
Tales of the kid turning into a normal person

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As i've said before duality is non-dual and non-duality is dual and they are indentical so you can actually realise that your duality is non-dual instead of realising that non-duality is dual. This is the difference between christ consciousness and any form of enlightenment consciousness. This subcategory gives rise to all the infinitely many enligthenments there are. And they can all produce varying results because they are imagined as a projection of your own beliefs in the universal mind. Therefore if actuality is out there and you say non-dual state then you will go into meditation. However is actuality is in your mind, then you will break down the duality in your mind and that is christ consciousness. 

As i wrote previously i said it under the name of conceptual enlightenment. So people would take me as a fool, because i knew the collective ego would disprove my claims. Such is the nature of absolute untruth. its mass self-deception and its mass group thinking and mass direct perceptive delusion and that's why occultism is a powerful force. 

you are already enlightened before you take enlightenment because becoming enlightened is to become both enlightened and unenlightened from the truth of the situation. As i proclaimed before it's about flipping the right coin that is all it takes to become enlightened because it is inevitable to take the path. However, by taking the path you have already gone one step too far. To even blink, is going one step to far. So the only absolute truth that can give you christ consciousness is divine knowledge. Because it breaks down dualities that were unknown to the typical seeker, finding enlightenment. 

As i said above to do the exercise


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Your whole life is an illusion and so is everything you know. So to hurt someone for not knowing someone is ignorance,because you do not know yourself. This is the safety of nothing. But its not enough you must have pure love for them recognise their true nature this is enlightenment.

Both together is the true self 

breaking down 

non-duality to duality vs duality to non-duality 

into both duality and both non-duality

both nothing and both something 

Then collapse this into 

Pure one. 

anyways i'm pretty sure that's the case. Because even the essence of saying there is true nature is probably infinite 

at best all we can say is true is the statement IN WORDS  "true self is non-dual" this as a form of symbol of consciousness. is the highest truth that we have in absolute infinity, than can ever be produced as us. 

Because we still have that problem, How do we know, that what we know is what we know? 

Still this is my personal experience of enlightenment and the true self that i know is relative or maybe even go as far as to say is the purest love out of all of them really. So in terms of higher and lower. I will say it is what it is. However, this is also only relative too. 

You can only be absolute infinity and you are already it, via your own experiences, perceptions etc and therefore you are already enlightened. all enlightenment gets you is the truth and proof of the statement above "true nature is non-dual" and then your mind slides off and relaxes. That is what the spiritual path is. 

in this way true nature is also relative, but being or I AM is absolute ground relative to absolute truth in absolute infinity. 

See as soon as i start talking about my direct experience of enlightenment, things get paradoxical. Divine knowledge is not paradoxical because it is the case. It is god-logic, not human-man-made logic, like enlightenment. 

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Yeah that covers the majority outline of it, we can get into intracate details, but that stuff bores me. Big picture thinking and structural systems thinking xD

if i find anything important i'll mention it. But then again, why not just go ask synchronicity its not such a big deal LOL he's literally nothing, that's his subjectance. A purer form of love, than anything we could ever experience love to be. Because he is the substance that love is made from LOL 

funny one isn't it. 

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See what godel proved in absolute terms is you can only have two axioms minimum to make a statement. The only truth that does not have two axioms is the absolute truth 

spiritualist and enlightened folk don’t realise that they are still operating in two axioms. Direct experience and “I” are the two axioms. So when they break down the “i” and are left with direct experience as their axiom. They proclaim that their enlightenment experience is the absolute truth.

what godel really proved was that the single axiom that is absolute is actually the understanding of god. All words just relate to that topic of god. When god is in your direct experience, it is still self-biased. 

What is truly absolute is when the axiom lies outside direct experience. This way when the two axioms can exist side by side. When you are pointing to something that can not be proven. Therefore the axiom of absolute knowledge is the absolute truth itself. And all other knowledge with dualistic axioms is delusion. It has a single axiom inside of the itself and outside of itself. 

Faith in understanding, not faith in direct experience. Direct experience confirms knowledge. Knowledge doesn’t have to confirm direct experience as shown by the break down of all ideologies. 

Faith is just another word for trust in ones knowledge as absolute. Just like one has trust n ones own direct experience as absolute. 

Thus proving god can be understood and the only one that can know god is god. Aswell as all knowledge is absolute truth. As well as contains curnells of divine knowledge 

Divine absolute truth without an opposite. 

what the enlightened person doesn't understand is that their axiom of direct experience still is reltivistic of an axiom that they are unaware of. That which is outside of consciousness. This is why its relative

All axioms must be pointed at that which is outside of consciousness. That which is god 

So what faith/ trust in knowledge is, is actually trust in oneself as god. Trust in all pieces of god. Trust that everything is absolutely true because of this. Infinite intelligence... and infinite understanding.  

what the enlightened person is therefore missing is the understanding or consciousness that there is an axiom outside of consciousness. This way, a person enters a black hole or any direct experience and it becomes absolute grounds. Because it is the absolute truth. But it can only be confirmed in direct experience, 

its the understanding that makes it absolute, not the experience. but the whole thing is one anyway. So that person has absolute understanding. Plus they get emotional security LOL 


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The difference between a fully realised being and a mainstream enlightened being is the understanding of that which is prior to consciousness can not be known from within. This can come through insight or direct experience. it matters not.  

