Victor Mgazi

How Do I Become Aware Of Infinity?

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Am I thinking like a human because that's what I'm  expressing or am I thinking like a human because my expression conditioned my imagination? 

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@Nahm I kinda see how I'm getting wrapped up in my own imagination, but am I not supposed to come up on top?

Can God ever know that he is God? And I don't mean it like peace or liberation or whatever. I mean is God even capable of comprehending that he is God?

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@Victor Mgazi I'm not here to pretend to know all of the answers to your questions, I promise. ?

But I'd say because of false beliefs, like the only reason you believe you're a human is because you believe you were born. You don't have a choice to believe it or not because those beliefs develop your ego and sense of self before you develop even the idea that all of what you were told were lies. In a way, society shapes who you become. 

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14 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:

@Nahm I kinda see how I'm getting wrapped up in my own imagination, but am I not supposed to come up on top?

Not trying to be riddlerish, but... it’s what is most fundamental, the absolute bottom, when nothing else remains. (And then of course yes...very much ‘on top of the world’ feeling)

14 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:

Can God ever know that he is God?


14 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:

And I don't mean it like peace or liberation or whatever. I mean is God even capable of comprehending that he is God?

Comprehending is not a helpful word for this imo, but Knowing....yep. I would say all comprehending is more something God appears as, or is. Comprehension implies a comprehender and something being comprehended. The word “Being” comes to mind as possibly more of an acute “pointer”.



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@Nahm You could in a sense say, knowing only occurs, by not knowing first. 

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"On top of the world"  "euphoria like epic scale euphoria" " Heaven can not contain my glory"

Yes God can remember, right term. ❤️

All me. All of this. 

Ta da. Unlimited Being. 

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.

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16 minutes ago, Nahm said:

I would say all comprehending is more something God appears as, or is.

Can there be a God on earth? basically what I'm asking. Is an enlightened person fully conscious that he/she is the truth?

Awareness and knowing are the same thing right?

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40 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

@Victor Mgazi I'm not here to pretend to know all of the answers to your questions, I promise. ?

But I'd say because of false beliefs, like the only reason you believe you're a human is because you believe you were born. You don't have a choice to believe it or not because those beliefs develop your ego and sense of self before you develop even the idea that all of what you were told were lies. In a way, society shapes who you become. 

Yes, I can see that. That's what I mean by conditioning, my own reality has conditioned my mode of mind/thinking. Now, I can't help thinking like a human because I believe all those stories and thoughts from reality.

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So when I realise nothing I'll be realising infinity? Is that what is being said here? 

@fridjonk we're quite in trouble mate.?

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

The order of thinking & feeling. 

Not sure how to go about this practically. 

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15 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:

So when I realise nothing I'll be realising infinity? Is that what is being said here? 

When you realize nothing, you'll realize everything and become omniscient.

Say this to a normal person and watch them call the psychiatric ward, hehehe. 

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1 hour ago, fridjonk said:

@Nahm You could in a sense say, knowing only occurs, by not knowing first. 

Can’t say I would disagree, but it can also be spontaneously experienced (infinity / not knowing). studied the heck out of quantum mechanics for a few years, just out of some sick twisted interest to understand reality, and was quite pleasantly supersized by infinity / not knowing.  

54 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:


Can there be a God on earth?



Is an enlightened person fully conscious that he/she is the truth?

Yes, but that’s the same as saying there is no enlightened person. Just Truth. 


Awareness and knowing are the same thing right?

You are the creator. All distinctions are yours. 

25 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:

Not sure how to go about this practically. 

There is alignment or discord experienced in every arising thought. This ‘part of the journey’ begins with believing thoughts, in spite of feeling. It’s innocent. It’s done via conditioning, and general ‘getting by’ in the world. The ‘next part of the journey’ is listening to feeling, and letting go of all reoccurring thoughts (beliefs) which do not resonate in feeling. One becomes more and more sensitive in this regard to one’s thoughts & beliefs, in regards to shedding them, and adding any. At the same time, as one see’s one’s own alignment & discord more clearly, one see’s this is going on in everyone else too. So one is no longer moved by the words & actions of others, when it is in discord. One knows all too well the other pays the price of suffering, and that is enough. I would also say this is to ‘get in touch’ with one’s passion at a very deep level, which ultimately becomes a profound desire for communion, for the sharing of this passion, and one is inherently com-passionate of the plight, collectively, and for every “individual” in recognition they’re in the same boat, even though they exist as one’s of thought, perception and feeling. This whole convo is in that mindfuck “space” between sane and crazy, no?  



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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

The order of thinking & feeling. 


10 minutes ago, Nahm said:

The ‘next part of the journey’ is listening to feeling, and letting go of all reoccurring thoughts (beliefs) which do not resonate in feeling.

What do I make of the feeling of being a separate entity? Does it go away when I let go of the belief/recurring thoughts?

24 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

When you realize nothing, you'll realize everything and become omniscient.

Say this to a normal person and watch them call the psychiatric ward, hehehe. 

So I'll be aware of how I'm imagining everything and how this is happening infinitely? 

I've always failed to see how everything is nothing. I've only entered meditative states where I stop imagining and everything becomes meaningless, literally. Surely nothing and meaninglessness aren't the same thing, are they?

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@Victor Mgazi For nothing to be able to exist, there has to be something. Nothing is only something when compared to something. Like yin and yang. 

I'm sure @Nahm would put it better, he's an artist with words as you've probably noticed. :x

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3 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:

What do I make of the feeling of being a separate entity? Does it go away when I let go of the belief/recurring thoughts?

Rather than make anything of it, more so, let go, relax about it, casually feel your alignment & discord in the present, just as it comes. Your ‘inner being’ has always been guiding you to truth in this way, is now, and always will be. As ‘work to be done’ it is not as much in figuring things out (though it’s fun for some like us), as it is in acknowledging the presence of ‘the work to be done’ in one’s life, relationships, ambitions, desires, opportunities to apologize, to forgive, to embrace what we have rejected, to understand. Also, though it sounds very dualistic in words, be sure to apologize to yourself too, perhaps ‘to your inner being’ if it’s more fitting, for things you’ve done in misunderstanding. Forgive yourself for all you’ve witness which you’ve  said & done in misunderstanding. At the very core, you are pure and innocent, absolutely...and life is just, you know, too short to carry the weight of  such burdens. 

I think it’s agreeable to say that it goes away, but perhaps more specifically, there is a natural order to this, in that one is done creating it, when one is done creating it. It’s very much a no lose situation. Like emptying the mind makes a space for insight to arrive, emptying of the sense of separate entity makes space in which this love arrives. 



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Isn't nothing like saying nonduality? There reason I can't look at a chair and see nothing, even in meditative states, is because I don't even have to imagine what that is for it to be apparent. 

Duality is apparent in consciousness, whether I recognise it or not. So I'm imagining that in nondual states, if I can call them that, there is no apparent difference between stuff and everything is one, with me included.


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There's not a separate 'I' here that is aware of Infinity out there.

You are as much to infinity as Infinity is to you.

There's no line separating you and infinity.

Everything You touch smell taste hear and see and imagine is it.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@Nahm , thank you so much for everything. I really really appreciate your help and input. Thank you ?

And thank you everyone for the responses and engaging in my question. Your input genuinely does make a difference. THANK YOU ALL ???

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