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maxium fully let go present moment

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in weightlifting, you have the highest weight you can lift
lifting more than that wasn't optimal. ( cause your body only can do that much in that particular day)

but the problem is in lifting we got LBS which is how much weight you lifting
same with let go of present moment (i think )

how deep can that "one" go ?

however you shouldn't stop learning till it over

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@phllip103 Well the direct experience of the Self deepens and deepen to no end from afaik. As for the weightlifting analogy, it actually works very well with regards to energy. That is of course dependent on whether or not you have an animated Kundalini. But anyhow, there are always limits to how much of the energy your physical system can handle, and much like weightlifting, prolonged exposure will increase your tolerance. Unlike weightlifting however, i don't think there is a hard limit.

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