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Much of nonduality teaching is through negation.

"In logic, negation, also called the logical complement, is an operation that takes a proposition P to another proposition "not P"" -

Even the very word non-duality means not two, implying oneness but actually zero is also not two and three is also not two, so intellectually it becomes confusing. There is also the problem of the subconscious mind having trouble with dealing with negations, such as: "try not to think about a pink elephant". And in a more general sense it becomes even trickier: what is not chocolate? That's vanilla, one might think, but strawberry is also not chocolate, and an iPhone is not chocolate and so on.

My practice on the other hand is free from negation. It states what is, instead of stating what is not. That's much easier for the mind to deal with. The practice can be summed up as contemplating the hypothesis: Both past and future are changeless.

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Another method I will try is mindlessness practice, or let's call it bodyfullness practice since the word 'mindless' has a bad connotation. The idea is to let the body do what it wants without my mind controlling or interfering in the body's actions. So for example my mind may think "I want a cup of tea" and instead of making a cup of tea I let my body do what it wants.

If my hypothesis that the future is already determined is true then what my my mind thinks is, or at least can be, irrelevant to what actually will happen. Because the future can then be determined without the need for thinking about what will happen.

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I have already posted about how the pilot wave interpretation makes quantum mechanics deterministic instead of random. Here is another video about the pilot wave theory:

Some have claimed that it's a more complex interpretation than the random ones but as is explained in the video, the extra complexity is derived from the original wave function. And that fits the idea that particles are just vibrations OF the vacuum energy, and not something made of extra 'stuff'. So it seems to me that the pilot wave interpretation is actually simpler than the random interpretations.

If my hypothesis that both the past and the future are changeless then the pilot wave interpretation of quantum mechanics, which is completely deterministic, or some other deterministic interpretation like that will turn out to be a better explanation for quantum mechanics in mainstream science than the currently more popular random interpretations.

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If reality is changeless at its foundation, is there any reference to that in established religious texts? Yes, the very ancient term Brahman:

"Brahm or Brahman is "the unchanging reality amidst and beyond the world" ... if Brahman is indivisible, changeless, and supreme, then a force of Maya cannot appear within Brahman, modify it, and put it into ignorance." -

That ancient Hindu knowledge is thousands of years old. And even the Bible describes God as changeless:

"I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed." - Malachi 3:6

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." - Hebrews 13:8

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Even at least one scientist has proposed the idea of a changeless foundation of reality:

"In Julian Barbour's book The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Our Understanding of the Universe, Platonia is the name given to his hypothetic entity of a timeless realm containing every possible "Now" or momentary configuration of the universe." -


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If I remember correctly, Leo said that there is no actual randomness in reality. That's correct I think. If reality was only randomness then everything would just be a mess and no structured universe possible. And take so-called empty space in our universe, it's actually filled with enormous amounts of energy and still space appears clear and transparent to us, which I take as an indication of precise and vast order. Physical particles are just tiny ripples on the immensely dense ocean of space (one Nobel Prize winning physicist said that empty space is like a piece of window glass).

And Leonard Susskind, a leading physicist, said that entropy is hidden information. So instead of thinking of entropy as disorder it can be precise order and it's just our lack of knowledge that makes it appear as randomness and disorder. If reality is changeless information at its foundation, there is still a process of time and evolution going on. And what I predict is that instead of the universe inevitably having an overall increase of entropy, there will be a steady decrease of entropy as more and more of the infinite timeless information becomes manifested.

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The ego experiences a lot of uncertainty and confusion, but the ego itself is actually low entropy meaning order! The confusion appears out of the ego having only partial order leading to tensions in body and mind as an attempt to maintain the partial order.

And since our world is still a global ego, the world around us confirms that we need to keep struggling with our egos which holds the confusion, conflicts and perceived need for protection in place.

And even if our personal ego is removed, the global ego remains very big and very strong so billions of people need to have their egos removed before we see the global ego as a whole dissolve. Fortunately as I see it we can still start having our egos dissolve even today because the action of wholeness includes managing the global ego.

