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Euphoria experience while meditating

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I had an really interesting experience while doing mindfulness with labeling. My heart began to beat really fast. My body began to feel very good and all of the uncomfortable sensation just turend into pleasure. It was like falling into a to really comfortable bad. My body got really warm. I just got this intense feeling of euphoria. It only lasted for 30 sec tho. After this i just placed my awareness on my visual field and everything just looked so beautiful. I almost just wanted to cry for the beauty of everything around me. 

I just wanted to share this experience. Let me know if anyone here has had any similar experience.

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Haven't experienced this in sober meditation yet but sounds like mdma :P

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@Peo I used to have that a lot when I started self inquiry two years ago. It’s only the beginning, but enjoy it.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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@How to be wise Well self inquiry for me is much darker and terrifying. I can have my heart beating fast when i get closser to my true self, but that is fear. Self inquiry is like literally killing yourself. I dont want to say that self inquiry is so pleasant as meditation.

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@Peo On the one hand, it’s a great indicator of a mind and body that let go of attachment and identification. A wonderful glimpse into a state of consciousness. On the other hand, be aware of the mind’s tendency to contextualize the experience and desire to chase the experience. I’ve been there - it is so tempting. Yet I’ve found it best to drop those expectations and desires, let go and be present in the moment. The good news is that there are many flavors of that type of experience and they go much deeper.  

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Great, now try mindfulness without labeling, its even deeper level of presence. The more naked you are, the more you embody.


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