
Clueless what to do next

7 posts in this topic

Did Radical Honesty work by expressing my anger towards my parents which dissipated much of my digestion, and dysfunctional problems. Working on mindfulness outside of meditation. Meditating 40-60 min a day. Can’t keep a diet. Still very depressed. Seeking therapy in the Midwest. Thinking about moving to Michigan to do therapy. Getting away from my difficult toxic family members. Im trusting that moving would be the right thing to do. I’m lost. 

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2 hours ago, Zec said:

Did Radical Honesty work by expressing my anger towards my parents which dissipated much of my digestion, and dysfunctional problems. Working on mindfulness outside of meditation. Meditating 40-60 min a day. Can’t keep a diet. Still very depressed. Seeking therapy in the Midwest. Thinking about moving to Michigan to do therapy. Getting away from my difficult toxic family members. Im trusting that moving would be the right thing to do. I’m lost. 

What are you lost about?  Sounds like you have a clear healthy plan with good reasons.

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Feel like the location I’m in is very toxic. I’m just not independent. 

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It’s like I don’t know what independent means. Im 22 with a job thought my parents have had a very tight leash on my for years. I need to rip the leash. 

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dont hate/judge yourself for failing at goals like diet etc. we are all humans, we all fail to be God everyday.

besides that. do it man. do what you heart tells you. move. dont always think too much, but *do* instead.

let's go <3


Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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