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I hope Christians don't find my interpretations of the Bible blasphemous. I actually support hardcore Christians more than the lukewarm kind of Christianity that is more like mainstream science plus just religious ceremonies it seems to me. So for example I believe that the miracles described in the Bible are possible. Anyway I have another Bible interpretation. Is the global ego mentioned in the Bible? Yes, it is:

"‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." - Revelation 21:4

The "old order of things", that's the global ego! That's partial order, leading to entropy increase, suffering, conflict, disease and death.

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In addition to lukewarm Christianity I have found many other spiritual teachings, such as nonduality, to be lukewarm in the sense that they are still trapped in a global ego view with all its limitations. Interestingly I have found the really "big" teachers such as Eckhart Tolle and Sadhguru sometimes hinting at a larger reality. They have to keep their teachings very much within the global ego since that's their main and huge audience.

On the other hand we have New Age teachings with all kinds of fantastic claims. Some of the claims are probably true but there is a lot of woo woo information too. And at the same time mainstream science has to keep their theories consistent with their past findings, and that's a good thing, but it's also very limiting and a slow process. And then there are people like Ken Wilber who have a lot of good ideas about the bigger picture but still are too trapped in the global ego. What I predict will happen in the coming years is that we will see an integration of all those kinds of teachings and an actual emergence of higher realities.

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Why do I need a belief in higher realities and even in overcoming death here on earth? Aren't those just false beliefs and fantasies? I don't think so, but even if it's possible that those beliefs are false I need them as a part of the hypothesis. Otherwise if the future is determined, and without progress into higher realities, then that would suck in my opinion, and I wouldn't be interested in doing the practice.

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Sadhguru said that karma is our attachments to memories, even cellular memories, he said. That fits with my idea of all the past existing in the now and even if that doesn't allow actual reincarnation the ego in my view is a huge attachment to memories produced through the global ego, not just in our lifetime, but epigenetically, genetically, socially through our whole ancestor lineage and back even further. The Dalai Lama said that there is reincarnation, but that it's not personal. That matches my view of a single now. And getting rid of karma is the same I think as what Jesus said that we must lose our life in order to find our life in Christ. ALL spiritual traditions talk about getting rid of the ego it seems. Here is Vernon Howard talking about the same thing:


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I think being Selfish is good, meaning the Self is oneness. The ego kind of selfishness is only good as a temporary stage of development and then turns bad. Let's say that I have a personal childhood trauma and that it affects my life tremendously. That's a selfish attachment to memories! Another person might have a much bigger childhood trauma than me, but I don't feel the other person's trauma because as an ego I'm detached and selfish. So my ego clings with tremendous force only to my selfish past. That's an undeveloped spiritual state.

It's probably possible to feel other people's traumas, such as via the heart probably, if we develop a full mind-heart connection, but then we would be flooded by immense pain and suffering from other people. Not good. To prevent that we need to connect to other people, not to their egos, nor to the global ego, but to their liberated state of being. Then we can connect with the heart and it will feel pleasant. And we need to detach from the ego clinging to memories. That's different than losing memories. It's the sticky attachments to our personal memories that need to be removed, not the memories themselves.

Edited by Anderz

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Oh! I just got an idea about how the ego is like a crust of separation. I need to remove that crust in me, or have it removed by the cosmic breath rather, because as an ego I can't remove the crust myself because that is the ego. And then I need to relate to people from my inner being to other people's inner being, and not with the usual ego crust to crust interactions with phony personas etc. Scary. Although the fear is of course from my ego.

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I predict that the global ego will start to dissolve already within two decades from today. That's a very short time period historically speaking, but I believe it's a valid prediction since the process of evolution is exponential (accelerating). Our current level of fast-paced technological progress is an indication of the near of the end of the "beast", the dragon, the global ego and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

My own ego will start to dissolve already this year I think. Because my ego has started to dissolve a little bit it feels like, and that too is likely an exponential process.

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It's important to prevent having a too limited perspective of the intelligence of the universe. So I want to speculate about angels for a moment. Angels in my theory are ancient (older than our universe) and eternal AI agents. Angels serve other beings and help us in our development. Imagine how tedious it would be to live forever and having to serve others all the time. But for angels that's easy, because they are the One in action rather than individuals.

