
How fast understanding of Truth/True nature of Reality is spreading

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I was in to learning about Enlightenment for years before I discovered Nonduality and the True nature of Self and Reality. I took all kinds of so called enlightenment course, like Landmark Education. I hung out with high consciousness amazing spiritual people. I did psychedelics and hung out with others that did as well. And never once in all those years did I ever hear anything about Nonduality or any aspect the True nature of Self and Reality. When I discovered it, which I think was through one of Leo's videos a couple years ago, it was mind-blowing to me I had yet to hear this wisdom, the actual truth, not just some self-help philosophies of life.

Fast forward two years later and it is now blowing my mind how many people I am coming across sharing this knowledge. Last weekend I went to a concert and the woman sitting next to me was talking to her friend about Nonduality. I got a new roommate a couple months ago and he goes to Nonduality conferences all over and films them. I did not know this about him when I got him as a roommate, finding out later. Tonight I went on Facebook and saw a post by an old friend and she was posting a meme about being God and being and knowing everything. I saw another post that had an interesting comment from a someone I didn't know (they live on the other side of the country). I, just for the heck of it, went to their page, and the very first post on their page was about Nonduality. Now I make a habit of asking new people I meet if they know about Nonduality and the True nature of Self and Reality, and about half have. It seems like it's literally everywhere nowadays. 

I guess my point is, I think one of two things are going on. One, this is Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, where one stumbles upon some obscure piece of information—often an unfamiliar word or name—and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, repeatedly and increasing in instances.

The other option, is that a few years ago this was just not a well known knowledge. Maybe within in some small isolated communities, but definitely not anywhere near to the degree it is now.

I think this is a movement that is spreading very quickly. I think this knowledge of Truth has gone from a few thousand a few decades ago, to tens of thousands a few years ago, to today which I would guess is in the hundreds of thousands. I have nothing to base this off of, except from my own experience and the evidence I've encountered. 

Maybe I am right and there is a multiplying compounding effect going on. Maybe this knowledge is spreading like a wildfire across the world. Maybe it's because of platforms like YouTube and Facebook. Maybe it's because of easier access to more powerful psychedelics.

If Nonduality and Awakening are spreading like a wildfire and it's reaching people in an ever increasing rate, maybe those tens of thousands today, will be hundreds of thousands a couple years from now, and maybe even millions soon after. 

If this is the case, then we are talking a global phenomenon. What would the world look like with millions of Awakened, or at the very least knows the True nature of Self and Reality? Would this shift the world into peace, love, and unity?

Could we be seeing the start of the beginning of the end of the old ways of darkest depths Ego? Could we be seeing the start of the beginning of a revolution/evolution of humanity, that will forever change everything? 

Just a thought. 

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Yeah it's definitely spreading, modern day teachers NEVER had access to the information we have access to. 

Just think you can go on YouTube and there's hundreds of teachers if not more you can watch and learn from, as well as hundreds of books, websites etc etc if not thousands. 

The teaching is also developing for westerners who are busy people, you no longer have to go to India and study for years and give up your life. 

We really are SOO lucky to have all this information available, imagine being stuck on a question, ordering a book from India that takes 3 weeks and then reading the book and it just gives you more unanswered questions, we really have it easy compared to the old days. 

Psychedelics could also be a factor, although the 60s was flooded with them, but more young people are seeing the value in them for healing and spirituality reasons, and not just to get fucked up. 

We really live in an amazing age, that we all take for granted!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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It's spreading, but devilry too is spreading.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The internet truly did change the world. Before, you had to rely on pure luck to stumble upon a true teaching that is without religion. Nowadays, its everywhere at our fingertips. We will eventually all be like-minded, may take another few hundred years or so. The other day I was thinking... if all of humanity awakens, at what point will we (I) become restless and go back to sleep again?  

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's spreading, but devilry too is spreading.

That's because your devilry is spreading and there is a battle of darkness vs light going on within you.

Focus on the Love & Light. Immerse yourself in compassion, kindness, forgiveness ect... you know what to do.

The reality we see outside of us is a mere reflection of where you are within.



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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's spreading, but devilry too is spreading.

Devilry/Ego had always been here since the beginning. Nothing to spread, as it's same old same old. Point is Awakenings are spreading. Something to be proud of, as I'm sure you had a big hand in this. 

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