
"New Age Jesus Myths"

7 posts in this topic

There was a new Your Mate Tom with a crackpot guy talking about God and Jesus and whatnot, they made multiple digs are Leo, which came off as very childish and irrational. 

Why can't these people see the truth of non-duality  It's right in front of them but they continue to be completely wrapped in their thoughts. They also claim to not be new-agey but they're talking about Astral Realms, Reincarnation and Spirit Realms. 

These childish beliefs make me disheartened at the path so many people are going down. 


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Sounds like they (and you) use "new-age" as a label that disregards something that is being communicated by someone.
When you see this, there is not much point in dwelling on it.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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22 hours ago, NorthNow said:

There was a new Your Mate Tom with a crackpot guy talking about God and Jesus and whatnot, they made multiple digs are Leo, which came off as very childish and irrational. 

Why can't these people see the truth of non-duality  It's right in front of them but they continue to be completely wrapped in their thoughts. They also claim to not be new-agey but they're talking about Astral Realms, Reincarnation and Spirit Realms. 

These childish beliefs make me disheartened at the path so many people are going down. 


Your Mate Tom has even taken 5-meo and still denies that he is God. That’s some grade-A stubbornness and attachment to identity. 

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2 hours ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

Your Mate Tom has even taken 5-meo and still denies that he is God. That’s some grade-A stubbornness and attachment to identity.

I remember seeing a comment of his years ago on Leo's video denying it. He hasn't changed much since then.

Describe a thought.

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40 minutes ago, Osaid said:

I remember seeing a comment of his years ago on Leo's video denying it. He hasn't changed much since then.

I saw that comment as well.  I can’t remember exactly what video it was on.  

Yeah, I don’t know what his deal is on that.  I think he probably thinks it just sounds egotistical to claim you are God. Ironically, the desire to not be perceived as egotistical is itself egotistical. :P

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the idea of jesus is fascinating. totally mystical. Imagine being tortured with a lead-tipped whip that shatters your body, one blow after another, the pain is excruciating, it makes you scream like a rat, drag the cross into which they are going to nail you, unable to rebel, Like an animal, naked, while the crowd mocks your agony. then you say: I embrace the pain, I accept it. I accept the horrible pain of the human being. Tell it truly if you can.  then everything mixes up. you are the tortured and also the torturer. the sky opens and the light manifests. You are nailed to the cross, holding your body with your broken tibias to breathe once more, unable to overcome instinct, turned into pain. And then you see that pain is love that your surrender to agony is the opportunity to realize yourself in absolute love. and you love your pain, your torturers, the cross you are nailed to, because you become pure love, eternal. I think it's a absolutely beautiful idea, concept, history

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@tsuki New Age is a label for very distinct belief systems. I am not using it as an adjective. 

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