
The beauty of death

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I surrendered and as i let go, death happened. I merged back with nothingness and it was one of the most satisfying and beautiful moment that you can possibly conceived as a limited human creature. The beauty of death is inconceivable, it is truly astonishing how powerful and majestic death is.  I'm looking forward to my physical death now. It will be a blast.

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22 minutes ago, toocrazytobecrazy said:

nobody can report from nothingness

you'd be surprised

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19 minutes ago, toocrazytobecrazy said:

surprise me

"Experiencing nothing" is a paradox for the finite mind. You have to experience it yourself to truly know it.

It's like trying to imagine the experience of having no eyesight. There are people who see absolutely nothing, not even black or white or any other colors. From this example you can see it is possible to be aware of nothingness. Now extend that awareness of nothing to all the perceptions that make up your reality, that's what complete nothingness feels like.

You are actually experiencing some form of nothingness right now. You are never aware of what is behind your head, so you could say you are experiencing nothing there. You just take it for granted because you are so focused on the finite things you can experience. Now try to extend that feeling of nothingness to all your perceptions. This is basically the best I can describe it.

1 hour ago, toocrazytobecrazy said:

similar to fainting, anesthesia, or getting knocked to f out.

The difference is that these are not experiences, just imagination. They're like the off-brand versions of nothingness.


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2 hours ago, toocrazytobecrazy said:

idc who it is nobody can report from nothingness

You are right. Only nobody can report from nothingness :)

Love Is The Answer

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Death is life. Look at Frosty, when he dies. He merges into God or the water in that which he was made from. He goes back into everything. Death is not the end. It is returning to yourself. Right?

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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