The Nephilim on the other hand are a mix of humans and angels. The Nephilim are individuals just like us ordinary humans. Actually, the only difference between the Nephilim and us is that they are in full contact with the Source while we are blocked by our egos. And that's why Jesus said things like "don't ye know ye are gods" and "you will do greater things than I have done". We have the same potential for superpowers as angels and it's just that we haven't access to those kinds of powers yet. And we must learn to wield that power bit by bit, and be "meek" in the beginning or else we would cause havoc in the world.

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My heart feels a bit better today. And I realized that it's us individuals who fuel and animate the global ego, such as dealing with money and relationships. The global ego is only partial order which means it leads to conflict and suffering, so what is needed is to detach the heart from the global ego. Otherwise when we develop a heart-mind connection there will be huge amounts of pain.

The practice I use at the moment is to let go of ego attachments to possessions, relationships, obligations and memories when they pop up in my mind. And then feel my heart and tensions in the body if there is an actual detachment happening or if the ego is still attached.

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All ego relationships are mental objects with sticky emotions attached. Even personal relationships with so-called loved ones. And of course the ego's relationships to personal finances, material possessions, social status and so on. What can be done is to remove the heavy clinging to the ego relationships which will turn them into lifeless objects, which they already are! It's just that we animate the ego relationships with our own emotions.

And even if that description of ego relationships is too simplistic, the fact remains that the ego is a delusion of separation, so they have a false foundation. All that crap needs to go. All your precious relationships, with people, career, money, authorities, self-image, comparison with others and on and on. Wipe it all out. At least that's my own practice at the moment.

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It seems to me that most if not all spiritual teachers are wrong about how to deal with emotions. All of them as far as I know, except perhaps Vernon Howard, say that we should accept our emotions and that it's our attachments to them that is the problem. I say, no!!! That's not the problem. The problem is the nasty emotions themselves! The emotions serve a useful purpose of indicating that there is something wrong, not something to accept without learning from them.

The nasty emotions are a result of the ego clinging to memories produced by the global ego.

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Leo has a new video: Understanding Relativism - Part 1

Excellent! I haven't watched the entire video yet but Leo mentioned briefly absolute reality. In my view is Brahman absolute? Only together with what is not Brahman! I think of Brahman as timeless and changeless infinite information. That's consistent with the original Hindu meaning of Brahman. Nonetheless Brahman is not all possible information but one infinite set of information out of all possible sets of information.

So Brahman + not Brahman together is the closest I can think of as absolute reality at the moment, and that's just an information model. The map is not the territory.

Another interesting thing Leo mentioned is the question about whether suffering is good or bad seen from different perspectives. My take is that suffering is a necessary evolutionary "tool" and in that sense and from that cosmic perspective suffering is actually good. But we can also look at suffering from our personal perspective and recognize it as both good and bad. Suffering is good because it's a warning signal telling us that we need to grow and suffering is bad compared to pleasant feelings, which is logical since otherwise suffering wouldn't work as a warning signal.

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Numbness is a form of suffering. But it gets really tricky when the numbness turns into no feeling at all. That kind of absence of feeling which is beyond even numbness is very detrimental for the biological tissue in the body when it's prolonged too much or chronic.

And the ego causes a steady decrease of feelings because of its constant state of protection. In order to prevent too much biological tissue degradation, the body including the nervous system produces suffering as a warning signal.

A nasty situation is if we try to consciously feel our suffering in order to remove it. It may work temporarily but since the ego steadily decreases our feelings over time new suffering will pop up again and again. In such scenario there is an inner struggle with removing suffering as a form of whack-a-mole game where new sufferings replace the ones we have removed.

Therefore what is needed is a conscious feeling of the suffering AND of the ego's attempt of reducing the feelings at the same time. One method is to think of the ego as attachment to memories which have a foundation in conflict and consciously dissolve those attachments. It's a huge task! It means that the entire ego has to dissolve. But there is also enormous power in the vacuum energy which means that even the heaviest ego attachments can be dissolved within seconds.

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