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Is it okay to have many motivations to pursue awakening?

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So I have many reasons why I am pursuing awakening. I want to experience god and truth. Then I want to experience Love. I want to know if theres a life beyond this materialistic world. I want to know what is death and what comes after death. What lies on the other side? I want to understand reality. I want to know why Im here, whats the purpose of all of this and the purpose of my life (existential purpose). Then I also want to escape suffering and experience bliss and joy, so I have motivations,which are more ego-driven, aswell like uncondiotonal and true happiness.

As you see I am pursuing awakening because of understanding, Love, god etc. and because of escaping suffering.

Is it okay to have these kind of motivations?


thanks for your answers

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There's a story created there that believes something needs to change and that something is lacking. You believe something needs to be experienced to feel complete. This is Maya, illusion of the self.

Nothing is lacking, everything is already whole complete and perfect.

Stop identifying with thoughts and beliefs that say otherwise. Paradise, the kingdom of heaven, enlightenment is already the case it just needs to be recognized.

Look and see what's true for yourself.

Is there really a problem or is it just a thought/belief?

What is there that's prior to the thinking mind?

Who is "I" that's seeking for a better experience?  

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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It is okay, it has always been and will always be okay. 

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Yes. It is good whatever makes you pursue awakening in a SERIOUS manner. Meditating for long periods of hours, for example, etc. You will only reach it if you are this hardcore.

It is okay. It only matters to do the work. The meditation. After you do it the motivations will vanish just like anything else. You can use whatever illusion you want to help you in the pursuit for liberation.

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@actualizing25 yes, it's all good now ?

ego is God, non-duality, this

Do you have a dream board? ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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