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Baby Woodrose Trip Report

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This was my first psychedelic trip.

Others would probably call this a bad trip, so unfortunately no profound stuff happened here, but I still think this experience is valuable to share. I learnt some amazing lessons and am not actually deterred from using this psychedelic again, in fact I look forward to.

Baby Woodrose seeds have a compound called LSA which chemically is similar to LSD. Apparently the effects are similar to LSD too.

Baby Woodrose seeds have an extensive amount of negative trip reports associated with them compared to other psychedelics. This is because they tend to induce nausea, lung constriction, other muscle constriction, and severe fatigure or lethargy. People who try this psychedelic or read trip reports about it should keep in mind this psychedelic does not reflect the experiences that all psychedelics give, other such as shrooms and LSD have better trip reports. 

Anyway I had a massive desire to try psychedelics, and getting the good ones are impossible to get. So i was left with this as the only option. I am exploring methods for getting a hold of other ones like shrooms but that will take several months before it comes to fruition.


I will start my trip report here:


I bought 8 woodrose seeds off the internet. I first peeled off the outer skin. I then put them into a blender with water and lime juice, i then got the blender to cut them into pieces. Waited 1.8 hours and then put the liquid through a strainer and drank it. 


Based on the trip reports I read, I honestly did not think this drink would have much effect on me. So I put zero effort into the setting. I was really doing it out of curiosity and because Ive had a strong desire to try psychedelics for a while. I just continued to do what I normally do. This turned out to be a very well learnt mistake. 

I suffer from chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome on a daily basis. So most of the negative experiences I had were experiences I were comfortable with (MOST ;) )



Drank the juice 10 mins ago

As expected, I felt nauseous(vomiting), lethargic. 


Unexpectedly felt a massive surge of energy just dominate all of consciousness. Happened very fast, got me by suprise. I felt like I was going to explode.

I became stunned/paralized by the present moment. I became so present, so fast, that I just got massively shocked. I became so present that all of my memories started fading away in milliseconds, so did who I was, it was like I was rapidly entering a no mans land. And I was paralized meaning I couldnt stop it. The present moment got more and more and more present so fast that i couldnt stop it or control it. This scared the shit of me. 

But the part that scared me the most was I felt my heart rate sky rocket through the roof, and i didnt knoe if it was ever going to slow down. I was worried that it would keep going up and up and up until I had a heart attack. 


So after this thought of having a heart attack I knew I needed to massively relax and calm down so i immediately lied on the floor and did huge, ultra slow breaths to try and slow my heart beat. Unfortunately my heart beat did not slow down.

Then I felt and saw 'pulses' through my eyes. I saw a blackness in my eyes in the shape of a web and it flickered. Then it stopped flickering. And as it stopped flickering I felt a massive surge of energy explode in my brain and then the present moment paralized me again. I got more and more present. I freaked out more and more. Then it stopped and slowed down. Then the flickering happened, as if the flickering is charging a present moment battery, and then it stopped, same thing happened but bigger. 

EDIT: I just realized today that the flickering wasnt my eyes but the lights in my room. Which is quite spooky because my consciousness was directly correlated with the lights....

At this point I was freaked as fucked. This psychedelic really wanted me to have an ego death and I wasnt ready and I couldnt tell the difference between ego death and physical real death. "is this psychedelic trying to give me an ego death experience, or did I just kill myself by doing this" Couldnt tell the difference. And it seemingly was not letting down. The bigger reason was I felt like shit from the side effects and this made me believe I wasnt going to come back. The heart beat exploding, the nausea, the lethargy, the chest pain, I thought I was going to die + the body was going to be destroyed. I also wondered if this pulse flickering thing was a sign that i was going to have brain damage. It all happened in less than a minute and I was totally off guard.

I then thought, Gosh what am I going to do, its getting bigger and bigger, im out of its control. I then went, you know what just accept it. I tried that but was too scared of dying(physical death). Then i thought, ok you know what just enjoy this experience, have fun and see where it leads you. Be curious, be excited, and just enjoy it. This mindset helped me a lot to overcome what was going on.

