diferent kinds of energy

7 posts in this topic

Hey guys! Hope you are all fine :)

So, those last days i had this realization that there are many kinds of energy, good and bad -  but let's focus in the good part here, HAHA.

There are like, sexual energy, feminine and masculine energy, sun energy, gratitude, love...

What energies do you know, and what are the ones you more resonate with ? And for the ones into the occult, what entitie resonae with that energy ??

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I met someone on discord a while back who was writing a book on energy stuff because they themselves are very good at it, They posted a 10 page pdf on energy basics sometime later. I don't know how true this is since I haven't delved into this myself. But it seems like worth a read. 


Edited by Swarnim

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@Swarnim  Ohh, will read. I was searching for some information on the topic, didn't found... Thank you :)

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Energy is neutral and unbiased.

Energy in action = Consciousness exploring its-self in infinite forms, patterns, groups, sensations, textures and awareness’s etc.  It can be manipulated into infinite expressions, and is only limited when Absolute Consciousness knowingly gives birth to limited entities, personalities, and self-contained gestalts of thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs and emotions etc.  We are limited personalities with limited senses that can only perceive a fraction of consciousness while we are in this Earthly reality.

Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs!

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Energy is only known in the now moment. Outside of that, it does not exist. There is no sexual energy, no sun energy. That is an illusion, a story you tell yourself. Energy only exists in the present.

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