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MDMA with girlfriend first time. healing + couple therapy

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34 minutes ago, OBEler said:

Can you tell why it is not a good idea to drink it as tea?

At least for me, it's easier to drink something bad tasting when I do it in one gulp. If you really wanna do it in tea, wait until the tea is room temperature cause hot temperature may affect MDMA (just my speculation).

39 minutes ago, OBEler said:

it, is there anything recommended to prevent this bad taste? Like eating a piece of cheese after gulping

Orange juice, coca-cola, or anything else with a strong taste. It's not so bad for it to be a problem to drink it (at least for me and a few of my friends)

Capsule like:


Solves your problem

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I'm literally so jealous of you lol. 

You're gonna enjoy music like hell and fuck 

When I was younger I would take MDMA but my ex wouldn't want to do it with me she was boring : (

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I have experience with this.

1. Small doses at first. 70mg for her and 100mg for you. You can redose later if you both feel like it (probably will). Do it only once, 50% of the first dose is a good place to experiment with. I like to crush into fine powder and dissolve it into water, the taste is fine, not great but you can take it easily.

2. Do it in a place where there is no distractions (music is fine). Just the two of you, no one else. I lived alone and did this at home with my ex girlfriend all the time, mostly on my bedroom.

3. Set the intention to be loving and vulnerable.

You can do: intense eye contact exercises, sitting in front of each other holding hands and caressing one another.

This position is great:



Prepare to have sex, I recommend you to take a cialis (couple hours before), lots of men (including me) have trouble getting an erection with mdma. Thank me later. 

You can use some coconut oil to massage each other bodies, all of it, dick and pussy included. Light up some incense too.

Just flow with the experience, be present, touch a lot, hug, say nice things, share intimate stories etc.

This can create a strong bound between you two, be prepared. 

Edited by Recursoinominado

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@Recursoinominado Thank you very much, I must correct she only weights 46 kg and right now she has her period. Maybe 65 mg overall for her, hope this is not too low.

Sorry my english is not so good, what exactly do you mean with "Do it only once, 50% of the first dose is a good place to experiment with."

What music is best for couple therapy? Any recommendations welcomed

Too bad cialis is just with a recipe in my country. And in few days it will happen so if something else will keep my erection during mdma would be great. maybe I will take a 80 mg (my weight is 76 kg) so I can keep my erection


Edited by OBEler

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@OBEler I meant t say that you can only redose once per trip. You take the first dose, the MDMA kicks in and when you pass the peak (about 1~2h after taking it) you can think about taking more to extend the trip, this is called redosing. Doing it only once will make the comedown and the crash way easier.

It is not too low if it is quality stuff, it will be a memorable night. You can take higher dosages next time but get used to the lower ones first (do not underestimate it).

Cialis is the best, i would make an effort to buy it. Viagra is harder on the cardiovascular system and keeps your dick hard for too long.

Some men can have erections, but some don't. My dick gets awkwardly limp when i take MDMA. Maybe you can take a small dose to see what happens and talk to your girlfriend about this possibility beforehand. 

About music, you can look for "sex playlists" on Spotify. Meditation music is also great, maybe some electronic/shamanic type that is slower and good for intimacy and making love. 

Prepare to laugh and talk a lot. 

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