Feeble Dave

Accepting Pain - Sds

6 posts in this topic

Hey everyone.

During SDS is there any method or thought path that can make me accept the pain, or is the idea that I go so far that my mind can't take it anymore and just gives up?


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I've found it happens pretty naturally. It has to be a genuine release, you can't force it.

Edited by aurum



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@Feeble Dave Try to sit longer and longer slowly of course. Your legs will still get numb but the pain will get weaker and weaker.

[insert quote here]

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During any of my meditations my legs start hurting after about 20 minutes. How ie sds different from any type of meditation?

Im doing them cross-legged and simply the natural flow of blood gets blocked and my feet feel like they are crushed by the ground even with my yoga mat.. Then its even tough for me to regain the control of my feet, if i continue too long... Doing something wrong?

Edited by Dodoster


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