Fortunately it stopped. And I was just left feeling a bit present, lethargy but also i had heaps of energy too(as contradictory as that sounds). 


I went through periods of extremely intense present moment experiences lasting 5 to 10 seconds, which were valuable but scared me. And then half present periods of just feeling like shit. The negative effects of this seed is a real shame because it really distracts you from doing the inner work. If those effects werent there this seed would be a good psychedelic. 

I took the negative shit feeling as an opportunity to grow. So i just tried to be lazer focused on being aware of bodily sensations, how they work and what was causing me to feel like shit. Learnt a lot doing this. And it was especially awesome when the drug kicked in and I felt a splurge of awareness just increasingly occuring. Until it went too far and my memories started fading away, and who i was started fading away and i was loosing control and entering a no mans land. Thats when I distracted myself out of shear fear. 


I decided to go to sleep because I was tired.


Woke up from sleep freaked out as fucked! The paralyzed present moment haunted me again, this time while I was sleeping. I spent the next 30 minutes flirting/skirting on the edge of ego death and normality. Fluctuating up and down, on the cusp of death. Heart beat fluctuating from low to very high to low again.

1:00am onwards.

The effects wore off.



Well that was definitely a difficult trip to go through. But I think most of the things that made it a bad trip was my foolishness to not do more for setting. I was actually thinking of doing more than 8 seeds - so glad I didnt do that, boy i would have killed myself. 

With that trip Im now in a position to really make a good setting: I know what music I need, what room I need to do this in, ehat meditation, yogic techniques I need to do beforehand. 

I now know that while the heart beat stuff is scary, I know it will happen and I will get through it without physically dying. 

I know to do it in the morning.


I can confirm with other trip reports that this psychedelic has negative side effects such as lethargy, nausea and this does make the trip an unpleasant experience. 

But where I am confused is there are very little, if any trip reports on this psychedelic about ego death, which is quite interesting and strange. Apart from the negative aspects, my trip went very differently to what others experience. 

Edited by electroBeam

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I tried baby woodrose but the “madagascar” version which is extra strong

i can relate to many of the problems u mention for sure,especially the breathing problem due to lungs constriction.Indeed the experience was very deep..didn’t expect this wave of nothing persuades all over me and suddenly ego death arise..surrender was my only option but was too scared to let go totally and the bad trip happen..I can see now with a more mature mind..the power for a very deep self reflection from this seeds,for sure gonna test next week again so I can provide u a more detailed and fresh feedback ??

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@electroBeam I am interested to know why did you choose baby woodrose knowing the possible side effects over something like psilocybin or smoking N-DMT for a first time?

Edited by Tanz

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3 minutes ago, Tanz said:

@electroBeam I am interested to know why did you choose baby woodrose knowing the possible side effects over something like psilocybin or smoking N-DMT for a first time?

He explained why in the original post, availability. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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18 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

He explained why in the original post, availability. 

Thanks for pointing out.

On that note, (dont ask how to) you can extract your own n-dmt if you can get some basic sources which can be found if you search of it

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11 minutes ago, Tanz said:

Thanks for pointing out.

On that note, (dont ask how to) you can extract your own n-dmt if you can get some basic sources which can be found if you search of it

I live in a country where mimosa root bark is as illegal as dmt itself

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This was your first psychedelic and you started with 8 seeds damn. I know a few psychedelics and first time I did baby woodrose I used three and it was amazing and difficult as well. 

Two to three seeds already are great I prefer two also. 

Baby woodrose is damb nice once yiu are aquainted with it. It is actually smooth but the nausea increases the more seeds you take and the nausea is quite a confusing state

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15 minutes ago, Schahin said:

This was your first psychedelic and you started with 8 seeds damn. I know a few psychedelics and first time I did baby woodrose I used three and it was amazing and difficult as well. 

Two to three seeds already are great I prefer two also. 

Baby woodrose is damb nice once yiu are aquainted with it. It is actually smooth but the nausea increases the more seeds you take and the nausea is quite a confusing state

I started with 7 first time and it was quite intense, but I found that can be very immersive and strong for realization and exploration.

what is considered a safe dosage this days ? Very curious 

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