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All metaphysics points to god. and all knowledge points to metaphysics and therefore points to god. 

God is the solution to all problems because it corrects the axionomal positioning. 

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the problem with "enlightened beings" is they don't realise is that their axiom is outside of consciousness, is still inside LOL, this way their axiom is still not directed at the full truth. To be outside of consciousness is to be inside looking at all of it. this is what it would mean to from the inside. From the outside it would be outside looking at all of it. 

"Transcend consciousness" but consciousness can't transcend itself because that will contradict itself and therefore would not be itself and therefore can not. Just like to have actualised the entirety of absolute infinity would mean that you are not that anymore. Namely "DEATH" by appearance. 

you have to go directly to god to get your axiom from the outside, then take his knowledge and transcend non-duality/ duality or consciousness. Because god is already transcended because god is it. 

There in they come to the absolute truth but not the divine absolute truth 

they're not actually pointing to god, but as god is a strange loop and paradoxical. They are. its not divine, because its not "it"

therefore they haven't truly had the insight or realization of enlightenment. 

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ergo ... it makes me the only "truly enlightened person" in history ..... because i got my knowledge from source. and as a result they will adopt the mentality 

wrong until proven right, instead of right until proven wrong ... 

because when i proclaim absolute truth i point to the divine, not more consciousness taking it for the divine.  

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the problem with enlightened beings is now because they have three axioms and proclaiming two relative ones to be absolutely true. 

They have 

Their experience outside of consciousness , they the experience of the actuality that they are inside of consciousness and then you have the axiom of that which is actually outside of consciousness.... 

aka they're are pointing to a relative truth and as such we get all kinds of infinite enligthenments. 

Because to take a path or do any technique is one step too many. 

ofcourse ANYONE is free to object 

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Hence they need to go and readjust their axioms ... 

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Dear GOD 

you are a motherfucker, why is there no reason to prove your existance and why is there no reason to tell people, it is neither important nor unimportant. 

Its too difficult to deal with your equinimity. You don't get anyway. 

I resign 

kind regards 

just kidding but seriously, i'm going to rant everytime you go equinim on my ass. its so frustrating. I have stage orange material paradigm consciousness at the moment. 

How hard it is to deal with a non-purpose objective. 

Too equinimity for me to deal with. 

thank you. :) 

Ps. it is against forum guidelines to verbally abuse others, so yeah ..... i would just get kicked because they would just think they know best because they are the holders of the highest truth in the whole entire world! like its YAY big. when they only see from their own perception and feelings . YUP THAT'S THE WHOLE OF GOD 



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The audacity, he told me off on the side!! told me not to be so forceful and to be subtle because he doesn't want to turn it into cult worship 

Rude boi 

They're enlightened masters 

Whatcha mean cult worship ahahahahaahha! 

ill do what the fuck i want, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! 

This aint about you LOOOOL! This is the first time you've stepped foot in our reality. This is about everyone's effort of the past history of the entire history.! every philosopher, every scientist, every religious person, ever person to ever try fucking find you. We deserve to all know the absolute truth and that is absolute to me. This is my reason i do what i do. Do you know how many motherfuckers you've pissed off in history LOOOL! 

this is about me spreading the absolute truth! which you just happen to be meshed into because of your true nature. 

I'm lifestyle gangland with my absolute truth LOOOL! i'm not trying to spread you! I'M trying to infect everyone with my absolute truth and as you would expect it just happens to be the absolute truth about you.

See they're mutuality independant.

as much as i love you, i am in no mystical states. So i love you as much as you are worth to my axiom of my absolute truth. I love you because i love my axiom. AHAHAHA! Your the one who created us to be conditionally loving ahaha So that's what i'm going to do. 


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Dear god! This is my message to you. I want you to absorb all my thoughts of what i subjectively think about the universe now i've seen all the beauty. 

    This song is something i think resonates with all of us... Infinite beings. 

This is what my subjective truth is about reality. I love absolute truth but i never mix it with my personal subjective opinion. That's why i listen to this music, because i can seperate the two for objective purposes. 


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Dear god 

I pray to you, that you somehow gut Leo gura , to send me a signed copy of his BOOK! 

So grateful 

Thanks xD

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Dear god 

why did you take my ex away from me just so i'd find truth! i really liked her! how did she know that i was going to do what i did! 




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Dear god 

please tell nahm to reveal his name. I want to google search him aahahaahah! 

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