
How to overcome being a devil

6 posts in this topic

How does anyone deal with mistakes they make? I hate making mistakes that affect others. I really fucking hate myself when I do this. I feel like my own personal wants are more important to me than serving others at times. The other day I saw someone in a wheelchair struggle to get his chair on the bus, I was sitting on. I was too shy to offer him help. This is just one recent example. I have made many worse mistakes than this. I have made many other mistakes where I put my own personal wants ahead of others. My wants can be very compulsive. When you catch yourself being a devil, how do you stop yourself? I know I need to be a much better person than I am now, but I still have all these selfish cravings such as: sex, popularity, and material things. How can I make myself a better person? Any advice would be much appreciated. I'm a devil who needs a good kick in the ass.

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You remind me so much of a younger me and the pain I put myself through... Bring some awareness to how you’re talking to yourself. You’re trying to “whip yourself into shape” by constantly critiquing yourself. You’re adding unnecessary suffering to your life. My advice? Try judging less and accepting more.

Your personal wants ARE more important than serving others. That’s simple survival. Everyone feels this way. It’s the default. Not something to judge. Accept your actions and the way you are. Accept the realities around you instead of denying reality by wishing it was other than what it is.

Now that’s not to say you can’t or shouldn’t provide value to others and enhance the lives of those around you. You definitely should, but you must take care of yourself before you can take care of another.

It’s like the cliche airplane example of putting your face mask on first so that you’re able to help put on your child’s. Hope that helps friend. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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Every devil needs love.

See my video: How To Love Yourself

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Cuddy5269 said:

The other day I saw someone in a wheelchair struggle to get his chair on the bus, I was sitting on. I was too shy to offer him help. This is just one recent example. I have made many worse mistakes than this.

notice it, and next time you are in the same situation you remember how bad you felt and you stand up. the best situation is when you really stand close you just need to know how then, you can even observe the next time when you enter the bus how the mechanism in the bus works to help that person, sometimes even the impulse to stand up makes people help who know how to help better, because even there sometimes people have a hurdle in them.

for example i never knew that it`s possible to hold up a subway door for someone who comes running and wants to reach it until i moved to a city where this was normal. now i also do that in another citty, although you have to be careful not every city has trains with that door mechanism so it could be dangerous.

get aware that you want to help, notice it everytime you feel bad and then notice how it would be possible to act differently. you didn`t have the feeling of successfully helping out yet probably, maybe because your body doesn`t know how yet, learn how and learn how good it feels.

it`s good if you notice what you don`t like yourself doing and then change your ways - you can`t return to that situation, but you can prepare for a similar one.

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Thanks for the advice everyone. Me trying to love myself feels very uncomfortable, but I can see why its important. I have been doing spiritual practices. The hardest part is accepting who I am now on this journey. I know I can  do much better. I will definitely check out that video on loving your self. 

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Embrace your devil with goodness. Don't fight with yourself, that is also devillry. Instead accept your devillry and increase your goodness as well. Both are important. 

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