Light Lover

The Most Important Game You Could Ever Play

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This game is the most important game you can play in your entire life. It teaches so much in the short space of 4-5 hours. It can't really be described, it has be played, perhaps more than once. Not a fun or shallow game, you will enjoy this on the deepest level.

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 I'm probably biased as I know a guy who wastes his life gaming. with that said I want to talk about the insidious side of gaming , the side that ruins peoples lives.

A friend Phil has a serious gaming problem   , he is university educated has money ( wealthy family) a dysfunctional wife owns his home and has gamed for the last 20 years rather than participate in life.

He has friends who he shuns so he can play his online game.

His online world has become his real world ,he is *never* fully with us when he finally leaves his computer room.

His friends me included have stopped visiting as he will literally leave a quest sitting alone so he can  play his game , Eve.

The game world  has become realer then his life  , Its a shame to see a bright educated person waste his time on earth in such a simple minded pathetic fashion.

That man will not listen to anyone , his wife included  we joke that he is a Tard

Instead of games I suggest 4 or 5 hours of Leo's and like minded teachers videos and presentations.

Life is too short & special to waste hours and hours of it on online gaming , way too short , special.


Edited by Beam

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@Light Lover

I used to be an avid player of games years ago, so I'm curious, what benifits have you received from playing ? 


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19 hours ago, Beam said:

Instead of games I suggest 4 or 5 hours of Leo's and like minded teachers videos and presentations.

Life is too short & special to waste hours and hours of it on online gaming , way too short , special.

I loved reading that! =)

Life is incredibly beautiful, delicate and short to be spent in a virtual reality world.

I write about scientific-based self-help, habits, productivity, creativity and ancient wisdom over at


"Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep" - The Internet

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None of you obviously read the post. This ISN'T an ordinary game. You aren't shooting people, doing quests, or any other bullshit you would do in a regular game. And it certainly isn't a waste of time. You all judge it without playing. I am not a hardcore gamer, this is the only game I have played in a whole year. So I suggest you all stop knocking it off and actually give it a go.

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Oh, God, Journey is incredible.  Gaming - as we've just seen - has this stigma of being a waste of time, a distraction, blah blah blah.  And yeah, a lot of it might be.  But then some of it is ART.  And this absolutely is.  It's no more a waste of time than going to a gallery, or a concert.  It's gorgeous, heartbreaking, meaningful on so many levels, and it's a shame to see people instantly dismiss it without even investigating what it is.

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Not everyone wants to join your team , trolling for members on a self help forms is a whole more pathetic then people exposing it for the waste of ones life it is. Exscusuuuuse me lol

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I think that video games might actually speed up psychological development through the graves model.

If you think about it, most modern MMORPG's are basically just world orange simulators.

You create an identity and plug yourself into a world with a virtual economy, high status items, preset goals and objectives.

Then you sink a few thousand hours into them and it's fun while it lasts until you've explored every pixel and then it dawns on you that it's all meaningless and the real world is exactly the same and then you kill yourself because you haven't met any hippies.



lol 4:20 miright?

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Now this is a cool topic.

Gaming can offer great insights into ideas and who you are, and I don't think one game can cater to all with the same effect. Personally, games with the most impact on me have been half life series, battlefield series, halo 1 and 2, perfect dark, and super Mario. A lot of the times these games did well for my development by increasing my confidence upon completing them. Additionally Xbox live and team work games built up my social skills and my ability to communicate ideas during my shy-guy days. Lastly, games like half life have very special symbolism to be studied in which invokes deeper thinking into the nature of life and people. Maybe I'll check out journey in the future :)

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I might try this game. I used to be addicted to online games such as starcraft, dota, hearthstone, which i still play from time to time. Also poker, which is such a rollercoaster and a time eating/grinding experience. So mentally tiring and addicting too.. Ive had many breakdowns, but i have to thank poker too, because i found the spiritual path because i was having a mental breakdown, wrote something on youtube like how to be happy or something, then i saw a comment about ekhart tolle and the rest as they say is #history# the present moment.

But this here seems like a different fruit and also you can easily fight against gaming addiction if you are into spiritual work... I mean just meditate lol. I dont have a ps4 however so i will be sad if it doesnt have a pc version

PS: i do have friends which are still addicted to gaming, as we used to game together all the time before amd became online friends. We chat on skype every day, and every day they game - allday, when they dont have work. Ive tried to introduce thwm to leos videos and meditation /spiritual work, but they close their eyes and years because they want to do their preya. Its kind of sad, but i was recently the same way, until i realized constant instant gratification costs dearly in the long run. Time can be used so much better than moving some pixels around.

Ofcourse nothing is bad if it doesn't become an addiction. Even instant gratification.

Edited by Dodoster

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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On 8/29/2016 at 8:29 PM, Light Lover said:

None of you obviously read the post. This ISN'T an ordinary game. You aren't shooting people, doing quests, or any other bullshit you would do in a regular game. And it certainly isn't a waste of time. You all judge it without playing. I am not a hardcore gamer, this is the only game I have played in a whole year. So I suggest you all stop knocking it off and actually give it a go.

To be honest, you are right when you say we're judging the game without playing it.

I appreciate that you have shared a game which supports psychological development.

Thanks =)

I write about scientific-based self-help, habits, productivity, creativity and ancient wisdom over at


"Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep" - The Internet

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