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Random insight into the Intelligence of the universe

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I just had a huge realization about how insanely intelligent the universe is in that it was able to design and create such complex being such as humans or beautiful animals such as birds or peacocks.

Then I compared that to our human intelligence. How we are creating such beautiful and incredibly complex technology such as smartphones and AI

After that it just kind of hit me at how infinite intelligence really is. We were created by intelligence and are now are creating new intelligence in a new form, just as human intelligence is different from god intelligence. And if time is infinite it seems like this infinite intelligence will just keep manifesting itself into new forms infinitely as perhaps it has already had an infinite number of forms before us.

And then this just reinforced for me the idea that we cannot "think" our way to genius or innovative new ideas. The source of this comes from that which we were created by, the already present intelligence that surrounds us and is far beyond that of the human thinking mind.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Sometimes I can't tell if I'm a genius or just insane. I want to breakthrough to the point where I no longer judge myself by how much I "do not know" as I can sometimes feel insecure about this.

Edited by Beeflamb

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The day I had that insight was a beautiful day, somewhat surreal and that insight has made me looking at a lot of thing differently today. Another insight that happened almost simultaneously with about a day in between then was moving from just knowing about the me being god aspect to living and feeling it and a series of insights connected to this which has completely changed how I relate with other people, myself and things in the world. I don't recall which came to me first. I've never felt such a profound experience as that day when I spent an hour with a leaf I plucked from a tree, randomly, and watched it die in my hand, change shape and color, dancing in the light, crawling to the edge of my hand to finally leap out into freedom. I moved through a feeling of having killed it, felt bad and sad to quickly moving to understanding that it was part of me and me it and that I didn't kill anything at all, into comfort and awe before the me being all. The day before I shed a tear for a stone.

You are not insane, not at all, you're just waking up to see something bigger.

How about celebrating yourself for how much you have left to discover rather than putting you down for not knowing "enough"? It's the beauty of life, knowing that what I know is nothing in the whole.

Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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When I think about it and compare say the most advanced computer game (man made reality) with actual reality, I see there is really no comparison to be made. I see human intelligence is nothing compared to the reality we are a part of, just as a character in a computer game could not create a game in the game that is as advanced as the game that the character is a part of. The character would do better to try to understand the game it is a part of than to create its own game. 

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2 hours ago, ShivaShakti said:

When I think about it and compare say the most advanced computer game (man made reality) with actual reality, I see there is really no comparison to be made. I see human intelligence is nothing compared to the reality we are a part of, just as a character in a computer game could not create a game in the game that is as advanced as the game that the character is a part of. The character would do better to try to understand the game it is a part of than to create its own game. 

The distinction between man made reality and actual reality is only relatively true. All three levels - the actual reality(1), man made computer game reality(2), game-character-made game within a computer game reality(3) - are aspects of  the One Infinite reality. Computer games are in reality. Games within games are - obviously - in games, thus are in reality. All is Reality. 

A game character cannot create a more advanced game (level 3) within a game (level 2) because (3) is a possibilty implicit in (2). Similarly, the game (2) is a possibility within actual reality(1). In other words, you can't get more infinite than infinite!

The character within the game cannot create a new game because everything he does is already part of the original game. Both creating a new game within the game and trying to understand the game he's in are possibile actions within the Infinite Game!


Am I making sense?

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