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The root cause of my helplessness discovered!!

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This is how i discovered the root cause of my helplessness, maybe it can help you to find the root of whatever problem you have.

I was sitting and watching a video, when i noticed my brother listening to what i was watching, i kept watching for a few seconds and then stopped the video, i noticed im doing that quet often, stopping doing something when someone gets interested in it. I asked myselve why is that? I said to myselve its because others dont care for what i have to say. I immediatly asked myselve where does this belief come from? And for some time now i'm doing inner child work, so my mind immediatly jumped to my childhood. I remembered myselve as a baby, crying, and nobody giving me any attention, in fact trying to shut me up, and denying me. The moment i remembered that i started to feel this deep helplesness, as though that was the first time in my life that i ever felt it.  I dont even know how i can remember that, but i just did. This is HUGE for me, all my life i felt helpless around other people, i tried to solve this problem for i dont know how long. And just the thought that this might be the root cause blows my mind :D  Hope this can be helpfull to some, for finding the cause of their problem :D

Edited by Wekz

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The awareness of the unconscious action lead to your questioning and an answer was given! 

?  ?? 

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That's a nice insight. 

Can you write a clear and concise sentence that defines "the root cause of your helplessness"?

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@DrewNows yep, i started to do that quet often lately, always when something would distress me i would try to remember into my childhood, what has someone told me, how did i respond, and how did it make me feel. And it started to play off :D

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@Wekz  Have you seen the latest video? Leo goes more in-depth into this. :) 

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@Gabriel Antonio a subcouncious mechanism that would trigger and make me feel helpless every time a new experience resembles the one in the past.?

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@bejapuskas Not yet, but i look forward to :)

Edited by Wekz

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